What is CSP?
Part I of this tutorial focuses on fundamental CSP topics. Note that a number of files accompany the exercises and examples in this part of the tutorial. Before starting this part of the tutorial, you should install these files. See the note below for instructions.
After completing this part of the tutorial, you will be able to:
List the names of the principal components of the CSP platform and describe their roles.
Describe the basic steps in the process for fulfilling a Web browser's request for a CSP page.
Describe the configuration settings for the basic CSP components.
Explain how the different parts of a URL determine its mapping to a CSP page.
Describe the two different options for developing CSP pages.
Describe the three main phases in the CSP page lifecycle.
Create a simple CSP page using Studio and view the page in a Web Brower.
Explain the CSP compiler translates each of the five major types of CSP mark-up elements into Caché code.
Add each of the five major types of CSP mark-up elements to a CSP page.
For instructions on installing the files that accompany this part of the tutorial, read Installing Tutorial Files.