CSP Tags
- <CSP:CLASS> – Specifies the details of the class generated for a CSP page.
- <CSP:COMMENT> – Delimits a CSP comment.
- <CSP:CONTENT> – Specifies the content type of a CSP page.
- <CSP:CONTINUE> – Executes the next iteration of the containing CSP:WHILE or CSP:LOOP block.
- <CSP:ELSE> – Delimits an ELSE block.
- <CSP:ELSEIF> – Delimits an ELSEIF block.
- <CSP:IF> – Delimits an IF block.
- <CSP:INCLUDE> – Specifies runtime include of a CSP file.
- <CSP:LOOP> – Delimits the body of a FOR loop.
- <CSP:MATCHLANGUAGE> – Forces setting of language for the current page.
- <CSP:NEW> – Generate a Caché ObjectScript NEW Command.
- <CSP:OBJECT> – Creates an object instance.
- <CSP:PARAMETER> – Specifies a class parameter value for the generated CSP class.
- <CSP:QUERY> – Define and execute a predefined class query
- <CSP:QUIT> – Quits the containing <CSP:WHILE> or <CSP:LOOP> block.
- <CSP:SEARCH> – Defines a JavaScript function that invokes the CSP Search Page.
- <CSP:SECTION> – Redirect output to the specified section of a document.
- <CSP:SQLQUERY> – Run a dynamic SQL query
- <CSP:TEXT> – Marks localizable text
- <CSP:WHILE> – Delimits the body of a WHILE loop.
- <SQL:QUERY> – Microsoft SQL tag