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class SchemaMap.Tool.Build.Upgrade

Method Inventory


classmethod Map(oldSource As %String, newSource As %String, oldTarget As %String, newTarget As %String, mapping As %DynamicObject, lastOldVs As %String, lastNewVs As %String)
classmethod NewSource(old As %String, new As %String, performUpgrade As %Boolean, renameList As %DynamicObject = "", outputDirectory As %String = "") as %DynamicObject
classmethod NewTarget(old As %String, new As %String, performUpgrade As %Boolean, renameList As %DynamicObject = "", outputDirectory As %String = "") as %DynamicObject
Generates a report with mappings from SDA to an old schema, attempting to apply them to a new schema. Created for upgrading SDA3->STU3 mappings to SDA3->R4. If performUpgrade is true, any mappings where the target is unchanged, safely changed, or changed but needs review will be copied to the new schema's Map table. Otherwise, only the report will be generated. If outputDirectory is specified, the report will be delivered to that directory as upgrade.json renameList is of the structure: { "ProcedureRequest": "ServiceRequest", }
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