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class CSPX.Dashboard.Grid extends CSPX.Dashboard.Meter

Grid Meter for Dashboard. The Grid Meter displays a set of data as a simple table.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter MINHEIGHT = 75;
Inherited description: Minimum height, in logical units, of this meter.
parameter MINWIDTH = 75;
Inherited description: Minimum width, in logical units, of this meter.


property CellStyle as %String (MAXLEN = 100, XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE");
Default CSS Style applied to grid cells. E.g. "fill: blue;"
Property methods: CellStyleDisplayToLogical(), CellStyleGet(), CellStyleIsValid(), CellStyleLogicalToDisplay(), CellStyleLogicalToOdbc(), CellStyleNormalize(), CellStyleSet()
property ColLabels as %String (MAXLEN = 10000, XMLPROJECTION = "NONE");
Internal holder for initial column labels.
Property methods: ColLabelsDisplayToLogical(), ColLabelsGet(), ColLabelsIsValid(), ColLabelsLogicalToDisplay(), ColLabelsLogicalToOdbc(), ColLabelsNormalize(), ColLabelsSet()
property Columns as GridDimension (XMLNAME = "Columns", XMLPROJECTION = "ELEMENT");
Data specification for grid columns.
Property methods: ColumnsGet(), ColumnsGetSwizzled(), ColumnsIsValid(), ColumnsNewObject(), ColumnsSet()
property LabelHeight as %Integer (MINVAL = 0, XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE") [ InitialExpression = 10 ];
Display height (in logical units) of the upper labels in the grid.
Property methods: LabelHeightDisplayToLogical(), LabelHeightGet(), LabelHeightIsValid(), LabelHeightLogicalToDisplay(), LabelHeightNormalize(), LabelHeightSet(), LabelHeightXSDToLogical()
property LabelSource as %String (MAXLEN = 64, XMLPROJECTION = "NONE");
Not supported at this time.
Property methods: LabelSourceDisplayToLogical(), LabelSourceGet(), LabelSourceIsValid(), LabelSourceLogicalToDisplay(), LabelSourceLogicalToOdbc(), LabelSourceNormalize(), LabelSourceSet()
property LabelStyle as %String (MAXLEN = 100, XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE");
CSS Style applied to grid labels. E.g. "fill: blue;"
Property methods: LabelStyleDisplayToLogical(), LabelStyleGet(), LabelStyleIsValid(), LabelStyleLogicalToDisplay(), LabelStyleLogicalToOdbc(), LabelStyleNormalize(), LabelStyleSet()
property LabelWidth as %Integer (MINVAL = 0, XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE") [ InitialExpression = 25 ];
Display width (in logical units) of the side labels in the grid.
Property methods: LabelWidthDisplayToLogical(), LabelWidthGet(), LabelWidthIsValid(), LabelWidthLogicalToDisplay(), LabelWidthNormalize(), LabelWidthSet(), LabelWidthXSDToLogical()
property MaxColumns as %Integer (MINVAL = 0, XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE") [ InitialExpression = 40 ];
Maximum number of columns to display in the grid.
Property methods: MaxColumnsDisplayToLogical(), MaxColumnsGet(), MaxColumnsIsValid(), MaxColumnsLogicalToDisplay(), MaxColumnsNormalize(), MaxColumnsSet(), MaxColumnsXSDToLogical()
property MaxRows as %Integer (MINVAL = 0, XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE") [ InitialExpression = 40 ];
Maximum number of rows to display in the grid.
Property methods: MaxRowsDisplayToLogical(), MaxRowsGet(), MaxRowsIsValid(), MaxRowsLogicalToDisplay(), MaxRowsNormalize(), MaxRowsSet(), MaxRowsXSDToLogical()
property RowHeight as %Integer (MINVAL = 0, XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE") [ InitialExpression = 10 ];
Display height (in logical units) of each row in the grid.
Property methods: RowHeightDisplayToLogical(), RowHeightGet(), RowHeightIsValid(), RowHeightLogicalToDisplay(), RowHeightNormalize(), RowHeightSet(), RowHeightXSDToLogical()
property RowLabels as %String (MAXLEN = 10000, XMLPROJECTION = "NONE");
Internal holder for initial row labels.
Property methods: RowLabelsDisplayToLogical(), RowLabelsGet(), RowLabelsIsValid(), RowLabelsLogicalToDisplay(), RowLabelsLogicalToOdbc(), RowLabelsNormalize(), RowLabelsSet()
property Rows as GridDimension (XMLNAME = "Rows", XMLPROJECTION = "ELEMENT");
Data specification for grid rows.
Property methods: RowsGet(), RowsGetSwizzled(), RowsIsValid(), RowsNewObject(), RowsSet()
property Unsupported as %Boolean (XMLPROJECTION = "NONE") [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Internal flag for unsupport row/columns combinations.
Property methods: UnsupportedDisplayToLogical(), UnsupportedGet(), UnsupportedIsValid(), UnsupportedLogicalToDisplay(), UnsupportedLogicalToXSD(), UnsupportedNormalize(), UnsupportedSet(), UnsupportedXSDToLogical()


method GenerateCode(pCode As %CharacterStream, pLevel As %Integer = 1) as %Status
Called by Dashboard class to generate code to create an instance of this object. The object instance is called tMeter.
method OnSVGBody()
Draw the body of this SVG meter
classmethod OnSVGHead()
Inherited description: Called before any scripts, styles, defs are written Usually used to pick up include files
method OnSVGInitJS()
Inherited description: Generate JavaScript to initialize client-side meter object
classmethod OnSVGScript()
Inherited description: Draw the script section of this SVG meter
classmethod OnSVGStyle()
Inherited description: Draw the style section of this SVG meter

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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