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HealthShare Personal Community Operational Reporting Setup Guide

1. Overview

This guide describes the options for operational reporting in Personal Community. Topics are:

  • Viewing Dashboards
  • Dashboard Security
  • Working with Custom Dashboards
  • Specifying the Timing of Data Synchronization
  • Querying the Reporting Tables with SQL

2. Viewing Dashboards

Personal Community includes a default set of  dashboards  that provide information related to general operational reporting, such as page view and member activity reports. These dashboards can be viewed in the Workbench. In order for the Dashboards  tab to appear in the Workbench, the user must either:

  • Have the  Dashboards and Reports  role

  • Have the  Dashboards and Reports Administrator  role, or

  • Be an active task manager; that is, an enabled Workbench user with the  Task Processing   role who is a manager of a workflow group.

In the  Dashboards  tab, there is a list of categories. The categories that appear depend on the user accessing them. By default, a user with the  Dashboards and Reports  role has access to the following categories:

  • Enrolled User Activity

  • Enrollment

  • Enrollment Activation

  • Secure Messaging

  • Workbench Searches

An active task manager has access to the Task Management category.

Additionally, users with the  Dashboards and Reports Administrator   role have access to all available dashboards. Because this role allows a user access to all data, it can only be granted by a dashboard administrator or a user with the  %ALL  role.

3. Dashboard Security

Though a user with the above permissions can view certain categories by default, the dashboards available in each category are also filtered by the following session variables:

  • Assigning authority

  • Clinical group

  • Workflow group

For example, if you manage a workflow group, you can view dashboards related to that group; however, you cannot view dashboards for groups you do not manage. The use of each of these session variables is described in the sections that follow.

3.1. Workflow Groups

You can access dashboards related to workflow groups that you manage. To grant a user access to a dashboard related to a workflow group:

  1. Select the   Setup   tab in the Workbench.

  2. Select   User Management .

  3. Choose the user from the list.

  4. Under   Roles for this user , select the   Task Processing   check box.

  5. Select the   Update User   button.

  6. Select the   Tasks   tab.

  7. Select   Manage Agents .

  8. Choose the agent from the list.

  9. Choose the workflow group from the list.

  10. Under   Agent role within this workflow group , select   Manager   from the dropdown list.

  11. Select   Save role .

All dashboards in the   Task Management   category are by default filtered by workflow group.

3.2. Assigning Authorities and Clinical Groups

You can also access dashboards related to the clinical groups and organizations associated with you. To grant a user access to dashboards related to clinical groups and organizations:

  1. Select the   Setup   tab.

  2. Select   User Management .

  3. Choose the user from the list.

  4. Select the magnifying glass icon beneath the   Access to Clinical Group Dashboards   field.

  5. Search for and select the clinical groups associated with the user.

  6. Select   Apply   when you are finished.

  7. Select the magnifying glass icon beneath the   Access to Organization Dashboards   field.

  8. Search for and select the organizations associated with the user.

  9. Select   Apply   when you are finished.

Adding an organization gives a user access to any clinical groups associated with that organization, and users with access to clinical groups and organizations also have access to the assigning authorities associated with those groups and organizations.

The following default dashboards have limited access based on assigning authority:

  • In the   Enrolled User Activity   category:

    • Page View Activity

    • Wellness Activity

    • Message Activity

    • Download and Transmit Activity

    • Search Activity

    • Account Update Activity

The following default dashboards have limited access based on clinical groups:

  • In the   Secure Messaging   category:

    • Clinical Groups

    • Providers

    • Enrolled Users

4. Working with Custom Dashboards


See Introduction to Business Intelligence for more information about incorporating dashboards into your applications.

Personal Community includes a default set of categories in the  Dashboards  tab. You can customize the appearance and security of these categories and the dashboards they contain.

The default categories are:

  • Task Management

  • Enrolled User Activity

  • Enrollment

  • Enrollment Activation

  • Secure Messaging

  • Workbench Searches

Additionally, in the  Dashboards  tab of the Workbench, there are the  Dashboard Home  and  Meaningful Use  categories that are not available for edit.


The default dashboards for Personal Community can be viewed and edited using Analytics in the Management Portal for your Personal Community instance. They exist within your Personal Community reporting namespace,  <local-namespace> REPORTS .

If your project team wants to create a new dashboard, it must be created in Analytics within your Personal Community reporting namespace.

You can add, delete, and reorganize the default categories, and you can also add custom Analytics dashboards.

To edit the available categories and dashboards:

  1. Make a copy of the  content-workbench-dashboard.json  file, which is in the following directory:



    • install-dir  — Specifies the location on the machine where Personal Community has been installed. For example, this guide uses the location  C:\InterSystems\HSPC\ .

    • local-namespace  — Specifies the namespace that was created for Personal Community during installation. For example purposes, this guide uses the namespace  HSPC .

  2. Edit the file to add, delete, or rearrange categories or dashboards, or to change their security.

    • Each category is made up of:

      • Name  — The name of the category that appears in the  Dashboards  tab.

      • Dashboards  — The dashboards that the category contains.

    • Each dashboard is made up of:

      • Name  — The name of the dashboard. This appears when you select the category containing the dashboard. The name should be identical to that in Analytics.

      • Description  — A short description of the dashboard. This appears in the same list as the name.

      • Dashboard — The URL of the dashboard. All occurrences of the string %2F  in the Analytics dashboard URL must be replaced with a  /  (forward slash) character in  content-workbench-dashboard.json .

      • Resources — The resources a user must have in order to access the dashboard.

  3. Save the modified file with the name  content-workbench-dashboard.json  into the  custom  directory as part of the following:



    • install-dir  — Specifies the location on the machine where Personal Community has been installed. This the same directory as  <install-dir>  in step 2 of this procedure.

    • local-namespace  — Specifies the namespace that was created for Personal Community during installation. This is the same namespace as  <local-namespace>  in step 2 of this procedure.

  4. Refresh the dashboards. To do this:

    1. Go to the  Content  tab.

    2. On the activity pane, select  Content Updates . This displays the  Content Updates  page.

    3. On the  Content Updates  page, choose  Refresh Content .

    This updates every aspect of both the public and Workbench applications to display the revised content, including text, images, and so on. If changes are not visible after you refresh content, you may need to clear your browser cache.

  5. To modify the information displayed in the dashboard, see here .

  6. Make sure that the Workbench users who need to view the dashboard have appropriate permissions to do so. 

5. Specifying the Timing of Data Synchronization

By default, dashboards update with data received from Personal Community once an hour. To change the frequency with which data is synchronized:
  1. Change the HSCOMMLIB database to RW (readable and writable):

    1. Log into the InterSystems IRIS for Health™ Management Portal.

    2. Go to the   Local Databases   page ( System Administration   >   Configuration   >   System Configuration   >   Local Databases ).

    3. On the   Local Databases   page, select HSCOMMLIB from the list of databases by selecting its name in the far left column. This displays the editing page for HSCOMMLIB.

    4. On that page, clear the   Always Mount Read-Only   check box.

    5. Select   Save   at the top of the page.

    The database is now readable and writable.

  2. Adjust the task schedule:

    1. In the <namespace>Reports namespace, navigate to Analytics, Admin, Registry.

    2. Select   HSPortal Sync .

    3. Edit the   Synch every   field as appropriate.

    4. Select   Apply to All Cubes in Group .

  3. Change the HSCOMMLIB database back to R (read-only):

    1. Log into the InterSystems IRIS for Health Management Portal.

    2. Go to the Local Databases  page ( System Administration  >  Configuration  >  System Configuration  >  Local Databases ).

    3. On the   Local Databases   page, select HSCOMMLIB from the list of databases by selecting its name in the far left column. This displays the editing page for HSCOMMLIB.

    4. On that page, select the   Always Mount Read-Onl y   check box.

    5. Select   Save   at the top of the page.

    The database is now read-only.

6. Querying the Reporting Tables with SQL

As an alternative to viewing reporting data in the dashboards, you can query the reporting tables with SQL.

To query the tables:

  1. In the Management Portal for Personal Community, navigate to   System Explorer   >   SQL   and select Go . The   SQL   page will appear.

  2. Switch to your reporting namespace, which is typically named after your Personal Community namespace with the word REPORTS appended (for example,   HSPCREPORTS ).

  3. Beneath the   System   field, expand the list of tables. The   HSPortal_DataMart * tables contain the following information:

    Personal Community Activity Tables with Relevant Data
    Sessions, proxy HSPortal_DataMart.Session, HSPortal_DataMart.SessionPatient, HSPortal_DataMart.SessionSegment, HSPortal_DataMart.Patient, HSPortal_DataMart.PatientIdentifier, HSPortal_DataMart.ProxyRelationship, HSPortal_DataMart.WorkflowUser, HSPortal_DataMart_SessionActivity.SessionActivity
    Account activation (tokens and their use) HSPortal_DataMart.Patient, HSPortal_DataMart.WorkflowUser, HSPortal_DataMart_Activation.Token, HSPortal_DataMart_Activation.TokenEvent, HSPortal_DataMart_Activation.ActivationEvent
    Enrollment (all three types: self, point of care, API) HSPortal_DataMart.Patient, HSPortal_DataMart.WorkflowUser, HSPortal_DataMart_Enrollment.Enrollment, HSPortal_DataMart_Enrollment_Data.APIEnrollmentDetails, HSPortal_DataMart_Enrollment_Data.POCProxyEnrollmentDetails, HSPortal_DataMart_Enrollment_Data.SelfEnrollmentDetails, HSPortal_DataMart_Enrollment_Data.PatientIdentifierSearch
    Forms HSPortal_DataMart_Form.Form, HSPortal_DataMart_Message.FormRequest
    Messaging HSPortal_DataMart.Patient, HSPortal_DataMart.WorkflowUser, HSPortal_DataMart.Pharmacy, HSPortal_DataMart.Organization, HSPortal_DataMart.ClinicalGroup, HSPortal_DataMart.Provider, HSPortal_DataMart_Message.Attachment, HSPortal_DataMart_Message.FormRequest, HSPortal_DataMart_Message.Message, HSPortal_DataMart_Message_Data.AppointmentConfirmationDetails, HSPortal_DataMart_Message_Data.AppointmentRequestDetails, HSPortal_DataMart_Message_Data.AppointmentResponseDetails, HSPortal_DataMart_Message_Data.ReferralRequestDetails, HSPortal_DataMart_Message_Data.ReferralResponseDetails, HSPortal_DataMart_Message_Data.RefillRequestDetails, HSPortal_DataMart_Message_Data.RefillResponseDetails, HSPortal_DataMart_Message_Data.TestResultRequestDetails
    MPI Search (patient search) HSPortal_DataMart_MPISearch.MPISearch, HSPortal_DataMart.WorkflowUser
    Tasks HSPortal_DataMart.WorkflowUser, HSPortal_DataMart.WorkflowGroup, HSPortal_DataMart.Organization, HSPortal_DataMart.ClinicalGroup, HSPortal_DataMart.Provider, HSPortal_DataMart_Task.Task, HSPortal_DataMart_Task.TaskEvent
  4. In the center pane, select the   Execute Query   tab to display the SQL query text field. You may drag the names of one or more tables from the left pane into the text field, or you may compose a SQL query manually. See here for more information on running SQL queries in the Management Portal.

  5. When you are done composing your query, select   Execute .