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persistent class HS.Message.CallIECountsRequest extends HS.Util.EnsRequest

SQL Table Name: HS_Message.CallIECountsRequest

Property Inventory


property Days as %Integer;
search within days if is not 1
Property methods: DaysDisplayToLogical(), DaysGet(), DaysGetStored(), DaysIsValid(), DaysLogicalToDisplay(), DaysNormalize(), DaysSet(), DaysXSDToLogical()
property Facilities as %String);

Facility Tag

"All" means do not filter on the facility of clinical data and check all the facilities. If user wants to check only a set of facilities, he can set this argument to ",,", such as "MGH,CGH,CHMC". This string argument must be comma-separated.

Property methods: FacilitiesDisplayToLogical(), FacilitiesGet(), FacilitiesGetStored(), FacilitiesIsValid(), FacilitiesLogicalToDisplay(), FacilitiesLogicalToOdbc(), FacilitiesNormalize(), FacilitiesSet()
property Gateway as %String);
Edge Gateway URL
Property methods: GatewayDisplayToLogical(), GatewayGet(), GatewayGetStored(), GatewayIsValid(), GatewayLogicalToDisplay(), GatewayLogicalToOdbc(), GatewayNormalize(), GatewaySet()
property IsCountTotal as %Boolean;

flag IsCountTotal

if it is 1, check the data over all the time, else just check the data within Days

Property methods: IsCountTotalDisplayToLogical(), IsCountTotalGet(), IsCountTotalGetStored(), IsCountTotalIsValid(), IsCountTotalLogicalToDisplay(), IsCountTotalLogicalToXSD(), IsCountTotalNormalize(), IsCountTotalSet(), IsCountTotalXSDToLogical()
property Types as %String);
The type of the streamlets (ex. Patient, Encounter)
Property methods: TypesDisplayToLogical(), TypesGet(), TypesGetStored(), TypesIsValid(), TypesLogicalToDisplay(), TypesLogicalToOdbc(), TypesNormalize(), TypesSet()

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods


Gray indicates storage defined by superclasses.

Storage Model: Storage (Ens.MessageBody)


Storage Model: Storage (HS.Util.EnsRequest)


Storage Model: Storage (HS.Message.CallIECountsRequest)

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