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class HS.Message.PatientListRequest extends HS.Types.RequestInfo

Property Inventory


property ListId as %String;
either the relationship ID or the program ID
Property methods: ListIdDisplayToLogical(), ListIdGet(), ListIdIsValid(), ListIdLogicalToDisplay(), ListIdLogicalToOdbc(), ListIdNormalize(), ListIdSet()
property ListType as %String;
can be recent, relationship, or program
Property methods: ListTypeDisplayToLogical(), ListTypeGet(), ListTypeIsValid(), ListTypeLogicalToDisplay(), ListTypeLogicalToOdbc(), ListTypeNormalize(), ListTypeSet()
property MaxPatients as %Integer [ InitialExpression = 200 ];
For big lists, how many do we want to return (especially important if there is no NameFilter)
Property methods: MaxPatientsDisplayToLogical(), MaxPatientsGet(), MaxPatientsIsValid(), MaxPatientsLogicalToDisplay(), MaxPatientsNormalize(), MaxPatientsSet(), MaxPatientsXSDToLogical()
property NameFilter as %String (MAXLEN = 200);
if filtering the list by name, this will be last,first (leading subset of each)
Property methods: NameFilterDisplayToLogical(), NameFilterGet(), NameFilterIsValid(), NameFilterLogicalToDisplay(), NameFilterLogicalToOdbc(), NameFilterNormalize(), NameFilterSet()
property RelationshipClinician as %String;
The clinician for whom we are looking for a relationship
Property methods: RelationshipClinicianDisplayToLogical(), RelationshipClinicianGet(), RelationshipClinicianIsValid(), RelationshipClinicianLogicalToDisplay(), RelationshipClinicianLogicalToOdbc(), RelationshipClinicianNormalize(), RelationshipClinicianSet()

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods


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