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class EnsPortal.SVG.VisualTrace extends EnsPortal.SVG.templatePage

Visual Trace SVG Page
This page renders the SVG needed to display a visual trace.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter CACHETIMEOUT = 5;
Number of seconds that the cached Trace Temp File is valid.
parameter DELTAY = 40;
Difference between rows
parameter DOMAIN = Ensemble;
Use our own domain for localization
parameter EVENTSMAXROWS = 1000;
Maximum number of event log entries to be scanned to look for events
parameter EVENTSWINDOW = 30;
Additional time in seconds after processed time of last message in trace to scan for events
parameter HOSTLINEWIDTH = 16;
Host line width
parameter HOSTWIDTH = 170;
Lane width
parameter INCLUDEACKS = 1;
Include EDI ACKs in display
parameter INCLUDEEVENTS = 1;
Enable inclusion of Event Log entries
parameter INCLUDEIOLOG = 1;
Include IOLog Entries in display
parameter MSGPERPAGE = 40;
Number of messages displayed on a page
parameter RESOURCE = %Ens_MessageTrace:USE;
User needs USE permissions on the %Ens_MessageTrace resource to view this page.
Enable display of internal messages and related events
parameter TOPY = 100;
Vertical space used by header and footer
parameter TRACETYPE = VisualTrace;


property currPage as %String (ZENURL = "PAGE");
Curr page of trace
Property methods: currPageDisplayToLogical(), currPageGet(), currPageIsValid(), currPageLogicalToDisplay(), currPageLogicalToOdbc(), currPageNormalize(), currPageSet()
property endId as %String (ZENURL = "ENDID");
End Id for trace
Property methods: endIdDisplayToLogical(), endIdGet(), endIdIsValid(), endIdLogicalToDisplay(), endIdLogicalToOdbc(), endIdNormalize(), endIdSet()
property endTime as %String (ZENURL = "ENDTIME");
End time for trace
Property methods: endTimeDisplayToLogical(), endTimeGet(), endTimeIsValid(), endTimeLogicalToDisplay(), endTimeLogicalToOdbc(), endTimeNormalize(), endTimeSet()
property mode as %Integer (ZENURL = "MODE");
Property to control whether mini-mode is in use - this should only be used for the display in the message viewer. Set to 1 to use the mini-mode.
Property methods: modeDisplayToLogical(), modeGet(), modeIsValid(), modeLogicalToDisplay(), modeNormalize(), modeSet()
property noSelect as %Boolean (ZENURL = "NOSELECT");
Property to disable selection of items other than the requested ID in sessionId.
Property methods: noSelectDisplayToLogical(), noSelectGet(), noSelectIsValid(), noSelectLogicalToDisplay(), noSelectNormalize(), noSelectSet()
property sessionId as %String (ZENURL = "SESSIONID");
Session to trace
Property methods: sessionIdDisplayToLogical(), sessionIdGet(), sessionIdIsValid(), sessionIdLogicalToDisplay(), sessionIdLogicalToOdbc(), sessionIdNormalize(), sessionIdSet()
property startId as %String (ZENURL = "STARTID");
Start Id for trace
Property methods: startIdDisplayToLogical(), startIdGet(), startIdIsValid(), startIdLogicalToDisplay(), startIdLogicalToOdbc(), startIdNormalize(), startIdSet()
property startTime as %String (ZENURL = "STARTTIME");
Start time for trace
Property methods: startTimeDisplayToLogical(), startTimeGet(), startTimeIsValid(), startTimeLogicalToDisplay(), startTimeLogicalToOdbc(), startTimeNormalize(), startTimeSet()


classmethod %OnDrawSVGDef() as %Status
Callback method called when drawing the SVG defs for this page.
method %OnDrawSVGPage() as %Status
Inherited description: Callback method. If defined, this provides a way for a subclass to add static SVG content to the svgPage.
classmethod %OnDrawStyleSVG() as %Status
Callback method called when drawing the SVG CSS style for this page.
classmethod ArrayOfInternalItems(Output v As %String)
classmethod CalculateDimensions(n As %String = "0", rows As %String = "0", cols As %String = "0", startN As %String = "", ByRef noHeight)
classmethod ClearTraceData()
method DrawMessageTrace() as %Status
Draw the SVG message trace
classmethod EventsMaxRows()
classmethod EventsWindow()
classmethod IncludeAcks()
classmethod IncludeEvents()
classmethod IncludeIOLogEntries()
classmethod ShowInternalItems()
classmethod UseOldData(spec As %String = "", timeCreated As %String = "", currPage As %String = 1, msgPerPage As %Integer, Output returnValue As %String) as %Boolean
clientmethod getCurrentHeight() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod getCurrentWidth() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod onSVGLoad() [ Language = javascript ]
Inherited description: This method is called when this svgPage is loaded.
clientmethod selectItem(evt, type, svgId, itemId, extraType, lineId) [ Language = javascript ]
Consolidated function to select a new item from the diagram (and unselect any previously selected items).
clientmethod setMenuItemOption(pOption, pItemId, pSubMenuId, value) [ Language = javascript ]
set the option for the given menu item
clientmethod setZoom(zoom) [ Language = javascript ]
Set the zoom level
clientmethod showLegend() [ Language = javascript ]
Called from context menu - Show legend window

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods
