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abstract class Ens.Util.XML.Reader

Method Inventory


classmethod ChangeXMLEncoding(pString As %String, pEncoding As %String = "") as %String
classmethod ChangeXMLStreamEncoding(pSource As %CharacterStream, pEncoding As %String = "", ByRef pTarget As %CharacterStream = "", Output pStatus) as %CharacterStream
Copy from a stream containing an XML header to another stream with the XML header encoding label changed to the value given in pEncoding. Returns the output stream which if not supplied is created using the same stream class as the input stream. If no change to the encoding label results and if no output stream is supplied then the original input stream is returned as the output stream without copying.
classmethod ObjectFromFile(Output pObject As %RegisteredObject, pFilename As %String, pClassnames As %String, pResolver As %XML.SAX.EntityResolver = $$$NULLOREF) as %Status
classmethod ObjectFromStream(Output pObject As %RegisteredObject, pStream As %BinaryStream, pClassnames As %String, pResolver As %XML.SAX.EntityResolver = $$$NULLOREF) as %Status
classmethod ObjectFromString(Output pObject As %RegisteredObject, pString As %String, pClassnames As %String, pResolver As %XML.SAX.EntityResolver = $$$NULLOREF) as %Status
classmethod ObjectFromXData(Output pObject As %RegisteredObject, pXDataHolderClassname As %String, pXDataName As %String, pClassnames As %String, pResolver As %XML.SAX.EntityResolver = $$$NULLOREF) as %Status
classmethod ObjectsFromFile(Output pObjects As %ListOfObjects, pFilename As %String, pClassnames As %String, pResolver As %XML.SAX.EntityResolver = $$$NULLOREF) as %Status
classmethod ObjectsFromStream(Output pObjects As %ListOfObjects, pStream As %BinaryStream, pClassnames As %String, pResolver As %XML.SAX.EntityResolver = $$$NULLOREF) as %Status
classmethod ObjectsFromString(Output pObjects As %ListOfObjects, pString As %String, pClassnames As %String, pResolver As %XML.SAX.EntityResolver = $$$NULLOREF) as %Status
classmethod ObjectsFromXData(Output pObjects As %ListOfObjects, pXDataHolderClassname As %String, pXDataName As %String, pClassnames As %String, pResolver As %XML.SAX.EntityResolver = $$$NULLOREF) as %Status
