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persistent class HS.Message.RecentPatientUpdateRequest extends Ens.MessageBody

SQL Table Name: HS_Message.RecentPatientUpdateRequest

THis is used to update the list of recently selected patients, to support the "Recent Patients" search

Property Inventory


property MPIID as %String;
As an alternative to the MPIIDList, which contains a list of patients with demographics, we can pass in just a single MPIID, and get the data from the patient registry
Property methods: MPIIDDisplayToLogical(), MPIIDGet(), MPIIDGetStored(), MPIIDIsValid(), MPIIDLogicalToDisplay(), MPIIDLogicalToOdbc(), MPIIDNormalize(), MPIIDSet()
property MPIIDList as list of HS.Types.PatientSerial;
THe list of MPIIDs being requested, along with some demographics
Property methods: MPIIDListBuildValueArray(), MPIIDListCollectionToDisplay(), MPIIDListCollectionToOdbc(), MPIIDListDisplayToCollection(), MPIIDListGet(), MPIIDListGetObject(), MPIIDListGetObjectId(), MPIIDListGetStored(), MPIIDListGetSwizzled(), MPIIDListIsValid(), MPIIDListOdbcToCollection(), MPIIDListSet(), MPIIDListSetObject(), MPIIDListSetObjectId()
property RequestingUser as HS.Types.Username [ InitialExpression = $USERNAME ];
The requesting user
Property methods: RequestingUserDisplayToLogical(), RequestingUserGet(), RequestingUserGetStored(), RequestingUserIsValid(), RequestingUserLogicalToDisplay(), RequestingUserLogicalToOdbc(), RequestingUserNormalize(), RequestingUserSet()

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


Gray indicates storage defined by superclasses.

Storage Model: Storage (Ens.MessageBody)


Storage Model: Storage (HS.Message.RecentPatientUpdateRequest)

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