abstract class HS.FHIR.DTL.Util.API.LookupTable
Method Inventory
- EditLookupTable()
- ExportObjectToLookupJSON()
- ImportLookupJSONToGlobal()
- ImportLookupJSONToObject()
- UpdateLookupObjectItem()
classmethod EditLookupTable(pNamespace As %String = "")
This method provides a series of Terminal-based prompts to facilitate
updating the value lookup tables for the SDA3 to FHIR STU3 and FHIR
STU3 to SDA3 transformations.
Imports the appropriate Lookup.json file into an object.
Prompts for an item to update and for the new value.
Saves the update to the object.
Outputs the object to the custom version of the Lookup.json file.
Imports the Lookup.json file into the appropriate global.
classmethod ExportObjectToLookupJSON(pDynObj As %Library.DynamicObject, pNamespace As %String = "") as %Status
API Method
Export the contents of the specified Lookup %DynamicObject to the custom version
of the Lookup.json file.
API Method
This method populates the ^HS.XF.LookupTable global from the Lookup.json file.
If durabledirectory/dev/fhir/lookup/custom/namespace/Lookup.json exists, then
it is used. Otherwise, installdirectory/dev/fhir/lookup/Lookup.json is used.
classmethod ImportLookupJSONToObject(pFileName As %String, ByRef pDynObj As %Library.DynamicObject) as %Status
API Method
Import the specified Lookup JSON file into a %DynamicObject and return the object.
classmethod UpdateLookupObjectItem(pDynObj As %Library.DynamicObject, pSourceSchema As %String, pTargetSchema As %String, pSourceValueSet As %String, pTargetValueSet As %String, pSourceValue As %String, pTargetValue As %String = "", pDeleteItem As %Boolean = 0)
API Method
Add, update or delete an item in the specified Lookup %DynamicObject, given the
source schema ("SDA3", "vSTU3"), target schema ("SDA3", "vSTU3", "vDSTU2"), the
source value set, the target value set, the source value, and, if applicable,
the target value. Specify 1 for the pDelete parameter if you want to delete the
the specified entry.