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class HS.BulkFHIR.UI.REST.v1 extends HS.BulkFHIR.UI.RestHandler

Base REST API implementation class for Bulk FHIR User Interface

Method Inventory


classmethod DeleteConfig() as %Status
Handler for DELETE /config?_config:name Delete Bulk FHIR config
classmethod GetAdapterProperties(pAdapterName) as %Library.DynamicObject
Returns information about properties of a particular configured Bulk FHIR adapters
classmethod GetAdapters(pAdapterClassName) as %Library.DynamicObject
Returns information about configured Bulk FHIR adapters in the current namespace
classmethod GetConfigs() as %Status
Handler for GET /configs Returns a list of configured Bulk FHIR controllers in the namespace
classmethod GetCredentials() as %Library.DynamicObject
Returns information about configured credentials in the current namespace
classmethod GetFile(pSessionId As %String, pFileName As %String) as %Status
Handler for GET /file Returns an exported file content via Storage Adapter
classmethod GetJSONConfig(pBFCEndpointName) as %Library.DynamicObject
Returns information about a particular Bulk FHIR controller without capability_statement
classmethod GetJSONConfigs() as %Library.DynamicObject
Returns a list of configured Bulk FHIR controllers in the namespace
classmethod GetJSONMetadata() as %Library.DynamicObject
Returns information about current namespace
classmethod GetLogFilterOptions() as %Status
Handler for GET /logoptions Returns a list of distinct values appearing for the specified property in Bulk FHIR logs in the namespace
classmethod GetMetadata() as %Status
Handler for GET /metadata Returns information about current namespace
classmethod GetSessionData() as %Status
Handler for GET /sessiondata Returns information about current user
classmethod GetSessions() as %Status
Handler for GET /sessions Returns a list of Bulk FHIR sessions in the namespace
classmethod GetSessionsLog() as %Status
Handler for GET /logs Returns a list of Bulk FHIR logs in the namespace
classmethod PostConfig() as %Status
Handler for POST /configs Creates a new Bulk FHIR configuration
classmethod PostSession() as %Status
Handler for POST /sessions Creates a new Bulk FHIR session
classmethod SessionAction(pSessionId, pAction) as %Status
Handler for GET /session/:sessionId/:action Perform specific action for Bulk FHIR session
classmethod SessionLogout() as %Status
Handler for GET /sessiondata/logout Finishes current session

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


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