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abstract class SchemaMap.Tool.Build.Deliver

manages export to and from files for delivery purposes

Method Inventory


classmethod ExportDeliveryFile(perforceDir As %String = "", fileName As %String = "", inPackage As %String = "", deliveryRoot As %String = "", outPackage As %String = "", ByRef count As %Integer) as %Status
inPackage and outPackage are package names separated by dots (.) but this method reparses them as folder names when needed.

This method reads in (from the location perforceDir_"/"_inPackage_"/"_fileName) a text file that is a global or ObjectScript class that has been exported to XML. It reads this file as text, line by line. It replace any developer package name string it encounters, with the corresponding delivery package name string.

It writes the resulting file, line by line, to a location under the System Manager Directory on the instance (the location is systemManagerDirectory_"/"_deliveryRoot_"/"_outPackage_"/"_fileName)

The resulting XML file has been refactored for delivery to the \\projects branch for the XF consumer project. It can be imported as a global or ObjectScript class, and can be archived in Perforce, as needed.

classmethod ProjectFiles(perforceDir As %String = "", exportModel As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
classmethod RefactorDeliveryPackage(inPackage, outPackage, xmlFileName, xmlPurpose, temporaryDir, deliveryDir, clearOld) as %Status
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