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This class provides methods for converting HS response messages into FHIRServer-related response objects.

Method Inventory


classmethod AggregateExtensions(ByRef aggregateSDA, searchMatch As HS.Message.PatientSearchMatch)
Aggregate extensions from all the search matches using the overrideable OnAggregateExtensionImpl hook. NOTE - OnAggregateExtensionImpl typically receives a fully populated SDA object. Extension aggregation which depends on more than the extensions may result in slightly different behavior, but this is an acceptable level of variance for a temporary solution (IF-1771).
classmethod FacilityToFHIROrganization(facility As HS.Facility.Config) as %DynamicObject
classmethod FilterByUnsupportedParamsODS(pParameters As HS.FHIRServer.API.Data.QueryParameters = "", ByRef pResultSet As HS.FHIRServer.Util.SearchResult)
classmethod GetURI(pType As %String, pCode As %String, pMode As %String = "strict", pDefault As %String = "") as %String
GetURI wraps the logic for obtaining a URI, based on a specified code and code type.
classmethod HasExtension(pFHIRObj As %Library.DynamicObject, pExtensionUrl As %String) as %Boolean
Return a Boolean value indicating whether the specified FHIR object's extension collection includes an extension with the specified url.
classmethod MakeAddress(pStreet As %String = "", pCity As %String = "", pState As %String = "", pPostalCode As %String = "", pCounty As %String = "", pCountry As %String = "", pType As %String = "", pUse As %String = "", pStart As %String = "", pEnd As %String = "", pId As %String = "", pExtension As %RegisteredObject = "") as %Library.DynamicObject
Build and return a FHIR Address.
classmethod MakeCodeableConcept(pCode As %String = "", pDisplay As %String = "", pSystem As %String = "", pText As %String = "", pVersion As %String = "", pUserSelected As %String = "", pId As %String = "", pExtension As %RegisteredObject = "") as %Library.DynamicObject
Build and return a FHIR CodeableConcept - with maximum one coding item.
classmethod MakeCoding(pCode As %String = "", pDisplay As %String = "", pSystem As %String = "", pVersion As %String = "", pUserSelected As %String = "", pId As %String = "", pExtension As %String = "") as %Library.DynamicObject
Build and return a FHIR Coding object.
classmethod MakeContactPoint(pValue As %String = "", pSystem As %String = "", pUse As %String = "", pRank As %Integer = "", pStart As %String = "", pEnd As %String = "") as %Library.DynamicObject
Build and return a FHIR HumanName object.
classmethod MakeHumanName(pFirst As %String = "", pMiddle As %String = "", pLast As %String = "", pPrefix As %String = "", pSuffix As %String = "", pIncludeText As %Boolean = 1) as %Library.DynamicObject
Build and return a FHIR HumanName object.
classmethod MakeIdentifier(pValue As %String = "", pSystem As %String = "", pUse As %String = "", pType As %Library.DynamicObject = "", pStart As %String = "", pEnd As %String = "", pAssignerReference As %String = "", pAssignerDisplay As %String = "", pId As %String = "", pExtension As %RegisteredObject = "") as %Library.DynamicObject
Build and return a FHIR Identifier.
classmethod PatientMatchToFHIRPatient(pPatientMatch As HS.Message.PatientMPIMatch, pFHIRVersion As %String, pAffinityDomainCode As %String, pURIMode As %String = "strict", ByRef pPatient As %Library.DynamicObject, ByRef pItemsAdded)
classmethod PatientSearchResponseToFHIR(pSearchResponse As HS.Message.PatientSearchResponse, pFHIRVersion As %String, pAffinityDomainCode As %String, pURIMode As %String = "strict") as HS.FHIRServer.Util.SearchResult
Parse the HS Patient Search response and populate a FHIRServer resultset with FHIR Patient resources derived from that response. This method does no filtering of the response data.
@Input pSearchResponse HS Patient Search Response message object.
@Input pFHIRVersion Fully qualified numeric FHIR version string (e.g., "3.0.1", "4.0.1")
@Input pAffinityDomain Affinity Domain code, used for detecting identifiers that should be interpreted as MPIID.
@Input pURIMode "strict" = Assigning Authority codes in the search response must have corresponding entries in the OID Registry, "lenient" = If an Assigning Authority code does not have an entry in the OID Registry then a URL is synthesized for it in the FHIR response.
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