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deprecated class extends %ZEN.Report.reportNode

Defines a group within a ZEN Report.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property %hasquery as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean (XMLPROJECTION = "none") [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Property methods: %hasqueryDisplayToLogical(), %hasqueryGet(), %hasqueryIsValid(), %hasqueryLogicalToDisplay(), %hasqueryLogicalToOdbc(), %hasqueryLogicalToXSD(), %hasqueryNormalize(), %hasquerySet(), %hasqueryXSDToLogical()
property OnCreateResultSet as %ZEN.Datatype.delegator (FORMALSPEC = "*tSC:%Status,*pParameters:%String", RETURNTYPE = "%ResultSet");
Name of callback method to call to create a %ResultSet object. This must be the name of an instance method within the report class.
An example callback would look something like this:
ClassMethod RS1(ByRef pSC As %Status, ByRef pParms) As %ResultSet
	 Set pSC = $$$OK
	 Set tRS = ##class(%ResultSet.SQL).%Prepare("SELECT Name FROM Sample.Person WHERE Home_City = ? ORDER BY Name",.tError,"",pParms(1))
	 If ($IsObject(tError)) {
	 	Set pSC = tError.Status
	 Quit tRS
Property methods: OnCreateResultSetDisplayToLogical(), OnCreateResultSetGet(), OnCreateResultSetIsValid(), OnCreateResultSetLogicalToDisplay(), OnCreateResultSetLogicalToOdbc(), OnCreateResultSetNormalize(), OnCreateResultSetSet()
property breakOnExpression as %ZEN.Datatype.expression;
Optional ObjectScript expression that can either be applied to the grouping value of this group (as %val), or to provide an arbitrary value.
Property methods: breakOnExpressionDisplayToLogical(), breakOnExpressionGet(), breakOnExpressionIsValid(), breakOnExpressionLogicalToDisplay(), breakOnExpressionLogicalToOdbc(), breakOnExpressionNormalize(), breakOnExpressionSet()
property breakOnField as %ZEN.Datatype.classMember (MEMBERTYPE = "SQLCOLUMN");
Name of field (column) in the base query for this report that supply the value for collecting members of this group.
Property methods: breakOnFieldDisplayToLogical(), breakOnFieldGet(), breakOnFieldIsValid(), breakOnFieldLogicalToDisplay(), breakOnFieldLogicalToOdbc(), breakOnFieldNormalize(), breakOnFieldSet()
property call as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
call that will supply XML
Property methods: callDisplayToLogical(), callGet(), callIsValid(), callLogicalToDisplay(), callLogicalToOdbc(), callNormalize(), callSet()
property callArgument as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
If non-null will provide an argument passed to call
Property methods: callArgumentDisplayToLogical(), callArgumentGet(), callArgumentIsValid(), callArgumentLogicalToDisplay(), callArgumentLogicalToOdbc(), callArgumentNormalize(), callArgumentSet()
property callClass as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
class for call that will supply XML, can be blank in which case current class used if set to 0, call is called as instance method
Property methods: callClassDisplayToLogical(), callClassGet(), callClassIsValid(), callClassLogicalToDisplay(), callClassLogicalToOdbc(), callClassNormalize(), callClassSet()
property children as list of reportNode (XMLELEMENTREF = 1, XMLPROJECTION = "ELEMENT", XMLTYPECONSTRAINT = "CHOICE");
Set of nodes contained within this group.
Property methods: childrenBuildValueArray(), childrenCollectionToDisplay(), childrenCollectionToOdbc(), childrenDisplayToCollection(), childrenGet(), childrenGetObject(), childrenGetObjectId(), childrenGetSwizzled(), childrenIsValid(), childrenOdbcToCollection(), childrenSet(), childrenSetObject(), childrenSetObjectId()
property excelSheetName as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
name of worksheet when group represents an Excel worksheet
Property methods: excelSheetNameDisplayToLogical(), excelSheetNameGet(), excelSheetNameIsValid(), excelSheetNameLogicalToDisplay(), excelSheetNameLogicalToOdbc(), excelSheetNameNormalize(), excelSheetNameSet()
property fields as %ZEN.Datatype.string (MAXLEN = 500);
Name of fields (columns) in the base query for this report that will supply the values for this item.
Property methods: fieldsDisplayToLogical(), fieldsGet(), fieldsIsValid(), fieldsLogicalToDisplay(), fieldsLogicalToOdbc(), fieldsNormalize(), fieldsSet()
property filter as %ZEN.Datatype.integer;
When a query is present and expression filter is 0, row is skipped
Property methods: filterDisplayToLogical(), filterGet(), filterIsValid(), filterLogicalToDisplay(), filterLogicalToOdbc(), filterNormalize(), filterSet()
property ifexpression as %ZEN.Datatype.string [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
Property methods: ifexpressionDisplayToLogical(), ifexpressionGet(), ifexpressionIsValid(), ifexpressionLogicalToDisplay(), ifexpressionLogicalToOdbc(), ifexpressionNormalize(), ifexpressionSet()
property name as %ZEN.Datatype.string [ InitialExpression = ..%ClassName(0) , Required ];
XML element name used for this group.
If not provided a default will be supplied.
Property methods: nameDisplayToLogical(), nameGet(), nameIsValid(), nameLogicalToDisplay(), nameLogicalToOdbc(), nameNormalize(), nameSet()
property orderby as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
comma separated list of fields by which the group will be sorted
Property methods: orderbyDisplayToLogical(), orderbyGet(), orderbyIsValid(), orderbyLogicalToDisplay(), orderbyLogicalToOdbc(), orderbyNormalize(), orderbySet()
property parameters as list of %ZEN.Report.parameter (XMLNAME = "parameter", XMLPROJECTION = "ELEMENT");
User-defined list of query parameters. These are used to supply parameter values for the query associated with this group.
Property methods: parametersBuildValueArray(), parametersCollectionToDisplay(), parametersCollectionToOdbc(), parametersDisplayToCollection(), parametersGet(), parametersGetObject(), parametersGetObjectId(), parametersGetSwizzled(), parametersIsValid(), parametersOdbcToCollection(), parametersSet(), parametersSetObject(), parametersSetObjectId()
property queryClass as %ZEN.Datatype.className;
(optional) Name of the class containing the class query that will be used to create a %ResultSet object.
This property is only used if queryName is defined. If this property is not defined, then it is assumed that the current report class contains the specified query.
Property methods: queryClassDisplayToLogical(), queryClassGet(), queryClassIsValid(), queryClassLogicalToDisplay(), queryClassLogicalToOdbc(), queryClassNormalize(), queryClassSet()
property queryName as %ZEN.Datatype.classMember (MEMBERTYPE = "QUERY");
(optional) Name of the class query that will be used to create a %ResultSet object.
Property methods: queryNameDisplayToLogical(), queryNameGet(), queryNameIsValid(), queryNameLogicalToDisplay(), queryNameLogicalToOdbc(), queryNameNormalize(), queryNameSet()
property removeEmpty as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = -1 ];
Remove empty XML elments If not provided a default of -1 (inherit from parent) will be supplied.
Property methods: removeEmptyDisplayToLogical(), removeEmptyGet(), removeEmptyIsValid(), removeEmptyLogicalToDisplay(), removeEmptyLogicalToOdbc(), removeEmptyLogicalToXSD(), removeEmptyNormalize(), removeEmptySet(), removeEmptyXSDToLogical()
property runonce as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Execute elements with report or group once, causes sql, query and resultset to be ignored
Property methods: runonceDisplayToLogical(), runonceGet(), runonceIsValid(), runonceLogicalToDisplay(), runonceLogicalToOdbc(), runonceLogicalToXSD(), runonceNormalize(), runonceSet(), runonceXSDToLogical()
property runtimeMode as %ZEN.Datatype.integer (VALUELIST = ",0,1,2") [ InitialExpression = 2 ];
(optional) Runtime mode applied to the %ResultSet object used to fetch results for this report.
Property methods: runtimeModeDisplayToLogical(), runtimeModeGet(), runtimeModeIsValid(), runtimeModeLogicalToDisplay(), runtimeModeLogicalToOdbc(), runtimeModeNormalize(), runtimeModeSet()
property sql as %ZEN.Datatype.sql;
(optional) SQL statement that, if present, will be used to create a %ResultSet object.
If defined, this takes precedence over queryClass and queryName and sqlexpression.
Property methods: sqlDisplayToLogical(), sqlGet(), sqlIsValid(), sqlLogicalToDisplay(), sqlLogicalToOdbc(), sqlNormalize(), sqlSet()
property sqlexpression as %ZEN.Datatype.string);
(optional) SQL statement in expression form that, if present, will be used to create a %ResultSet object.
Property methods: sqlexpressionDisplayToLogical(), sqlexpressionGet(), sqlexpressionIsValid(), sqlexpressionLogicalToDisplay(), sqlexpressionLogicalToOdbc(), sqlexpressionNormalize(), sqlexpressionSet()
property suppressExcelHeaders as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean;
True if ExcelHeaders are to be suppressed on group or report
Property methods: suppressExcelHeadersDisplayToLogical(), suppressExcelHeadersGet(), suppressExcelHeadersIsValid(), suppressExcelHeadersLogicalToDisplay(), suppressExcelHeadersLogicalToOdbc(), suppressExcelHeadersLogicalToXSD(), suppressExcelHeadersNormalize(), suppressExcelHeadersSet(), suppressExcelHeadersXSDToLogical()
property top as %ZEN.Datatype.integer;
When a query is present this induces effect of "SELECT TOP Query"
Property methods: topDisplayToLogical(), topGet(), topIsValid(), topLogicalToDisplay(), topLogicalToOdbc(), topNormalize(), topSet()


method %AncestorHasRightSibling()
method %MakeLabel(pLevel As %Integer)
classmethod %QuoteValue(pValue As %String)
Take a value string and return a quoted string.
classmethod %QuoteValueL10N(pValue As %String, pDomain As %String)
Take a value string and return a quoted string wrapped within a $$$Text macro.
If value starts and ends with #( )#, then return an expression
method %hasBreakDefined() as %Boolean
Test if this group has a break defined
method %hasQueryDefined() as %Boolean
Test if this group has a query defined.
method DumpCallElements(pCode As %CharacterStream, ByRef pCalls As, pLevel As %Integer) as %Status
method DumpCalls(pReport As %ZEN.Report.reportNode, pCode As %CharacterStream, ByRef pCalls As, pLevel As %Integer) as %Status
classmethod DumpGets(pCode As %CharacterStream, ByRef pGets As %ZEN.Report.include) as %Status
classmethod DumpIncludes(pCode As %CharacterStream, ByRef pIncludes As %ZEN.Report.include) as %Status
classmethod GetXML(pCode As %CharacterStream, host As %String, port As %String, url As %String) as %Status
classmethod GetXMLFromCall(pCode As %CharacterStream, method As %String, parmName As %String, hasStatus As %Boolean) as %Status
method HorlogToExcelDateTime(pReport, pCode, pNode, pNodeExpr, pLevel)
classmethod IncludeXdata(pCode As %CharacterStream, ClassName As %String, XdataName As %String) as %Status
classmethod Qualify(xpath As %String, prefix As %String)
method TimeToExcelTime(pReport, pCode, pNode, pNodeExpr, pLevel)
method dumpElementStore(pReport As %ZEN.Report.reportNode, pCode As %CharacterStream, pLevel As %Integer)
classmethod getClassName(tNode)

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


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