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class Ens.BPL.Property extends Ens.BPL.Node

This defines a property which will appear in the processes context and as such properties may only be defined as elements within a tag. A property MUST have a name. If the 'collection' attribute is set ( either 'array' or 'list') then the property will be automatically instantiated as a collection of that type. For non-collection properties the 'initialexpression' and 'instantiate' attributes dictate how the object will be intialized. If 'instantiate' is set to 'true' (1), then a call to new the object will be generated. If an 'initialexpression' is specified then the result of the expression will be assigned to the object. Note that 'instantiate' should be used to initialize properties of instantible type, whilst 'initialexpression' should be used to intialize datatype classes such as %String.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property Annotation as %String);
This holds the user documentation for this property
Property methods: AnnotationDisplayToLogical(), AnnotationGet(), AnnotationIsValid(), AnnotationLogicalToDisplay(), AnnotationLogicalToOdbc(), AnnotationNormalize(), AnnotationSet()
property Collection as %String;
This holds the (optional) collection type Collections may be of type 'array' or 'list' only
Property methods: CollectionDisplayToLogical(), CollectionGet(), CollectionIsValid(), CollectionLogicalToDisplay(), CollectionLogicalToOdbc(), CollectionNormalize(), CollectionSet()
property InitialExpression as %String;
This holds the (optional) initial expression
Property methods: InitialExpressionDisplayToLogical(), InitialExpressionGet(), InitialExpressionIsValid(), InitialExpressionLogicalToDisplay(), InitialExpressionLogicalToOdbc(), InitialExpressionNormalize(), InitialExpressionSet()
property Instantiate as %Boolean;
This holds the (optional) create flag. If set to true then the property will be instantiated in on creation of the containg context class
Property methods: InstantiateDisplayToLogical(), InstantiateGet(), InstantiateIsValid(), InstantiateLogicalToDisplay(), InstantiateNormalize()
property Name as %String;
This holds the name of the property
Property methods: NameDisplayToLogical(), NameGet(), NameIsValid(), NameLogicalToDisplay(), NameLogicalToOdbc(), NameNormalize(), NameSet()
property Parameters as array of %String;
This holds the (optional) parameters
Property methods: ParametersBuildValueArray(), ParametersCollectionToDisplay(), ParametersCollectionToOdbc(), ParametersDisplayToCollection(), ParametersDisplayToLogical(), ParametersGet(), ParametersGetObject(), ParametersGetObjectId(), ParametersGetSwizzled(), ParametersIsValid(), ParametersLogicalToDisplay(), ParametersLogicalToOdbc(), ParametersNormalize(), ParametersOdbcToCollection(), ParametersSet(), ParametersSetObject(), ParametersSetObjectId()
property Type as %String;
This holds the value to assign to the property
Property methods: TypeDisplayToLogical(), TypeGet(), TypeIsValid(), TypeLogicalToDisplay(), TypeLogicalToOdbc(), TypeNormalize(), TypeSet()


method DisplayName() as %String
Provide a user readable string which names the activity
method GenerateCode(pCompiler As Ens.BPL.Compiler) as %Status
method GenerateXML(pStream As %BinaryStream) as %Status
method InstantiateSet(pValue) as %Status
Setter for instantiate (true,false,0 or 1 allowed by schema)
method Validate(ByRef pStatus As %Status, pContext As Ens.BPL.ValidationContext) as %Status
Perform a sanity check on the nodes in the parse tree

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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