class HS.BulkFHIR.Installer extends HS.BulkFHIR.Util.Security
Method Inventory
- AddSQLProceduresToRole()
- CSPAppExists()
- CleanupOutstandingEndpoints()
- Configure()
- Export()
- GetResourceServerMetadata()
- SetHttpTimeoutDefault()
- ValidateConfigure()
classmethod AddSQLProceduresToRole(pNamespace As %String, pRole As %String, pSQLProceduresList As %List)
classmethod CSPAppExists(pCSPApp, ByRef pAppObj, ByRef pSC) as %Boolean
classmethod CleanupOutstandingEndpoints()
Called by ExpireTask which runs hourly to cleanup any endpoints from
^HS.BFC.AppsToDelete(type,endpoint)=queued time by checking to see if the endpoint is stil in use
classmethod Configure(pBFCconfig As HS.BulkFHIR.API.Data.Config)
Configures/re-configures a Bulk FHIR Coordinator
in the current namespace
@Input pBFCconfig configuration object containing the settings, adapters,
and adapter configurations needed to set up a Bulk FHIR
Coordinator. May either be an instance of Data.Config,
or a %DynamicObject
classmethod Export(pBFCurl As %String) as HS.BulkFHIR.API.Data.Config
Returns the configuration definition currently in use for the BFC
classmethod GetResourceServerMetadata(pURL As %String, Output pMetadata As %DynamicObject, pSSLConfiguration As %String = "") as %String
Set the local namespace default for %Net.HttpRequest Timeout.
Must explicitly state to override existing value if any.
classmethod ValidateConfigure(config As %RegisteredObject, requiredClassname As %String)
Logic shared across all Configure methods to validate the config object and ensure
the configuration changes should be allowed to take place.