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serial class HS.FHIRServer.API.Data.QueryParameters extends %Library.ListOfObjects

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property baseURL as %String;
Base URL of the request This can be used to determine the full URL of relative references
Property methods: baseURLDisplayToLogical(), baseURLGet(), baseURLIsValid(), baseURLLogicalToDisplay(), baseURLLogicalToOdbc(), baseURLNormalize(), baseURLSet()
property status as %Status [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
Status from converting a query string indicating any invalid parameters. This can be used to build an OperationOutcome depending on handling
Property methods: statusGet(), statusIsValid(), statusLogicalToOdbc(), statusSet()


method AddParameter(entry As HS.FHIRServer.API.SearchQueryParameter, setORConditions As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
method AsString(encodeValues As %Boolean = 1) as %String
Return this object instance as a string. URI-encode the value part of each parameter, if indicated by encodeValue. encodeValues default is 1 (true) for backward compatibility.
classmethod CreateFromCSPRequest(pRequest As %CSP.Request) as HS.FHIRServer.API.Data.QueryParameters
classmethod CreateFromQueryString(pParametersString As %String, pSchema As HS.FHIRServer.Schema = "", pResourceType As %String = "", pKeepSearchOnly As %Boolean = 0) as HS.FHIRServer.API.Data.QueryParameters
@Param pKeepSearchOnly If true, do not include non-search parameters
method ExtractSearchParameters() as HS.FHIRServer.API.Data.QueryParameters
This method builds QueryParameters object that contains only known search parameters If there are no FHIR SearchParams named, then it returns null ("")
method FindEntryIndex(entry As HS.FHIRServer.API.SearchQueryParameter) as %Integer
method GetOneParameterValue(pParamName As %String, ByRef pModifier As %String) as %String
GetParameter returns the value of a specified parameter instance, plus any parameter modifier. Parameter modifier in FHIR is expressed as a colon-delimited suffix on the parameter name (not value), for example family:exact=jones. An exception is thrown if more than one value is present.
method GetParameterCount(pParamName As %String) as %Integer
GetParameterCount returns the number of instances of a given parameter. Each instance may have a modifier or not
method GetParameterValue(pParamName As %String, pPosition As %Integer = 1, ByRef pModifier As %String) as %String
GetParameter returns the value of a specified parameter instance, plus any parameter modifier. Parameter modifier in FHIR is expressed as a colon-delimited suffix on the parameter name (not value), for example family:exact=jones.
method GetParameters(name As %String, Output params)
method RemoveParameter(entry As HS.FHIRServer.API.SearchQueryParameter)
classmethod createRevChainedParam(nameAndMod As %String, value As %String, pSchema As HS.FHIRServer.Schema, pResourceType As %String, ByRef pErrStatus) as HS.FHIRServer.API.SearchQueryParameter

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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