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class HS.FHIR.DTL.Util.SDA3.Handler.ExternalId

Method Inventory


classmethod GenerateExternalId(value As %String, system As %String, Output externalId) as %Status
Combine the value and system from an identifier to reconstruct the external id. The inverse operation as above will be used to choose the system, and a | will be used to separate the system and value.
classmethod GenerateId(externalId As %String, MPIID As %String, sourceMRN As %String, Output id As %String) as %String
Generate the resource id for a resource given the external id and source mrn for the streamlet. The resource id is the hashed, base32 encoded, concatenated string of MRN and external id. The = symbol will be replaced with a - symbol as it is valid for the FHIR resource id data type.
classmethod GetSystem(externalId As %String) as %String
If there is a |, that means the first section is the system and the second section is the value. We will attempt to get a URI for the system if one exists. If none are returned, we will assume it is already a URI.
classmethod GetValue(externalId As %String) as %String
classmethod Identifier(externalId As %String) as %RegisteredObject
Transform an ExternalId into a FHIR identifier element. If there exists a system portion of the ExternalId and an entry in the OID registry exists, that will be used. In addition, the system portion will be preserved in an extension
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