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class Ens.BPL.Node extends %Library.RegisteredObject

This class is an internal detail of the implementation of the BPL Compiler Represents a node in the parse tree

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property LanguageOverride as %String (VALUELIST = ",python,objectscript,basic");
Optional setting. Sets the compilation language at level of activity. To be useful, this will differ from the main BPL language.
Example 1: When the overall BPL is generating in ObjectScript mode, this setting can allow a specific BPL Code block activity to accomodate Embedded Python source code.
Example 2: When the overall BPL is generating in ObjectScript mode, this setting can allow a specific BPL Assignment activity expression to accomodate Embedded Python code expression.
Property methods: LanguageOverrideDisplayToLogical(), LanguageOverrideGet(), LanguageOverrideIsValid(), LanguageOverrideLogicalToDisplay(), LanguageOverrideLogicalToOdbc(), LanguageOverrideNormalize(), LanguageOverrideSet()
property Parent as Ens.BPL.Node;
This holds a reference to the parent node of this node. Only the root node of the parse tree will have no parent
Property methods: ParentGet(), ParentGetSwizzled(), ParentIsValid(), ParentNewObject(), ParentSet()


method DisplayName() as %String
Provide a user readable string which identifies this node
method GenerateCode(pCompiler As Ens.BPL.Compiler) as %Status
method GenerateXML(pStream As %BinaryStream) as %Status
method NormalizeAttribute(pAttr)
Normalize Attribute
method Validate(ByRef pStatus As %Status, pContext As Ens.BPL.ValidationContext) as %Status
Perform a sanity check on the nodes in the parse tree

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


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