About This Book
See the Table of Contents for a detailed listing of the subjects covered in this document.
XEP is the recommended persistence technology for high-performance simple to medium complexity object hierarchies in Java projects. See “Using XEP Event Persistence” in Using Java with Caché XEP. For existing applications, InterSystems provides a migration path to InterSystems IRIS®. (see “Migrating to InterSystems IRIS”).
Java Persistence Architecture (JPA) is the recommended persistence technology for complex object hierarchies in Java projects. Caché and Ensemble currently support JPA 1.0 and 2.0 via the Hibernate implementations of the JPA specifications. See “Using the Caché Hibernate Dialect” in Using Caché with JDBC.
This book is a guide to the Caché Java Binding, which provides a simple, direct way to use Caché objects within a Java application.
The following topics are covered:
The Caché Java Binding — introduces the Java binding, and describes its architecture and system requirements.
Using the Java Binding — provides a quick description of how to use the binding.
Java Proxy Class Mapping — describes how Caché classes and data types are mapped to Java.
Migrating to InterSystems IRIS — describes how existing Java Binding applications are supported on InterSystems IRIS.
The following documents also contain material related to the Java binding:
Using Caché with JDBC describes how to use the Caché JDBC driver to connect to external JDBC data sources.