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HealthShare Personal Community Patient Entered Data: Patient Contributions to Care Community Setup Guide

1. Patient Contributions to HealthShare Care Community


HealthShare Care Community needs to be integrated to allow the ability to view and complete the care plan within Personal Community.

An integral part of an organization's patient engagement strategy is the ability to provide patients with the ability to digitally capture and sent information about themselves to their providers.

With the combination of  Personal Community  and  HealthShare Care Community   patients become an integral member of the care team.  This combination allows patients to be active participants in their Care Community care plans, including the ability to answer and complete plans sent to them by members of their care team.

If a patient has a care plan to complete, the  Home    page will now include a  To Do   box.  This box will list any outstanding care plans that have been sent to a patient.  From here, the patient can simply fill out the care plan as requested, and submit it back to their care team.

All completed care plans are viewable to the patient in the  Records Care  Plans   section.

1.1. Configuring HealthShare Care Community for Patient Contributions

Care Community 2023.1 introduces the capability for patients to be active contributors to their own care plans. This feature allows patients to play a key role in achieving the goals of their care plans. In order to integrate with HealthShare Care Community, certain Installation prerequisites must be followed.

Please use the following link for detailed guidelines: Configuring HealthShare Care Community for Patient Contributions

1.2. Configuring Personal Community for Patient Contributions


Use of this feature requires that viewing care plans are enabled

1.2.1. Creating the Service Registry on Unified Care Record for Care Community Care Plans

To create a Service Registry entry for the Care Community web service:
  1. Logon to the Management Portal as a user with the  %HS_Administrator  role.
  2. Select  HealthShare  from the main menu.
  3. Select the Unified Care Record Registry.
  4. Navigate to  Registry Management > Service Registry .
  5. Restrict the available services to HTTP endpoints by select HTTP from the  Service Type  drop down menu.
  6. Enter the following values for the fields:
    • Name  - Enter the name - has to be "CareCommunity"
    • Service Type  - Select HTTP.
    • Host  - Enter the host name for the Care Community web service. Should be secure (ie. "<vm-name>. ")
    • Port - Enter the HTTPs port for the Care Community web service. 
    • SSL Configuration   - Enter your SSL configuration for secure communications
    • URL - Enter the full path to the Care Community web service, which should be "/api/healthshare-rest/<Care Community namespace>"
    • HTTPCredentialsConfig - Enter the name of the credentials object you created for this entry. 
  7. Select  Save .

1.2.2. Enabling Care Plans in the Workbench

To enable the   Records   page in the Workbench:
  1. Log into the Workbench as a user with the  Configuration Manager  role.
  2. Go to the  Configuration Application   page ( Setup  Configuration Application ) and select the  Feature Control  tab. 
  3. Select  Edit Mode  to make edits to the fields described in the following steps.
  4. In the  Records   box, select the  Enable   checkbox.
  5. Select the following tab:
      • Enable Care Plans Tab   -   Select this checkbox and proceed to fill out the two following required fields:
        • Care Community Assigning Authority -   the Assigning Authority name defined for Care Community in the Unified Care Record
        • Care Community Service Registry Name -    t he name of the service registry entry created in the Unified Care Record.
  6. After you have finished, select  Submit  at the bottom of the page to save your changes.

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