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Try-Catch FAQ

This question and answer set includes the following topics:

General Questions


What is Try-Catch?


Try-Catch is a language construct in ObjectScript that allows applications to handle exceptional conditions, called exceptions. Try defines a block of code for which exceptions are handled by a paired Catch block. Exceptions include all ObjectScript system errors such as <DIVIDE> and <UNDEFINED>, which are thrown implicitly when the language encounters an error; they also encapsulate other types of exceptional conditions, which can be thrown explicitly by the application with the Throw command. If an exception is thrown in the Try block, control is transferred to the Catch block, and execution resumes there.

Exceptions can be thrown from code that is not in a defined Try block. When that happens, the next exception handler on the stack catches the exception, unwinding the stack as necessary. The exception handler that catches the exception may be a Catch, but it may alternatively be a $ZTRAP or $ETRAP handler (more on this below).

An exception, when thrown, causes the application to deviate from the normal flow of control and resume execution at the first available exception handler on the stack (the deepest stack level), unwinding the stack if necessary until one is found. When using Try-Catch, typically the first available exception handler would be a Catch block. The exception object is available to the Catch block, and can be inspected to recover information about the exception.


What is the difference between an exception and an error?


The term “error” can have multiple meanings, so this article avoids using it as a technical term. An exception is an object that is a subclass of the %Exception.AbstractException class. Several types of exceptions are modeled as subclasses of %Exception.AbstractExceptionOpens in a new tab.

ObjectScript system errors, such as <DIVIDE> and <UNDEFINED> are exceptions of the class %Exception.SystemExceptionOpens in a new tab. Exceptions of this form are automatically instantiated and thrown by the system when such errors occur. There are other classes of exceptions that can be instantiated by the application and thrown using the Throw command. %Exception.StatusExceptionOpens in a new tab is an exception class to model %StatusOpens in a new tab errors, and %Exception.SQLOpens in a new tab models SQLCODE errors. You can also create your own exception class by extending these exception classes.


Is there support for Finally blocks?


No, but it’s easy to get that functionality. You put the code that you always want to have executed after the Catch:

Try {}
Catch {}
// Finally-like code here, since code paths goes here,
// unless an exception is thrown in the Catch.


I called a method that returned an error %StatusOpens in a new tab value. How do I throw it as an exception?


%Exception.StatusExceptionOpens in a new tab has a method, CreateFromStatus, to create an exception object that can then be thrown with the Throw command. For example, if the variable sc contains a %StatusOpens in a new tab value, the following code will throw it as an exception:

if $$$ISERR(sc) {
  throw ##class(%Exception.StatusException).CreateFromStatus(sc)


This functionality is also accessible from the macros $$$ThrowStatus and $$$THROWONERROR.


How do I throw an exception from an error SQLCODE?


The %Exception.SQLOpens in a new tab class has a method, CreateFromSQLCODE, to create an exception object that can then be thrown with the Throw command. For example, if the variable SQLCODE contains an SQLCODE value and %msg its message, the following code throws it as an exception:

if SQLCODE<0 {
  throw ##class(%Exception.SQL).CreateFromSQLCODE(SQLCODE,%msg)


What happens if an exception occurs inside my Catch block?


Exceptions that are thrown inside a Catch block are just like exceptions that occur anywhere else outside of the Try block – the next available exception handler on the stack handles them. You can nest another Try-Catch within the Catch block itself in order to catch additional exceptions within your exception handling code.


Can I convert from an exception to a %StatusOpens in a new tab or SQLCODE


Yes, exception objects have methods AsStatus and AsSQLCODE that do just that.


What can I do with an exception when I catch it?


The Catch block is a fully functioning ObjectScript environment and you can use any commands you need. There are some things that you may typically want to do in order to process the exception, which are described here. These actions need not be entirely contained within the Catch block; they can be done in code following the Catch block if desired.

First, because Catch handles multiple kinds of exceptions, your application may want to distinguish among different exceptions in order to determine what to do. You can use the $classnameOpens in a new tab function or the %IsA method (inherited from the Caché %Library.BaseOpens in a new tab class) to determine the class or superclass of the exception object. You can inspect the Name and Code properties of the exception object to determine the type of error.

You often want to undo work that has been done prior to the exception, release a lock or other resource, and/or roll back a transaction.

You may want to log it to the standard application error log by calling LOG^%ETN. If the exception is not a %Exception.SystemExceptionOpens in a new tab, set $ZERROR to a meaningful value prior to calling LOG^%ETN; this value will be used as the Error Message field in the log entry. (The application error log is visible in the Management Portal’s Application Error Log page.) Additionally, you can get a summary of the exception to display to the user using the DisplayString method of the exception object.

Upon completion of all the above you would typically do one of several things:

  • Continue processing or return from the current procedure

  • Re-throw the exception to the next exception handler on the stack

  • Throw a new exception

  • Halt the process

Here’s an example that illustrates some of these concepts:

func(id) public {
  Try {
    ; Flag indicates if we locked the global
    Set locked=0
    ; If we cannot get the lock, throw a user-created 
    ; exception with the information we need
    Lock +^mygbl(id):0 If '$test {
      Throw ##class(Exception.MyException).%New("Unable to 
    Set locked=1
    Set sc=$system.OBJ.Compile("MyClass")
    If $$$ISERR(sc) {
      Throw ##class(%Exception.StatusException).CreateFromStatus(sc)
    ; Some further processing which may throw exceptions
    ; ...
    If locked { Lock -^mygbl(id) }    

Catch exception {
    ; Release the lock resource before doing anything else
    If locked { Lock -^mygbl(id) }
    ; First determine what sort of exception this is
    If exception.%IsA("%Exception.SystemException") {
      ; Log error in Cache error log
      Do BACK^%ETN
      ; Throw my exception class rather than the system exception
      Throw ##class(Exception.MyException).CreateFromSystemException(exception)
    } ElseIf $classname(exception)="Exception.MyException" {
      ; Ignore this sort of exception and just return to code 
      ; after the catch block
    } Else {
      ; We will just throw these to outer error handler
      Throw exception


I use Try-Catch in an outer-level procedure that will call other procedures, which in turn call other procedures. At some deep stack level, an exception occurs that gets caught in my outer-level Catch. How do I recover the call stack where the exception occurred?


For exceptions of the class %Exception.SystemExceptionOpens in a new tab (such as the <UNDEFINED> ObjectScript system error), you can use the $stack function to inspect the error stack. For other exception classes, the code that throws the exception needs to be modified to allow the exception handler to recover the stack.

The following example shows how to use the $stack function for system exceptions and one way to capture the stack for other classes of exception. It comes in two parts: a custom exception class to extend %Exception.StatusExceptionOpens in a new tab with stack information, and an example routine that both logs and displays the captured information, for both system exceptions and other types of exceptions.

The exception class:

Class MyException.Status Extends %Exception.StatusException

  Property Stack [ MultiDimensional ];

  /// Convert a %Status into an exception
  ClassMethod CreateFromStatus(pSC As %Status)
      As %Exception.AbstractException
    // You could choose to override %OnNew and put this code that
    // captures the stack there instead of here in CreateFromStatus.
    // We put it here because we only need to capture the stack in 
    // the outer exception, and it is more simply insulated from 
    // future changes in the superclasses.

    // First, call CreateFromStatus in the superclass to instantiate
    // the object and fill in the standard exception information.
    set exc=##super(pSC)

    // Clear $ecode so that $stack() refers to the current stack, 
    // not the error stack.
    set $ecode=""

    // Subtract one level because we don't need 
    // to see this method itself in the stack.
    set exc.Stack=$stack-1

    for i=1:1:exc.Stack {
      set exc.Stack(i)=$stack(i)_
          " "_$stack(i,"PLACE")_" "_$stack(i,"MCODE")
    quit exc

The example routine that both logs and displays the exception information:

#include %occInclude
testexc(throwsystemexception) {
  try {
    do sub1($g(throwsystemexception)) 
  } catch exc {
    if exc.%IsA("%Exception.SystemException") {
      set stack=$stack(-1)
      // For System Exceptions, get the stack from the 
      // built-in error stack using $stack().
      for i=1:1:stack { 
        set stack(i)=$stack(i)_
            " "_$stack(i,"PLACE")_" "_$stack(i,"MCODE")
    } else {
      if $extract($classname(exc),1,12)="MyException." {
        // Exceptions from package MyException will carry the
        // stack of the exception in the multidimensional
        // Stack property.
        merge stack=exc.Stack
      // Set $ze explicitly because it's needed by BACK^%ETN
      // and only SystemExceptions set it implicitly. 
      set $ze=exc.DisplayString()
    do BACK^%ETN
    write !,"Exception occurred: ",exc.DisplayString()
    write !,"  class: ",$classname(exc)
    write !,"  name: ",exc.Name
    write !,"  code: ",exc.Code
    if $data(stack) {
      write !,"  stack:"
      for i=1:1:stack {
        write !,"    ",stack(i)
    write !
sub1(throwsystemexception) { 
  if throwsystemexception {
    do systemexception
  } else {
    do myexception
myexception() PUBLIC {
  set sc=$$$ERROR($$$GeneralError,"this is my status code")
  throw ##class(MyException.Status).CreateFromStatus(sc)
systemexception() PUBLIC {
  // get a <DIVIDE> error
  set x=1\0 

The output from the test routine:

USER>do ^testexc(1)

Exception occurred: <DIVIDE> 18 systemexception+2^testexc 
  class: %Exception.SystemException
  name: <DIVIDE>
  code: 18
    DO +3^testexc +1     do sub1($g(throwsystemexception)) 
    DO +40^testexc +1     do systemexception
    DO systemexception+2^testexc +1   set x=1\0 

USER>do ^testexc(0)

Exception occurred: ERROR #5001: this is my status code
  class: MyException.Status
  name: 5001
  code: 5001
    DO +3^testexc +1     do sub1($g(throwsystemexception)) 
    DO +42^testexc +1     do myexception
    DO myexception+2^testexc +1   throw ##class(MyException.Status).CreateFromStatus(sc)


For Date: T  16 Feb 2012   2 Errors

Error: ?L

 1. <DIVIDE>systemexception+2^testexc  at  1:25 pm.   $I=/dev/ttys001   ($X=0  $Y=299)
     $J=8225  $ZA=0   $ZB=$c(13)   $ZS=16384 ($S=16504448)
               set x=1\0 

 2. ERROR #5001: this is my status code  at  1:25 pm.   $I=/dev/ttys001   ($X=0  $Y=310)
     $J=8225  $ZA=0   $ZB=$c(13)   $ZS=16384 ($S=16504336)

Try-Catch and Older Error-Handling Mechanisms


Caché supports other mechanisms for handling exceptions, such as $ZTRAP. Which should I use?


Use Try-Catch. It’s the recommended exception handling mechanism in Caché for several reasons:

  1. In most cases, Try-Catch allows you to create more readable and elegant code, which makes it easier to maintain your application.

  2. It has no runtime performance cost for activities that succeed (that is, where there is no exception). This generally leads to a performance benefit.

  3. Because it’s easier to use, Try-Catch code is less prone to error. (For example, it helps avoid the construction with $ZTRAP that can create an infinite loop.)

  4. For existing applications, it can provide a path to a consistent exception handling interface by encapsulating code with other InterSystems mechanisms to handle exceptions.

  5. Try-Catch gives you access to the exception object and therefore allows you to recover all information about the exception that was thrown, regardless of what type of exception occurs.


How do Try-Catch and exceptions interact with the older ObjectScript error handlers?


If an exception is thrown, and an older error handler, $ZTRAP or $ETRAP, is the first available exception handler on the stack, control is passed to that error handler in the normal way. The exception object, however, will not be available. If the exception thrown was a system exception (%Exception.SystemExceptionOpens in a new tab), the $ZERROR value will be set as expected; for other exception classes caught by a $ZTRAP or $ETRAP, the $ZERROR value will be set to <NOCATCH>. In either case, the flow of control is the same.

If code in a Try block calls a procedure, method, or subroutine that sets $ZTRAP and then an exception occurs inside that procedure, the $ZTRAP catches the exception because it’s at a deeper stack level. If code is using $ZTRAP and calls a procedure, method, or subroutine that uses Try-Catch and an exception occurs within the Try, then the Catch catches it (again, because it’s at the deeper stack level). In short, exception handling uses whatever is at the deepest stack level.

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