This topic describes the parameters found in the [SQL] section of the CPF file.
- AllowRowIDUpdate – Enable/disable SQL row ID update.
- ANSIPrecedence – Enable/disable ANSI SQL operator precedence system-wide.
- BiasQueriesAsOutlier – Enable/disable query optimization biased toward outliers.
- Comment – Enable/disable retaining embedded SQL statements as comments in source code.
- DBMSSecurity – Enable/disable SQL security.
- DDLDefineBitmapExtent – Determines whether a table created by a DDL statement defines a bitmap extent index.
- DDLFinal – Determines whether a class created by a DDL statement is final.
- DDLNo201 – Suppress/return error upon CREATE of a previously existing table.
- DDLNo30 – Suppress/return error upon DROP of a nonexistent table.
- DDLNo307 – Suppress/return error upon CREATE of a primary key constraint when one exists.
- DDLNo311 – Suppress/return error upon ADD a foreign key, when a key of that name already exists.
- DDLNo315 – Suppress/return error upon DROP of a nonexistent constraint.
- DDLNo324 – Suppress/return error upon CREATE of a previously existing index.
- DDLNo333 – Suppress/return error upon DROP of a nonexistent index.
- DDLSQLOnlyCompile – Enable/disable an SQL-only compile.
- DDLUseSequence – Determines which function a table created by a DDL statement uses for ID assignment.
- DefaultSchema – Default SQL schema name.
- DelimitedIds – Enable/disable interpreting double-quoted strings as delimited identifiers.
- DropDelete – DROP TABLE behavior.
- ECPSync – Ensures that the server and client cache are in sync.
- ExtrinsicFunctions – Enable/disable extrinsic functions in SQL statements.
- FastDistinct – Enable/disable SQL DISTINCT optimization.
- IdKey – Primary key constraint behavior.
- IdTrxFrom – The “From” list of characters for Identifier Translation.
- IdTrxTo – The “To” list of characters for Identifier Translation.
- JavaClassPath – List of additional .jar files to load when the JDBC service is started.
- JavaHome – Specifies the Java version to use with the JDBC Gateway.
- JDBCGatewayAddress – Address of JDBC Gateway.
- JDBCGatewayJVMArgs – Optional JVM arguments to use when starting the JDBC Gateway.
- JDBCGatewayLog – Name of the JDBC Gateway log file.
- JDBCGatewayPort – Port number for the JDBC Gateway.
- JDBCGatewayUsePassphrase – Enable/disable the passphrase requirement for JDBC connections.
- LockThreshold – SQL lock threshold.
- LockTimeout – SQL lock timeout.
- ODBCVarcharMaxlen – Define the MaxLen for ODBC fields of type VarChar.
- QueryProcedures – Defines whether all class queries project as SQL Stored Procedures.
- ReferentialChecks – Enable/disable validating the foreign key constraint.
- SaveMAC – Enable/disable saving the source code for cached query routines.
- TCPKeepAlive – (Windows and Linux) Number of seconds between keep-alive messages.
- TimePrecision – Default time precision for SQL scalar time functions.
- TODATEDefaultFormat – Default date format for the SQL TO_DATE() function.