[SQL] DefaultSchema=n
The value n is a string defining the default SQL schema name. The maximum length of the string is 128 characters. The default string is:
The default schema name comes into play when an unqualified table name is encountered in an SQL statement and there is no #import statement specified. This setting has nothing to do with the mappings between SQL schema names and the class package name; it only specifies the default schema name.
If you specify _CURRENT_USER as the default schema name, the default schema name becomes the username of the currently logged-in process or, if the process has not logged in, SQLUser becomes the default schema name.
If you specify _CURRENT_USER/name as the default schema name, where name is any string of your choice, then the default schema name becomes the username of the currently logged-in process or, if the process has not logged in, name is used as the default schema name. For example, _CURRENT_USER/HMO uses HMO as the default schema name if the process has not logged in.
As described above.
On the page System Administration > Configuration > SQL and Object Settings > General SQL Settings, for the Default SQL Schema Name setting, enter a string of characters.