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class SchemaMap.Tool.Build.Installer extends %ZHSLIB.AbstractInstaller

Method Inventory


parameter MaintenanceVersion = 1;
Inherited description: DEPRECATED. NO LONGER USED. Version is read from module.xml instead.
parameter Version = 0.0;
Inherited description: DEPRECATED. NO LONGER USED. Version is read from module.xml instead.


classmethod GetGlobals() as %List
Returns a list of globals that need to be mapped for the Schema Mapper to work properly in a different namespace
classmethod GetPackages() as %List
Returns a list of packages that need to be mapped for the Schema Mapper to work properly in a different namespace
classmethod GetRoutines() as %List
Returns a list of routines that need to be mapped for the Schema Mapper to work properly in a different namespace
classmethod OnConfigureComponent(pNamespace As %String, pVerbose As %Boolean = 0, ByRef pVars) as %Status
Inherited description:

Callback that is invoked during namespace (re)activation. Subclasses SHOULD override this method.

pVars is an array of miscellaneous information, populated by the calling code in the installation/configuration framework (mainly HS.Util.Installer). Subscripts appearing in pVars include:

  • Production - set to (namespace)_"PKG.FoundationProduction"
  • LogFile - current log file for install operation
  • Upgrade - boolean, indicating whether the current operation is an upgrade
  • Type - hardcoded to "Foundation"
  • Component - current component name

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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