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HealthShare Personal Community Onboarding and Account Management User Guide

1. Overview

As a prospective member enrolls, Personal Community tracks the progress in two ways:

  • Enrollment Status - This indicates whether a prospective member has begun the enrollment process to establish a Personal Community account. On the Patients page ( Tasks > Enroll Patient > Search button > search results), the Enrolled column has a value of Yes for those prospective members who have begun enrollment and No for those who have not. If a prospective member appears in the search results with an enrollment status of No , they are in the Master Patient Index associated with Personal Community.

  • Membership Status - A member's membership status can be pending , active , inactive or inactive/minor . The Members page displays only those who have begun the enrollment process, either as pending members (the pending status) or activated members (for those who have completed enrollment, with a status of active , inactive or inactive/minor ).

The following rules describe the process by which someone enrolls in Personal Community:

  1. After the initial portion of the enrollment process (regardless of which type of enrollment process it is), Personal Community generates an activation token for the prospective member. Before Personal Community generates the activation token, the prospective member does not yet have an enrollment status of any kind, even pending; this includes if a prospective member has begun self-requested enrollment and a Workbench user has not yet processed the application.

  2. When Personal Community successfully provides the prospective member with an activation token, their enrollment status changes from No to Yes ; at that same time, their membership status becomes pending .

  3. Once there is an activation code, the Pending user expiration time specifies the amount of time that they have (in hours) to complete the enrollment process, starting from the time at which Personal Community generated the token.

  4. If a prospective member has begun the enrollment process, but not clicked an activation link (and, hence, has not chosen a username, password, and so on), then their membership status is pending.

  5. If a prospective member receives an activation token but does not complete account activation in the time that the token is valid, the enrollment status continues to be pending . A Workbench user can renew an expired activation token.

  6. After a prospective member creates a username and password, the activation process is complete. Their membership status changes from pending to active ; this also generates the Personal Community Registration Complete email. At this point they have an active account.

2. Enrolling Personal Community Members

To create and manage task agents to handle enrollment, see the HealthShare Personal Community Workflows, Agents, and Tasks Function Guide .

2.1. Enrolling Personal Community Members with Point-of-Care Enrollment

With point-of-care enrollment, a Workbench user begins the enrollment process within the Workbench.

This process generates an access token, which is emailed and/or sent in a text message to the pending member (depending on their communication preferences).

2.1.1. Enrolling Patients in the Workbench

To enroll a patient in the Workbench:

  1. Log in to the Workbench as a user with the  Direct Enrollment User   role.

  2. Navigate to  Tasks   >   Enroll Patient .

  3. Search for the patient who wants to be enrolled. A list of patients that is synced from the Unified Care Record into Personal Community will appear.

  4. Within the search results, select the row for the patient who wants to be enrolled. The   Patient Details  page will appear.

  5. At this time, the patient’s communication method preferences and preferred locale (if locales other than US English are configured on your instance) may be chosen.

    1. For communication method preferences:

      • Confirm the patient’s email address.

      • If the patient wants to receive text/SMS notifications, enter the patient’s mobile phone number and select their carrier from the Phone Provider drop-down list.

      • Choose  Email  for email notifications only,  Text   for text notifications only, or  Email and Text  for both.

    2. For preferred locale, choose the desired locales for screen text display and notifications.

  6. If the patient should be granted access to Personal Community only as proxy for another member, select  Grant the member access only as a proxy .

  7. If your organization requires that a passphrase be entered to activate accounts, enter a passphrase of the patient’s choice in the  Temporary passphrase*   and  Re-type passphrase*  fields. Alternately, you can select the  Generate Passphrase  button to generate a random passphrase in both fields. Remind the patient to remember the passphrase, as it will be required at account activation time.


    This passphrase is used only once and is distinct from the password that the member establishes for their account during activation

  8. Select   Enroll patient   and select   OK   in the resulting prompt. This enrolls the patient, sends an access token (and the passphrase, if you have configured the Workbench to send passphrases to newly enrolled members) to the email address and/or mobile phone number associated with their account, and saves all changes you have made on this page.

  9. Should there have been a problem with emailing or texting the patient, you will be prompted to print instructions for them. Select   Print Instructions .

After enrollment, the patient is a   pending member   of Personal Community. Using the access token (and passphrase, if configured), they must activate their account within Personal Community to become an   active member .

2.2. Enrolling Personal Community Members using Self-Requested Enrollment

With self-requested enrollment, the prospective member starts the enrollment process; they fill out a page with identifying data and submit it in Personal Community.

These submissions are routed to an enrollment request queue, which is handled by   enrollment request agents . These agents can approve requests, reject them, or forward them on to an enrollment exception queue for handling by   enrollment exception agents .

2.2.1. Claiming and Processing Enrollment Requests

To claim and process enrollment requests:

  1. Log in to the Workbench as an enrollment request agent .

  2. Navigate to Tasks . This brings you to the My Tasks page , where you will see all pending self-enrollment requests.

  3. Select the row of the enrollment request you want to process.

  4. Select Claim this Task to assign the self-enrollment request to yourself.

  5. In the Look at the data entered in enrollment request section, examine the data entered by the prospective member.

  6. In the Examine the search results... section:

    1. If your organization has more than 50 patients, select Filter Results by Facility and choose the name of the facility where the patient is registered.

    2. Select Search for Patient .

    3. If a match is returned:

      1. Select the row with the prospective member’s data to view the Enrollment Approval page.

      2. If the data looks acceptable, select Approve Enrollment , then select OK in the resulting prompt.

    4. If a match is not returned, you may decline the prospective member’s request yourself or send the request to the enrollment exception group for handling:

      1. Enter a message for task history (if you are declining the request) or for the exception group. If you select Send decline message , the message will also be routed to the prospective member.

      2. If you are declining the request, select Complete Task .

      3. If you are sending the request to the enrollment exception group, select Send to Exception Group .

2.2.2. Processing Enrollment Exceptions

To process enrollment exceptions:

  1. Log in to the Workbench as an enrollment exception agent .

  2. Navigate to Tasks . This brings you to the My Tasks page , where you will see all pending enrollment exceptions.
  3. Select the row of the enrollment request you want to process.

  4. Select Claim this Task to assign the self-enrollment request to yourself.

  5. In the Look at the data entered in enrollment request section, examine the data entered by the prospective member.
  6. In the Examine the search results... section:

    1. If your organization has more than 50 patients, select Filter Results by Facility and choose the name of the facility where the patient is registered.

    2. Select Search for Patient .

    3. If a match is returned:

      1. Select the row with the prospective member’s data to view the Enrollment Approval page.
      2. If the data looks acceptable, select Approve Enrollment , then select OK in the resulting prompt.

    4. If a match is not returned, decline the prospective member’s request:

      1. Enter a message for task history (if you are declining the request) or for the exception group. If you select Send decline message , the message will also be routed to the prospective member.

      2. If you are declining the request, select Complete Task .

2.3. Enrolling Personal Community Members using Automated Enrollment

With automated enrollment, the external system generates a notification containing an activation token (and, if configured, a passphrase) to be sent to the pending member. 

Just as with point-of-care enrollment, these activation tokens can expire or get lost. To address these issues, see the next chapter for instructions for resending, renewing, or generating a new access token.

3. Account Management

3.1. Managing Activation Tokens

3.1.1. Resending an Activation Token to the Pending Member

You can resend the original activation token that was sent to the pending member upon enrollment. This is best if the pending member can confirm that the primary email address (or mobile phone number, if that is what is chosen in communication method preferences) displayed in Personal Community is correct, and you should ask for at least one other piece of identifying information to confirm the right person has contacted you.

To resend the activation token:

  1. Log in to the Workbench as a user with the Member Account Manager role.

  2. Navigate to the Members tab and search for the pending member whose activation token you want to resend.

  3. Within the search results, select the row for the correct pending member to view the Member Details page for that member.

  4. At this time, the member’s communication method preferences and preferred locale (if locales other than US English are configured on your instance) may be set up. Since you will be sending an email or a text message to the pending member when you resend the token, it is important to get the member’s preferences correct.

    The current communication method preferences and preferred locale are displayed. To change them:

    1. Select the Edit button.

    2. For communication method preferences:

      • Confirm the member’s primary external email address.

      • If the patient wants to receive text/SMS notifications, enter the patient’s mobile phone number and select their carrier from the Phone Provider drop-down list.

      • Choose Email for email notifications only, Text for text notifications only, or Email and Text for both.

    3. For preferred locale, choose the desired locales for screen text display and notifications.

    4. For auditing purposes, enter the reason why you are changing the information.

    5. Select Update .

    6. Select Exit Edit to return to the main Member Details page.

  5. Select Resend Token , then select OK in the resulting prompt. The token will be sent to the pending member in email, text, or both.

3.1.2. Renewing an Activation Token

If the pending member still has their original activation token, but it has expired, you can renew it for them so that it is valid for the number of hours specified in the Maximum expiration reset window (in hours) setting on the Site Configuration page of the Workbench. You can renew the token as many times as needed.

To renew the activation token:

  1. Log in to the Workbench as a user with the Member Account Manager role.

  2. Navigate to the Members tab and search for the pending member whose activation token you want to renew.

  3. Within the search results, select the row for the correct pending member to view the Member Details page for that member.

  4. In the Time until new expiration fields , enter a combination of days and hours that totals between 1 and the maximum number of hours for which an activation token is valid. For example, if you wanted to renew the token for 36 hours, you could enter 1 day and 12 hours, or 0 days and 36 hours. Other combinations totaling 36 hours would also be acceptable.

  5. In Reason for renewing the token : enter an explanation for auditing purposes.

  6. Select Renew token , then select OK in the resulting prompt.


The member will now have the number of hours you entered above to use the activation token for account activation. They will not receive a notification that you renewed the token.

3.1.3. Generating a New Activation Token

If the pending member never received their original activation token, which could occur if their email address or mobile phone number on file in Personal Community was incorrect, you can generate a new one and send it to them.


After you generate a new activation token, the original token is no longer valid. This is for security purposes.

To generate a new activation token:

  1. Log in to the Workbench as a user with the Member Account Manager role.

  2. Navigate to the Members tab and search for the pending member whose activation token you want to regenerate.

  3. Within the search results, select the row for the correct pending member to view the Member Details page for that member.

  4. At this time, the member’s communication method preferences and preferred locale (if locales other than US English are configured on your instance) may be set up. Since you will be sending an email or a text message to the pending member when you resend the token, it is important to get the member’s preferences correct.

    The current communication method preferences and preferred locale are displayed. To change them:

    1. Select the Edit button.

    2. For communication method preferences:

      • Confirm the member’s primary external email address.

      • If the patient wants to receive text/SMS notifications, enter the patient’s mobile phone number and select their carrier from the Phone Provider drop-down list.

      • Choose Email for email notifications only, Text for text notifications only, or Email and Text for both.

    3. For preferred locale, choose the desired locales for screen text display and notifications.

    4. For auditing purposes, enter the reason why you are changing the information.

    5. Select Update .

    6. Select Exit Edit to return to the main Member Details page.

  5. In the Time until new expiration fields, enter a combination of days and hours that totals between 1 and the maximum number of hours for which an activation token is valid (configured in the Maximum expiration reset window (in hours) setting on the Site Configuration page). For example, if you wanted to generate a new token that would be valid for 36 hours, you could enter 1 day and 12 hours, or 0 days and 36 hours. Other combinations totaling 36 hours would also be acceptable.

  6. In Reason for renewing the token : enter an explanation for auditing purposes.

  7. Select Generate new token .

  8. If you want to send a notification to the pending member containing the new token, select Notify pending member of the new token .

  9. Select Renew token , then select OK in the resulting prompt. A new token will be generated and, if you chose it, will be sent to the pending member in email, text, or both.


The member will have the number of hours you entered above to use the new activation token for account activation.

3.2. Making Account Activation Changes through the Workbench

To deactivate a member’s account through the Workbench:

  1. Log in to the Workbench as a user who has the Member Account Manager role.

  2. Go to the Members tab.

  3. In the Search for Members pane, enter search criteria. Make sure that the Activated radio button is selected. Then select Search .

  4. On the Community Members page, select the row corresponding to the member whose account you want to deactivate.

  5. On the member details page, select the Deactivate Membership button.

  6. On the Confirm member deactivation page, enter a reason for deactivation, then select Deactivate Membership.

To reactivate a member’s account through the Workbench:

  1. Log in to the Workbench as a user who has the Member Account Manager role.

  2. Go to the Members tab.

  3. In the Search for Members pane, enter search criteria. Make sure that the Activated radio button is selected. Then select Search .

  4. On the Community Members page, select the row corresponding to the member whose account you want to reactivate.

  5. On the member details page, select the Rectivate Membership button .

  6. On the Confirm member activation page, enter a reason for reactivation, then select Activate Membership .

3.3. Resetting a Member's Password through the Workbench

An administrator can reset a member's password by using the Workbench. To do so:
  1. Log in to the Workbench as a user with the Member Account Manager role.

  2. Navigate to the Members tab and search for the member whose password you want to reset.

  3. Within the search results, select the row for the correct member to view the Member Details page for that member.

  4. Select Reset Password , then select OK in the resulting prompt. A password reset link will be sent to the member in email.

4. Proxy Management

4.1. Establishing Proxy Relationships Between Two Members

4.1.1. From the Tasks Tab

To establish a proxy relationship between two members, from the Tasks tab:

  1. Log into the Workbench as a user with the Member Account Manager role.
  2. Go to the Tasks tab and select Create Proxy . This will open the Create Proxy Relationship Wizard page. Select Next .
  3. On the Search for Principal page, enter search criteria for the member who will be the principal in the relationship and select Search .
  4. In the resulting list of people, select the row for the person who will be the principal in the relationship and select Next .
    • If the person is already a Personal Community member, their identifying information appears on the Confirm Principal page. Confirm their information and select Next .
    • If the person is not yet enrolled in Personal Community, you will enroll them on the next two pages:
      • On the Enroll Principal page, make sure their contact information (email and/or mobile phone number) is correct, choose communication options (email, text/SMS, or both), fill in a temporary password if desired or required to do so, and select Next .
      • On the Confirm Principal page, you will be prompted to confirm their information. Select Next . This step triggers enrollment.
  5. On the Search for Proxy page, enter search criteria for the member who will be the proxy in the relationship and select Search .
    • If the person is already a Personal Community member, their identifying information appears on the Confirm Proxy page. Confirm their information and select Next .
      • If the person is already a Personal Community member, their identifying information appears on the Confirm Proxy page. Confirm their information and select Next .
      • If the person is not yet enrolled in Personal Community, you will enroll them on the next two pages:
        • On the Enroll Proxy page, make sure their contact information (email and/or mobile phone number) is correct, choose communication options (email, text/SMS, or both), fill in a temporary password if desired or required to do so, and select Next .
        • On the Confirm Proxy page, you will be prompted to confirm their information. Select Next . This step triggers enrollment.
    • If the person is not in the list, select Register . The Proxy Cannot Be Found – Register Now page will appear.
      • Enter the person's identifying and demographic information
      • Enter the person's email address and/or mobile phone number
      • Choose communication preferences: email, text, or both.
      • Select Next .
  6. On the Proxy Details page:
    • Next to the Proxy > Principal image, select the relationship type that best describes the proxy's relationship to the principal.
    • Enter an expiration date for the proxy relationship.
    • Enter a reason for establishing the relationship.
    • Select Next .
  7. On the Confirm Proxy Creation page, select Confirm to establish the proxy relationship. The principal and the proxy will both receive emails, text messages, or both confirming that the relationship has been established.
  8. On the final page of the Create Proxy Relationship Wizard , select Done .

4.1.2. From the Members Tab

You can create a proxy for a member from the Members tab:

  1. Log into the Workbench as a user with the Member Account Manager role.
  2. Go to the Members tab and search for the active or pending member member who will be the principal in the relationship.
  3. Within the search results, select the row for the correct pending member to view the Member Details page for that member.

  4. Select Create Proxy to enter the Create Proxy Relationship Wizard , and select Next .
  5. On the Confirm Principal page, you will be prompted to confirm their information. Select Next .
  6. On the Search for Proxy page, enter search criteria for the member who will be the proxy in the relationship and select Search .
    • If the person is already a Personal Community member, their identifying information appears on the Confirm Proxy page. Confirm their information and select Next .
      • If the person is already a Personal Community member, their identifying information appears on the Confirm Proxy page. Confirm their information and select Next .
      • If the person is not yet enrolled in Personal Community, you will enroll them on the next two pages:
        • On the Enroll Proxy page, make sure their contact information (email and/or mobile phone number) is correct, choose communication options (email, text/SMS, or both), fill in a temporary password if desired or required to do so, and select Next .
        • On the Confirm Proxy page, you will be prompted to confirm their information. Select Next . This step triggers enrollment.
    • If the person is not in the list, select Register . The Proxy Cannot Be Found – Register Now page will appear.
      • Enter the person's identifying and demographic information
      • Enter the person's email address and/or mobile phone number
      • Choose communication preferences: email, text, or both.
      • Select Next .
  7. On the Proxy Details page:
    • Next to the Proxy > Principal image, select the relationship type that best describes the proxy's relationship to the principal.
    • Enter an expiration date for the proxy relationship.
    • Enter a reason for establishing the relationship.
    • Select Next .
  8. On the Confirm Proxy Creation page, select Confirm to establish the proxy relationship. The principal and the proxy will both receive emails, text messages, or both confirming that the relationship has been established.
  9. On the final page of the Create Proxy Relationship Wizard , select Done .

4.2. Revoking Proxy Authorizations

To revoke a proxy authorization:

  1. Log into the Workbench as a user with the Member Account Manager role.
  2. Go to the Members tab.
  3. Enter search criteria for the principal and select Search .
  4. In the Community Members list, select the row for the principal.
  5. On the Member Details page, locate the Proxies for this member section.
  6. Select the red X to the right of the proxy whose authorization you want to revoke. The Confirm proxy revocation page will appear.
  7. Enter a reason for the revocation, then select Revoke proxy authorization . The authorization will be revoked.

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