Installing Caché
This chapter covers the basics of installing Caché for those who are new to InterSystems and its products. To find out if the system you intend to use is one that InterSystems supports for Caché, please consult the online InterSystems Supported PlatformsOpens in a new tab document for this release. This lists the details of hardware and software requirements for successful operation.
A full description of the Caché installation process for experienced (and/or more curious) users is available in the Caché Installation Guide. There are separate sections for Windows, and UNIX®/Linux/macOS.
If you are new to Caché, there are some things to keep in mind about installation:
It is possible to install multiple copies of Caché on a given platform and have them operate independently of one another. In this case, the individual installations are referred to as “instances”.
Each instance of Caché must be installed in a location (“destination folder”) separate from all the others.
Each instance of Caché communicates with the outside world over two TCP/IP ports, (the “superserver port” and the “webserver port”). The installer for your platform will choose available unused ports. Each can be overridden, but in most cases it is not necessary.
Caché provides security facilities that can be tuned to the level of protection needed by a particular installation. You can defer learning about the details of security by choosing “Minimal” as the level of security for your MV installation.
These instructions assume that you have obtained a CDROM with a version of Caché that will run on your system. If you are new to Caché, you are encouraged to review the introductory material on Caché noted previously. Installation instructions for specific platforms can be found in the Installation Guide for:
If you are upgrading your Caché installation, note that the following Multivalue files are overwritten: ERRMSG, TERMDEFS, TERMCMP, NEWACC, DICT.DICT, DICT SYSTEM (except the data section, which is not overwritten), DICT MVPIDTAB (data section is cleared on every startup,
In addition, VOC items might be overwritten during an upgrade.
The VOC for each account is originally created as a copy if the NEWACC file. There is an item RELLEVEL which identifies the release. Upon entering the MV shell, the RELLEVEL item in the VOC is compared to the RELLEVEL in NEWACC, and if they are different, the contents of NEWACC overwrite items with the same name in VOC. Existing VOC items not in NEWACC are not affected, but any changes to supplied commands (for example if you have replaced the VOC QUIT command to do something different when logging out) are replaced.