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class HS.BulkFHIR.API.Data.Config extends %Library.RegisteredObject, %JSON.Adaptor

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property auth_adapter as %String (MAXLEN = 220) [ Required ];
Name of the auth adapter to use for authenticating and authorizing clients to interact with the Bulk FHIR coordinator
Property methods: auth_adapterDisplayToLogical(), auth_adapterGet(), auth_adapterIsValid(), auth_adapterLogicalToDisplay(), auth_adapterLogicalToOdbc(), auth_adapterNormalize(), auth_adapterSet()
property auth_config as HS.BulkFHIR.API.Data.AdapterConfig (%JSONINCLUDE = "OUTPUTONLY") [ Required ];
Configuration object for the auth adapter. The schema for this object will be defined by the auth adapter itself.
Property methods: auth_configGet(), auth_configGetSwizzled(), auth_configIsValid(), auth_configNewObject(), auth_configSet()
property authorized_users as list of %String;
Non-administrative users who are permitted to initiate exports on this configuration
Property methods: authorized_usersBuildValueArray(), authorized_usersCollectionToDisplay(), authorized_usersCollectionToOdbc(), authorized_usersDisplayToCollection(), authorized_usersDisplayToLogical(), authorized_usersGet(), authorized_usersGetObject(), authorized_usersGetObjectId(), authorized_usersGetSwizzled(), authorized_usersIsValid(), authorized_usersLogicalToDisplay(), authorized_usersLogicalToOdbc(), authorized_usersNormalize(), authorized_usersOdbcToCollection(), authorized_usersSet(), authorized_usersSetObject(), authorized_usersSetObjectId()
property auto_start as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 1 , Required ];
Flag indicating whether export jobs will be started as soon as they come in, or if they require manual approval.
Property methods: auto_startDisplayToLogical(), auto_startGet(), auto_startIsValid(), auto_startLogicalToDisplay(), auto_startNormalize(), auto_startSet()
property capability_statement as %String);
Capability statement of resource server
Property methods: capability_statementDisplayToLogical(), capability_statementGet(), capability_statementIsValid(), capability_statementLogicalToDisplay(), capability_statementLogicalToOdbc(), capability_statementNormalize(), capability_statementSet()
property core_fhir_package as %String (MAXLEN = 100);
FHIR package id for this Coordinator. Eg. "hl7.fhir.r4.core@4.0.1"
Property methods: core_fhir_packageDisplayToLogical(), core_fhir_packageGet(), core_fhir_packageIsValid(), core_fhir_packageLogicalToDisplay(), core_fhir_packageLogicalToOdbc(), core_fhir_packageNormalize(), core_fhir_packageSet()
property endpoint_url as %String (MAXLEN = 250) [ Required ];
Relative url to host the Bulk FHIR Coordinator from. Eg. "/bulkfhir/r4"
Property methods: endpoint_urlDisplayToLogical(), endpoint_urlGet(), endpoint_urlIsValid(), endpoint_urlLogicalToDisplay(), endpoint_urlLogicalToOdbc(), endpoint_urlNormalize(), endpoint_urlSet()
property expire_after_mins as %Integer (MINVAL = 0) [ InitialExpression = 1440 , Required ];
How many minutes after the export is completed before the files are deemed expired, and may be deleted.
Property methods: expire_after_minsDisplayToLogical(), expire_after_minsGet(), expire_after_minsIsValid(), expire_after_minsLogicalToDisplay(), expire_after_minsNormalize(), expire_after_minsSet(), expire_after_minsXSDToLogical()
property fetch_adapter as %String (MAXLEN = 220) [ Required ];
Name of the fetch adapter to use in retreiving clinical data as FHIR.
Property methods: fetch_adapterDisplayToLogical(), fetch_adapterGet(), fetch_adapterIsValid(), fetch_adapterLogicalToDisplay(), fetch_adapterLogicalToOdbc(), fetch_adapterNormalize(), fetch_adapterSet()
property fetch_config as HS.BulkFHIR.API.Data.AdapterConfig (%JSONINCLUDE = "OUTPUTONLY") [ Required ];
Configuration object for the fetch adapter. The schema for this object will be defined by the fetch adapter itself.
Property methods: fetch_configGet(), fetch_configGetSwizzled(), fetch_configIsValid(), fetch_configNewObject(), fetch_configSet()
property flush_interval_mins as %Integer (MINVAL = 0) [ InitialExpression = 60 , Required ];
Approximate maximum number of minutes resources can be buffered before a flush to the storage adapter is forced
Property methods: flush_interval_minsDisplayToLogical(), flush_interval_minsGet(), flush_interval_minsIsValid(), flush_interval_minsLogicalToDisplay(), flush_interval_minsNormalize(), flush_interval_minsSet(), flush_interval_minsXSDToLogical()
property group_export as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 1 , Required ];
Whether the Group export operation (/Group//$export) is supported
Property methods: group_exportDisplayToLogical(), group_exportGet(), group_exportIsValid(), group_exportLogicalToDisplay(), group_exportNormalize(), group_exportSet()
property max_file_size as %Integer (MINVAL = 1) [ InitialExpression = 1000000000 , Required ];
Maximum size (in bytes) any file will be exported as. Note that this cannot be honored if a single resource is larger than this value.
Property methods: max_file_sizeDisplayToLogical(), max_file_sizeGet(), max_file_sizeIsValid(), max_file_sizeLogicalToDisplay(), max_file_sizeNormalize(), max_file_sizeSet(), max_file_sizeXSDToLogical()
property name as %String [ Required ];
Name for this Bulk FHIR Coordinator. Will be used as the value in the Coordinator's CapabilityStatement name.
Property methods: nameDisplayToLogical(), nameGet(), nameIsValid(), nameLogicalToDisplay(), nameLogicalToOdbc(), nameNormalize(), nameSet()
property patient_export as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 1 , Required ];
Whether the Patient export operation (/Patient/$export) is supported
Property methods: patient_exportDisplayToLogical(), patient_exportGet(), patient_exportIsValid(), patient_exportLogicalToDisplay(), patient_exportNormalize(), patient_exportSet()
property storage_adapter as %String (MAXLEN = 220) [ Required ];
Name of the storage adapter to use for persisting files generated during the bulk export operation.
Property methods: storage_adapterDisplayToLogical(), storage_adapterGet(), storage_adapterIsValid(), storage_adapterLogicalToDisplay(), storage_adapterLogicalToOdbc(), storage_adapterNormalize(), storage_adapterSet()
property storage_config as HS.BulkFHIR.API.Data.AdapterConfig (%JSONINCLUDE = "OUTPUTONLY") [ Required ];
Configuration object for the storage adapter. The schema for this object will be defined by the storage adapter itself.
Property methods: storage_configGet(), storage_configGetSwizzled(), storage_configIsValid(), storage_configNewObject(), storage_configSet()
property system_export as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 1 , Required ];
Whether the system level export operation (/$export) is supported
Property methods: system_exportDisplayToLogical(), system_exportGet(), system_exportIsValid(), system_exportLogicalToDisplay(), system_exportNormalize(), system_exportSet()
property working_directory as %String (MAXLEN = 512) [ InitialExpression = ##class(%Library.File).NormalizeDirectory($system.Util.ManagerDirectory()_"Temp/BulkFHIR/"_$namespace) ];
Directory where temporary files will be stored before being passed to the storage file adapter
Property methods: working_directoryDisplayToLogical(), working_directoryGet(), working_directoryIsValid(), working_directoryLogicalToDisplay(), working_directoryLogicalToOdbc(), working_directoryNormalize(), working_directorySet()


method %OnValidateObject() as %Status
Inherited description: This callback method is invoked by the %ValidateObject() method to provide notification that the current object is being validated.

If this method returns an error then %ValidateObject() will fail.

classmethod FromJson(json) as HS.BulkFHIR.API.Data.Config
@API Converts a json string or %DynamicObject into an instance of the config object

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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