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persistent class HS.BulkFHIR.Session extends %Library.Persistent, HS.BulkFHIR.Util

SQL Table Name: HS_BulkFHIR.Session

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property client as %String (MAXLEN = 300);
Name of the client making the request (username or client id)
Property methods: clientDisplayToLogical(), clientGet(), clientGetStored(), clientIsValid(), clientLogicalToDisplay(), clientLogicalToOdbc(), clientNormalize(), clientSet()
property completionTime as %TimeStamp;
The time when a session reached a final state (complete, terminated).
Property methods: completionTimeDisplayToLogical(), completionTimeGet(), completionTimeGetStored(), completionTimeIsValid(), completionTimeLogicalToDisplay(), completionTimeNormalize(), completionTimeOdbcToLogical(), completionTimeSet()
property config as %DynamicObject;
Copy of BulkFHIR configuration at time session started (in dynamic object format)
Property methods: configGet(), configGetObject(), configGetObjectId(), configGetStored(), configGetSwizzled(), configIsValid(), configNewObject(), configSet(), configSetObject(), configSetObjectId(), configUnSwizzle()
property configuration as HS.BulkFHIR.API.Data.Config [ Calculated ];
calculated property to return parsed configuration
property errorCount as %Integer;
How many errors are included in this export operation
Property methods: errorCountDisplayToLogical(), errorCountGet(), errorCountGetStored(), errorCountIsValid(), errorCountLogicalToDisplay(), errorCountNormalize(), errorCountSet()
property expiresTime as %TimeStamp;
The time when a session will be deemed expired and files may be purged
Property methods: expiresTimeDisplayToLogical(), expiresTimeGet(), expiresTimeGetStored(), expiresTimeIsValid(), expiresTimeLogicalToDisplay(), expiresTimeNormalize(), expiresTimeOdbcToLogical(), expiresTimeSet()
property exportSize as %Integer;
How large (in bytes) the contents of the export operation are
Property methods: exportSizeDisplayToLogical(), exportSizeGet(), exportSizeGetStored(), exportSizeIsValid(), exportSizeLogicalToDisplay(), exportSizeNormalize(), exportSizeSet()
property fetchTokenInfo as %DynamicObject;
%DynamicObject of information to be used as part of access token request to the resource server during export processing.
Property methods: fetchTokenInfoGet(), fetchTokenInfoGetObject(), fetchTokenInfoGetObjectId(), fetchTokenInfoGetStored(), fetchTokenInfoGetSwizzled(), fetchTokenInfoIsValid(), fetchTokenInfoNewObject(), fetchTokenInfoSet(), fetchTokenInfoSetObject(), fetchTokenInfoSetObjectId(), fetchTokenInfoUnSwizzle()
property fileEndpoint as %String (MAXLEN = 512);
Property methods: fileEndpointDisplayToLogical(), fileEndpointGet(), fileEndpointGetStored(), fileEndpointIsValid(), fileEndpointLogicalToDisplay(), fileEndpointLogicalToOdbc(), fileEndpointNormalize(), fileEndpointSet()
property purged as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Whether the files for this session have been successfully purged, either due to its early termination or expiration window passing.
Property methods: purgedDisplayToLogical(), purgedGet(), purgedGetStored(), purgedIsValid(), purgedLogicalToDisplay(), purgedNormalize(), purgedSet()
property request as HS.FHIRServer.API.Data.Request;
Property methods: requestGet(), requestGetObject(), requestGetObjectId(), requestGetStored(), requestGetSwizzled(), requestIsEmpty(), requestIsValid(), requestNewObject(), requestSet(), requestSetObject(), requestSetObjectId(), requestUnSwizzle()
property requestTime as %TimeStamp [ InitialExpression = $zdt($zts, 3) ];
A collection of url's (stored items) storing the resourceType, count, and size $lb(type, count, size) Similar to the collection of links but a collection of error files, url for the item with type, count and size $lb(type, count, size) The time when the export operation was requested.
Property methods: requestTimeDisplayToLogical(), requestTimeGet(), requestTimeGetStored(), requestTimeIsValid(), requestTimeLogicalToDisplay(), requestTimeNormalize(), requestTimeOdbcToLogical(), requestTimeSet()
property requestUrl as %String (MAXLEN = 500);
Full url containing the request made by the client
Property methods: requestUrlDisplayToLogical(), requestUrlGet(), requestUrlGetStored(), requestUrlIsValid(), requestUrlLogicalToDisplay(), requestUrlLogicalToOdbc(), requestUrlNormalize(), requestUrlSet()
property resourceCount as %Integer;
How many resources are included in this export operation
Property methods: resourceCountDisplayToLogical(), resourceCountGet(), resourceCountGetStored(), resourceCountIsValid(), resourceCountLogicalToDisplay(), resourceCountNormalize(), resourceCountSet()
property sessionId as %String [ Transient ];
backward compatible for UI
Property methods: sessionIdCompute(), sessionIdDisplayToLogical(), sessionIdIsValid(), sessionIdLogicalToDisplay(), sessionIdLogicalToOdbc(), sessionIdNormalize(), sessionIdSQLCompute(), sessionIdSet(), sessionIdSetT()
property sinceSeconds as %Decimal [ InitialExpression = 0.0 ];
"_since" requestUrl parameter value, expressed as number of seconds since $Horolog 0, in UTC time.
Property methods: sinceSecondsDisplayToLogical(), sinceSecondsGet(), sinceSecondsGetStored(), sinceSecondsIsValid(), sinceSecondsLogicalToDisplay(), sinceSecondsNormalize(), sinceSecondsSet()
property status as %String (VALUELIST = ",pending,in-progress,error,complete,terminated,") [ InitialExpression = "pending" ];
Status of the operation. "pending" is the initial state and is used when the job has been requested but isn't actively being worked on (either waiting or paused) "in-progress" represents a job that's actively being worked on, and may transition to any of the other statuses (ie. may be paused, may finish, may error out). "complete" is a terminal status representing an export operation that has finished without error "terminated" is a terminal status representing an export operation that was stopped before it could finish, either by client request or by fatal error.
Property methods: statusDisplayToLogical(), statusGet(), statusGetStored(), statusIsValid(), statusLogicalToDisplay(), statusLogicalToOdbc(), statusNormalize(), statusSet()
property terminatedReason as %String);
If the session was terminated before it could be completed, a description (or error text) of why that occurred.
Property methods: terminatedReasonDisplayToLogical(), terminatedReasonGet(), terminatedReasonGetStored(), terminatedReasonIsValid(), terminatedReasonLogicalToDisplay(), terminatedReasonLogicalToOdbc(), terminatedReasonNormalize(), terminatedReasonSet()
property tokenInfo as %DynamicObject;
%DynamicObject of Bulk FHIR endpoint request access token properties to make available for reference during export processing.
Property methods: tokenInfoGet(), tokenInfoGetObject(), tokenInfoGetObjectId(), tokenInfoGetStored(), tokenInfoGetSwizzled(), tokenInfoIsValid(), tokenInfoNewObject(), tokenInfoSet(), tokenInfoSetObject(), tokenInfoSetObjectId(), tokenInfoUnSwizzle()
property transactionTime as %TimeStamp;
The time when the export operation first began. This may be different from the time the request was made, if jobs aren't auto-started.
Property methods: transactionTimeDisplayToLogical(), transactionTimeGet(), transactionTimeGetStored(), transactionTimeIsValid(), transactionTimeLogicalToDisplay(), transactionTimeNormalize(), transactionTimeOdbcToLogical(), transactionTimeSet()
property transactionTimeSeconds as %Decimal [ InitialExpression = 0.0 ];
transactionTime, expressed as number of seconds since $Horolog 0, in UTC time.
Property methods: transactionTimeSecondsDisplayToLogical(), transactionTimeSecondsGet(), transactionTimeSecondsGetStored(), transactionTimeSecondsIsValid(), transactionTimeSecondsLogicalToDisplay(), transactionTimeSecondsNormalize(), transactionTimeSecondsSet()


method Complete(expiresAfterMins As %Integer)
classmethod GetExpiredSessions() as %ListOfObjects
@API Returns all sessions, optionally filtered by status, sorted by when the request was initially made
classmethod GetSessions(status As %String = "", pEndpoint As %String = "", pPurged As %Boolean = "", pFileEndpoint As %String = "") as %ListOfObjects
@API Returns all sessions, optionally filtered by status, sorted by when the request was initially made
classmethod LinkPatient(pSession As HS.BulkFHIR.Session, pPatientId As %String)
Utility to indicate a patient id was accessed in this export operation This utility calls a SQL stored procedure to file the data (so that the permissions can be granted to UnknownUser)
method Pause()
method SafeSave() as %Status
if we don't remove the paramters we end up with a %GetSerial+1^%Library.ListOfObjects.1
method Start()
method Terminate(reason As %Status, expiresAfterMins)
method ToJsonOutput(pBaseUrl As %String = "") as %DynamicObject
Using the specified full base url, plus current session object properties, generate and return the "status Complete" response content object.
method configurationGet() as HS.BulkFHIR.API.Data.Config
classmethod getBySessionId(pSessionId As %String) as HS.BulkFHIR.Session
method sessionIdGet() as %String


index (IDKEY on ) [IdKey, Type = key];
Index methods: IDKEYCheck(), IDKEYDelete(), IDKEYExists(), IDKEYOpen(), IDKEYSQLCheckUnique(), IDKEYSQLExists(), IDKEYSQLFindPKeyByConstraint(), IDKEYSQLFindRowIDByConstraint()
index (clientIdx on client);
Index methods: clientIdxExists()
index (fileEndpointIdx on fileEndpoint);
Index methods: fileEndpointIdxExists()
index (purgedIdx on purged,expiresTime);
Index methods: purgedIdxExists()
index (sessionApplicationIdx on request.SessionApplication);
Index methods: sessionApplicationIdxExists()
index (statusIdx on status,requestTime);
Index methods: statusIdxExists()

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


Storage Model: Storage (HS.BulkFHIR.Session)


Storage Model: Storage (HS.BulkFHIR.Session)


Storage Model: Storage (HS.BulkFHIR.Session)


Storage Model: Storage (HS.BulkFHIR.Session)

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