abstract class %CSP.UI.Portal.Dialog.WizardTemplate extends %CSP.Portal.standardDialog
Wizard style template for System Management Portal.Zen-based SMP wizard dialogs with multiple pages extend this class.
Property Inventory
Method Inventory
- %DrawTitle()
- IsEnabled()
- canFinish()
- canGoBack()
- canGoNext()
- formValidationHandler()
- hasMultiplePages()
- nextPage()
- onfinishHandler()
- onkeydownHandler()
- onloadHandler()
- onstartHandler()
- previousPage()
- showDocumentation()
- showHelp()
- updateState()
- validateRequired()
parameter AUTONS = 1;
If $NAMESPACE is set, auto switch namespace
parameter HELPID;
DOCBOOK Topic Id that offers help for this template.
Title of the template to show in the template window.
property helpId as %ZEN.Datatype.string [ InitialExpression = ..#HELPID ];
DocBook topic id used to show help for this template.
Property methods: helpIdDisplayToLogical(), helpIdGet(), helpIdIsValid(), helpIdLogicalToDisplay(), helpIdLogicalToOdbc(), helpIdNormalize(), helpIdSet()
Provide HTML for standard template html title box.
classmethod IsEnabled() as %Boolean
Return false from this method to disable this template (for example based on the server platform)
clientmethod canFinish() [ Language = javascript ]
Return true if this template can Finish (i.e., enable
the Finish button).
This is implemented by subclasses.
This is implemented by subclasses.
clientmethod canGoBack() [ Language = javascript ]
Return true if this template can go to the previous page (i.e., enable
the Back button).
This is implemented by subclasses.
This is implemented by subclasses.
clientmethod canGoNext() [ Language = javascript ]
Return true if this template can go to the next page (i.e., enable
the Next button).
This is implemented by subclasses.
This is implemented by subclasses.
clientmethod formValidationHandler() [ Language = javascript ]
Validation handler for form built-into template.
clientmethod hasMultiplePages() [ Language = javascript ]
Return true if this template has more than one "page".
This will display Back and Next buttons.
This is implemented by subclasses.
clientmethod nextPage() [ Language = javascript ]
Go to the next page of the template (if there is one).
This is implemented by subclasses.
This is implemented by subclasses.
clientmethod onfinishHandler() [ Language = javascript ]
This is called when the template is finished;
clientmethod onkeydownHandler(evt) [ Language = javascript ]
This client event, if present, is fired when a keydown event occurs on the page.
clientmethod onloadHandler() [ Language = javascript ]
This client event, if present, is fired when the page is loaded.
clientmethod onstartHandler() [ Language = javascript ]
This is called when the template is first displayed;
This provides a chance to set focus etc.
clientmethod previousPage() [ Language = javascript ]
Go to the previous page of the template (if there is one).
This is implemented by subclasses.
This is implemented by subclasses.
clientmethod showDocumentation(topic) [ Language = javascript ]
Open a browser window to show documentation.
clientmethod showHelp() [ Language = javascript ]
Show the help message for this template.
This opens a browser and goes to the DocBook application
using the value given by helpId.
clientmethod updateState() [ Language = javascript ]
Update the state of the template buttons.
Subclasses should call this method when they need to
update the state of the footer buttons.
clientmethod validateRequired(ctl, pass, type, checkRange, minVal, maxVal) as %Boolean [ Language = javascript ]
Validate the control value. pass is either "true" or "false" indicating if there is already a field that failed validation.
Type is "N" for numeric or "S" for string. If numeric, if checkRange is true, we additionally validate that the number is
between minVal and maxVal, inclusive.
Inherited Members
Inherited Properties
- %condition
- %import
- %includeFiles
- %page
- %resource
- FirstFailed
- InvalidParam
- IsEMSReadOnly
- ValidationErrorMsg
- align
- aux
- backgroundTimerInterval
- cellAlign
- cellSize
- cellStyle
- cellVAlign
- children
- composite
- containerStyle
- cssLevel
- dialogTitle
- disabled
- disabledStyle
- dragAndDrop
- dragEnabled
- dropEnabled
- enclosingClass
- enclosingStyle
- error
- groupClass
- groupStyle
- height
- hidden
- hideApplyButton
- hideCancelButton
- hint
- hintClass
- hintStyle
- id
- index
- label
- labelClass
- labelDisabledClass
- labelPosition
- labelStyle
- layout
- name
- onafterdrag
- onbeforedrag
- onclick
- ondrag
- ondrop
- onhide
- onrefresh
- onshow
- onupdate
- parent
- showLabel
- slice
- title
- tuple
- useSVG
- useSoftModals
- valign
- visible
- width
- window
- zenPersistentPopup
Inherited Methods
- %AddChild()
- %AddChildAfter()
- %AddChildBefore()
- %AddComponent()
- %AddImportedComponents()
- %AddToSaveSet()
- %ApplyURLParms()
- %Attr()
- %BindExport()
- %ClassIsLatestVersion()
- %ClassName()
- %ConstructClone()
- %DispatchClassMethod()
- %DispatchGetModified()
- %DispatchGetProperty()
- %DispatchMethod()
- %DispatchSetModified()
- %DispatchSetMultidimProperty()
- %DispatchSetProperty()
- %DrawAutoLogout()
- %DrawClassDefinitions()
- %DrawComponentHTML()
- %DrawHTML()
- %DrawHTMLPage()
- %DrawJSStrings()
- %DrawObjectDefinitions()
- %EnclosingDivId()
- %EndBackgroundMethod()
- %EndScript()
- %Eval()
- %EvalC()
- %Extends()
- %ForceClientRender()
- %GetChildIndex()
- %GetComponent()
- %GetComponentById()
- %GetComponentByName()
- %GetEventHandlers()
- %GetLinks()
- %GetPageName()
- %GetParameter()
- %GetValueById()
- %GetValueByName()
- %GetXMLName()
- %IsA()
- %IsModified()
- %Link()
- %LinkCSS()
- %LinkScript()
- %MakeId()
- %New()
- %NormalizeObject()
- %ObjectModified()
- %OnAddToPageAfter()
- %OnAddToPageBefore()
- %OnAfterCreatePage()
- %OnBeforeCreatePage()
- %OnCreateApplication()
- %OnCreatePage()
- %OnDetermineCSSLevel()
- %OnDrawEnclosingDiv()
- %OnDrawHTMLBody()
- %OnDrawHTMLHead()
- %OnDrawHTMLMeta()
- %OnDrawObjectProperties()
- %OnFinishBackgroundTask()
- %OnGetSubtitle()
- %OnGetTitle()
- %OnMonitorBackgroundTask()
- %OnMutateChildren()
- %OnObjectSynch()
- %OnPreHTTP()
- %OnSubmit()
- %OnUseSoftModals()
- %OnZENDeserialize()
- %OriginalNamespace()
- %PackageName()
- %QuoteValue()
- %QuoteValueL10N()
- %RemoveChild()
- %RemoveChildren()
- %RemoveComponent()
- %RemoveFromSaveSet()
- %RunBackgroundMethod()
- %Self()
- %SerializeObject()
- %SetBackgroundMethodStatus()
- %SetErrorById()
- %SetErrorByName()
- %SetModified()
- %SetValueById()
- %SetValueByName()
- %SetValuesByName()
- %StartScript()
- %ValidateObject()
- %ZENVersion()
- ConvertParameter()
- Decrypt()
- Encrypt()
- EscapeHTML()
- EscapeURL()
- EvalResult()
- HyperEventCall()
- HyperEventHead()
- Include()
- InsertHiddenField()
- InsertHiddenFields()
- IsPrivate()
- JavaInstalled()
- Link()
- OnHTTPHeader()
- OnPage()
- OnPageError()
- OnPostHTTP()
- OnPostHyperEvent()
- OnPreHTTP()
- OnPreHyperEvent()
- Page()
- QuoteJS()
- RewriteURL()
- ShowError()
- StartTimer()
- StopTimer()
- ThrowError()
- UnescapeHTML()
- UnescapeURL()
- XMLExport()
- XMLExportToStream()
- XMLExportToString()
- XMLNew()
- XMLSchema()
- XMLSchemaNamespace()
- XMLSchemaType()
- addChild()
- addChildAfter()
- addChildBefore()
- adjustSize()
- btnApply()
- btnOK()
- cancelPopup()
- childrenMutated()
- correctIELayering()
- createComponent()
- createComponentNS()
- ctrlKeyDown()
- deleteComponent()
- dialogApply()
- dialogCancel()
- dialogFinish()
- dialogTitleGet()
- disableButtons()
- dragFinishHandler()
- dragHandler()
- dragNotifyHandler()
- dragStartHandler()
- dropHandler()
- dropStartHandler()
- endModal()
- exposeComponent()
- findElement()
- fireOnResizeEvent()
- fireOnUnloadEvent()
- fireOnUpdateEvent()
- firePopupAction()
- getChildIndex()
- getComponent()
- getComponentById()
- getDialogValue()
- getEnclosingDiv()
- getHidden()
- getHintElement()
- getLabelElement()
- getOpener()
- getProperty()
- getSettings()
- getType()
- gotoPage()
- invokeSuper()
- isOfType()
- launchPopupWindow()
- makeId()
- onCreate()
- onDelete()
- onDisplayHandler()
- onEndModalHandler()
- onPopupAction()
- onRefreshContents()
- onSerialize()
- onServerMethodCall()
- onServerMethodError()
- onServerMethodReturn()
- onStartModalHandler()
- ondialogCancel()
- ondialogFinish()
- ondialogStart()
- ondisabledHandler()
- onhandleAutoLogoutWarn()
- onkeyupHandler()
- onlayoutHandler()
- onlogoutHandler()
- onoverlayHandler()
- onresizeHandler()
- onunloadHandler()
- onupdateHandler()
- popupActionHandler()
- refreshContents()
- removeChild()
- render()
- renderContents()
- renderSVG()
- resetMsg()
- setComponentId()
- setHidden()
- setOverlayMode()
- setProperty()
- setPropertyAll()
- setTraceOption()
- showMsg()
- startModal()
- startProgressBar()
- stopProgressBar()
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Background.Dialog.TaskInfo
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Dialog.ArchiveWizard
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Dialog.Broadcast
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Dialog.Compile
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Dialog.DBMirrorAdd
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Dialog.DatabaseDelete
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Dialog.DatabaseWizard
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Dialog.ECPDataServer
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Dialog.Export
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Dialog.ExportResource
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Dialog.Import
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Dialog.Integ
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Dialog.IntegLog
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Dialog.NamespaceDelete
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Dialog.ProcessTerminate
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Dialog.RemoteDatabase
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Dialog.Resource
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Dialog.RoleResourceEdit
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Dialog.SQLReportGenerator
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Dialog.SQLStatementDetails
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Dialog.SQLTuneTables
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Dialog.SQLView
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Dialog.Service
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Dialog.ShadowDBMapping
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Mirror.Dialog.AsyncEdit
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Mirror.Dialog.AsyncRemoveConfig
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Mirror.Dialog.AsyncStopTracking
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Mirror.Dialog.EditFilter
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Mirror.Dialog.FailoverRemoveConfig
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Mirror.Dialog.FailoverRemoveOthers
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Mirror.Dialog.JoinNewMember
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Mirror.Dialog.NodeAddressEdit
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Mirror.Dialog.RemoveLocalConfig
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Mirror.Dialog.SSL
- %CSP.UI.Portal.SQL.ExportStatement
- %CSP.UI.Portal.SQL.ImportStatement
- %CSP.UI.Portal.SQL.QButtons.RuntimeStatsSettings
- %CSP.UI.Portal.Sharding.Dialog.Rebalance
- %iKnow.UI.Dialog.CreateUserDictionaryEntry
- %iKnow.UI.Dialog.addDomain
- %iKnow.UI.Dialog.dropDomain