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class HS.Types.PatientInfo extends %Library.RegisteredObject, HS.Types.PersonInfo, %XML.Adaptor, HS.Util.CopyFrom

Property Inventory


Inherited description: The XMLIGNOREINVALIDTAG parameter allows the programmer to control handling of unexpected elements in the XML input. The XMLIGNOREINVALIDTAG parameter will only take affect if XMLSEQUENCE = 0 (the default). By default (XMLIGNOREINVALIDTAG = 0), will treat an unexpected element as an error. If XMLIGNOREINVALIDTAG is set = 1 and XMLSEQUENCE = 0, then unexpected elements will be ignored.
parameter XMLIGNORENULL = inputonly;
Inherited description: XMLIGNORENULL allows the programmer to override the default XML handling of empty strings for properties of type %String. By default (XMLIGNORENULL = 0), empty strings in the XML input are stored as $c(0) and $c(0) is written to XML as an empty tag. A missing tag in the XML input is always stored as "" and "" is always output to XML as no tag.

If XMLIGNORENULL is set = 1, then both missing tags in the XML and empty strings are input as "", and both "" and $c(0) are output as empty tags (i.e. <tag></tag>).

If XMLIGNORENULL is set = "inputonly", then both missing tags in the XML and empty strings are input as "". Output of "" and $c(0) are for XMLIGNORENULL = 0: $c(0) is output as an empty tag (i.e. <tag></tag>) and "" is output as no tag.

If XMLIGNORENULL = "runtime" (runtime is not case sensitive), then the behavior of XMLIGNORENULL is determined by the format parameter of XMLExport, XMLImport and %XML.Reader.OpenFile. The default behavior for XMLIGNORENULL="runtime is the same as XMLIGNORENULL=0. Adding "ignorenull" to the format argument changes the behavior to that of XMLIGNORENULL=1. "ignorenull" shoud be separated by a comma from literal/encoded part of the format. Example values for format are "", ",ignorenull", "literal,ignorenull" and "encoded,ignorenull". Note that "inputonly" is equivalent to using ,ignorenull for XMLExport and not for %XML.Reader.


property AdditionalInfo as array of HS.Types.AdditionalInfoItem;
Additional patient information
Property methods: AdditionalInfoBuildValueArray(), AdditionalInfoCollectionToDisplay(), AdditionalInfoCollectionToOdbc(), AdditionalInfoDisplayToCollection(), AdditionalInfoDisplayToLogical(), AdditionalInfoGet(), AdditionalInfoGetObject(), AdditionalInfoGetObjectId(), AdditionalInfoGetSwizzled(), AdditionalInfoIsValid(), AdditionalInfoLogicalToDisplay(), AdditionalInfoLogicalToOdbc(), AdditionalInfoNormalize(), AdditionalInfoOdbcToCollection(), AdditionalInfoSet(), AdditionalInfoSetObject(), AdditionalInfoSetObjectId()
property AssigningAuthority as %String (MAXLEN = 512);
Assigning Authority for the MRN - temporarily updating the MAXLEN to support PIX / PDQ transformation to Request with a post conversion to the code
Property methods: AssigningAuthorityDisplayToLogical(), AssigningAuthorityGet(), AssigningAuthorityIsValid(), AssigningAuthorityLogicalToDisplay(), AssigningAuthorityLogicalToOdbc(), AssigningAuthorityNormalize(), AssigningAuthoritySet()
property CustomClassName as %String (MAXLEN = 64);
To allow arbitrary custom data to be added - this specifies a classname, whose object contents will be serialed into CustomXMLString
Property methods: CustomClassNameDisplayToLogical(), CustomClassNameGet(), CustomClassNameIsValid(), CustomClassNameLogicalToDisplay(), CustomClassNameLogicalToOdbc(), CustomClassNameNormalize(), CustomClassNameSet()
property CustomXMLString as %String);
If a CustomClassName is used, this should represent the XML export of an object of that class. The top tag should be "CustomXML"
Property methods: CustomXMLStringDisplayToLogical(), CustomXMLStringGet(), CustomXMLStringIsValid(), CustomXMLStringLogicalToDisplay(), CustomXMLStringLogicalToOdbc(), CustomXMLStringNormalize(), CustomXMLStringSet()
property Extension as HS.Local.SDA3.PatientExtension;
Extension class for custom properties
Property methods: ExtensionGet(), ExtensionGetObject(), ExtensionGetObjectId(), ExtensionGetSwizzled(), ExtensionIsEmpty(), ExtensionIsValid(), ExtensionNewObject(), ExtensionSet(), ExtensionSetObject(), ExtensionSetObjectId(), ExtensionUnSwizzle()
property Facility as HS.Types.Facility;
Facility for this patient info
Property methods: FacilityDisplayToLogical(), FacilityGet(), FacilityIsValid(), FacilityLogicalToDisplay(), FacilityLogicalToOdbc(), FacilityNormalize(), FacilitySet()
property Identifiers as list of HS.Types.Identifier (STORAGEDEFAULT = "list");
Other identifiers with assigning authority
Property methods: IdentifiersBuildValueArray(), IdentifiersCollectionToDisplay(), IdentifiersCollectionToOdbc(), IdentifiersDisplayToCollection(), IdentifiersGet(), IdentifiersGetObject(), IdentifiersGetObjectId(), IdentifiersGetSwizzled(), IdentifiersIsValid(), IdentifiersOdbcToCollection(), IdentifiersSet(), IdentifiersSetObject(), IdentifiersSetObjectId()
property MPIID as %String;
The master/patient index id
Property methods: MPIIDDisplayToLogical(), MPIIDGet(), MPIIDIsValid(), MPIIDLogicalToDisplay(), MPIIDLogicalToOdbc(), MPIIDNormalize(), MPIIDSet()
property MRN as HS.Types.MRN;
This patient's MRN (from the above assigning authority)
Property methods: MRNDisplayToLogical(), MRNGet(), MRNIsValid(), MRNLogicalToDisplay(), MRNLogicalToOdbc(), MRNNormalize(), MRNSet()

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods


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