Page Directive
Use a page directive to specify the page language for a CSP Page. ObjectScript is the default page language. The page directive must appear at the top of the CSP file. The following directive sets the page language to Caché Basic:
<%@Page Language="Basic" %>
The page language determines the language used for the following:
Generated Code.
CSP tags.
Runtime Expressions — #(expr)# expressions.
Scripts — the value of the language attribute must match the page language.
If the page language is ObjectScript:
Methods can use either ObjectScript or Caché Basic. The script tag's attribute identifies the language.
Compile time expressions, ##(<expr>)##, use ObjectScript.
The CSP page can contain embedded SQL, embedded HTML, and embedded JavaScript.
If the page language is Caché Basic:
Methods can use either ObjectScript or Caché Basic. The script tag's attribute identifies the language.
Compile time expressions, ##(<expr>)##, still must use ObjectScript.
The CSP page CANNOT contain embedded SQL, embedded HTML, or embedded JavaScript.
The examples in this tutorial use the default page language: ObjectScript. To learn more about ObjectScript, read Using Caché ObjectScript and the ObjectScript Tutorial. To learn more about Caché Basic, read Using Caché Basic and the Caché Basic Tutorial.