class HS.FHIRServer.Util.SearchResult extends HS.Util.TransientTable
Property Inventory
- Created
- IsDeleted
- Key
- LastUsed
- MatchCount
- Mode
- PageSize
- QueryId
- ReferredToBy
- ResourceId
- ResourceJson
- ResourceString
- ResourceType
- SearchStatus
- TotalUndeleted
- Verb
- VersionId
Method Inventory
- AddRow()
- Create()
- CreatedGet()
- Discard()
- GetOriginalQueryInfo()
- Init()
- IsDeletedGet()
- KeyGet()
- LastUsedGet()
- MPIIDGet()
- MarkAsDeleted()
- MatchCountGet()
- ModeGet()
- NextUndeleted()
- PageSizeGet()
- Paginate()
- PurgeCachedResults()
- QueryIdGet()
- ReferredToByGet()
- Reinit()
- ResourceIdGet()
- ResourceJsonGet()
- ResourceStringGet()
- ResourceTypeGet()
- Restore()
- Save()
- SetIteratorToPage()
- SetReferredToBy()
- TotalUndeletedGet()
- VerbGet()
- VersionIdGet()
parameter GlobalName = ^IRIS.Temp.FHIRServerSearchResult;
parameter SummaryCountModeName = summary_count;
Special Mode name to use when recording only the number generated by a _summary=count or _count=0 request.
property Created as %String [ Calculated ];
Property methods: CreatedDisplayToLogical(), CreatedIsValid(), CreatedLogicalToDisplay(), CreatedLogicalToOdbc(), CreatedNormalize()
property IsDeleted as %Boolean [ Calculated ];
Property methods: IsDeletedDisplayToLogical(), IsDeletedIsValid(), IsDeletedLogicalToDisplay(), IsDeletedNormalize()
property Key as %String [ Calculated ];
Property methods: KeyDisplayToLogical(), KeyIsValid(), KeyLogicalToDisplay(), KeyLogicalToOdbc(), KeyNormalize()
property LastUsed as %String [ Calculated ];
Property methods: LastUsedDisplayToLogical(), LastUsedIsValid(), LastUsedLogicalToDisplay(), LastUsedLogicalToOdbc(), LastUsedNormalize()
property MPIID as %Integer [ Calculated ];
Property methods: MPIIDDisplayToLogical(), MPIIDIsValid(), MPIIDLogicalToDisplay(), MPIIDNormalize()
property MatchCount as %Integer [ Calculated ];
Property methods: MatchCountDisplayToLogical(), MatchCountIsValid(), MatchCountLogicalToDisplay(), MatchCountNormalize()
property Mode as %String [ Calculated ];
Property methods: ModeDisplayToLogical(), ModeIsValid(), ModeLogicalToDisplay(), ModeLogicalToOdbc(), ModeNormalize()
property PageSize as %Integer [ Calculated ];
Property methods: PageSizeDisplayToLogical(), PageSizeIsValid(), PageSizeLogicalToDisplay(), PageSizeNormalize()
property QueryId as %String [ Calculated ];
Property methods: QueryIdDisplayToLogical(), QueryIdIsValid(), QueryIdLogicalToDisplay(), QueryIdLogicalToOdbc(), QueryIdNormalize()
property ReferredToBy as %List [ Calculated ];
Property methods: ReferredToByLogicalToOdbc(), ReferredToByOdbcToLogical()
property ResourceId as %String [ Calculated ];
Property methods: ResourceIdDisplayToLogical(), ResourceIdIsValid(), ResourceIdLogicalToDisplay(), ResourceIdLogicalToOdbc(), ResourceIdNormalize()
property ResourceJson as %DynamicObject [ Calculated ];
property ResourceString as %String [ Calculated ];
Property methods: ResourceStringDisplayToLogical(), ResourceStringIsValid(), ResourceStringLogicalToDisplay(), ResourceStringLogicalToOdbc(), ResourceStringNormalize()
property ResourceType as %String [ Calculated ];
Property methods: ResourceTypeDisplayToLogical(), ResourceTypeIsValid(), ResourceTypeLogicalToDisplay(), ResourceTypeLogicalToOdbc(), ResourceTypeNormalize()
property SearchStatus as %Status;
Property methods: SearchStatusGet(), SearchStatusIsValid(), SearchStatusLogicalToOdbc(), SearchStatusSet()
property TotalUndeleted as %Integer [ Calculated ];
Property methods: TotalUndeletedDisplayToLogical(), TotalUndeletedIsValid(), TotalUndeletedLogicalToDisplay(), TotalUndeletedNormalize()
property Verb as %String [ Calculated ];
Property methods: VerbDisplayToLogical(), VerbIsValid(), VerbLogicalToDisplay(), VerbLogicalToOdbc(), VerbNormalize()
property VersionId as %String [ Calculated ];
Property methods: VersionIdDisplayToLogical(), VersionIdIsValid(), VersionIdLogicalToDisplay(), VersionIdLogicalToOdbc(), VersionIdNormalize()
method AddRow(key, pResourceType, pResourceId, pVersionId, pMode, pVerb="", pJson="", pReferredToBy="", pMPIID="") as %Integer
classmethod Create(pPageSize As %Integer = 0) as HS.FHIRServer.Util.SearchResult
method CreatedGet()
classmethod Discard(key As %String)
method GetOriginalQueryInfo() as %List
method Init(pPageSize As %Integer)
method IsDeletedGet() as %String
method KeyGet() as %String
method LastUsedGet()
method MPIIDGet() as %String
method MarkAsDeleted()
method MatchCountGet()
method ModeGet() as %String
method NextUndeleted() as %Boolean
method PageSizeGet()
method Paginate(pPageSize As %Integer = "", pUsername As %String = "", pPathAndQuery As %String = "") as %Integer
Used to purge expired search results based on the last time
they were interacted with e.g. needed to be re-initialized (paging does this)
method QueryIdGet()
method ReferredToByGet() as %List
method Reinit(pQueryId As %String)
method ResourceIdGet() as %String
method ResourceJsonGet() as %DynamicObject
method ResourceStringGet() as %String
method ResourceTypeGet() as %String
classmethod Restore(pQueryId As %String) as HS.FHIRServer.Util.SearchResult
method Save() as %String
method SetIteratorToPage(pageNum As %Integer)
method SetReferredToBy(idList As %List)
method TotalUndeletedGet()
method VerbGet() as %String
method VersionIdGet() as %String
Inherited Members
Inherited Properties
- %CurrentResult
- %Message
- %OutputColumnCount
- %PrivateTables
- %ResultColumnCount
- %StatementType
- %StatementTypeName
Inherited Methods
- %AddColumn()
- %AddColumnByMD()
- %AddColumnByOid()
- %AddColumns()
- %AddResultSet()
- %ClassIsLatestVersion()
- %ClassName()
- %ColumnIndex()
- %ColumnValueToString()
- %ConstructClone()
- %DispatchClassMethod()
- %DispatchGetModified()
- %DispatchMethod()
- %DispatchSetModified()
- %DispatchSetMultidimProperty()
- %Display()
- %DisplayFormatted()
- %DisplayMarkDown()
- %Extends()
- %Get()
- %GetClientMetadata()
- %GetData()
- %GetMetadata()
- %GetParameter()
- %GetRow()
- %GetRows()
- %GetStatement()
- %IsA()
- %IsModified()
- %MoreResults()
- %New()
- %NewRow()
- %Next()
- %NextOutputValue()
- %NextResult()
- %NormalizeObject()
- %ObjectModified()
- %OriginalNamespace()
- %PackageName()
- %Print()
- %RegsiterToStringMethod()
- %RestoreFrom()
- %Save()
- %SaveRow()
- %SaveTo()
- %SendODBC()
- %SendRows()
- %SerializeObject()
- %Set()
- %SetData()
- %SetIterator()
- %SetModified()
- %Sort()
- %ValidateObject()
- %nextNode()
- Close()
- Fetch()
- FetchRows()
- GetInfo()
- GetODBCInfo()
- getSelectMode()
- refreshMetadata()