Example Two: Zen (cont.)
Finally, we configure the Zen application to use cascading authentication.
Open the Web Applications page (click [Home] > [System Administration] > [Security] > [Web Applications]).
Click Edit for the /csp/user application.
For Allowed Authentication Methods click Unauthenticated and Password. Verify that no other authentication mechanism is selected. Click Save.
Now open SecurityTutorial.HomePage in a Web browser:
Open SecurityTutorial.HomePage in Studio.
On the Studio Menu Bar, click View–>Web Page.
This time the custom login page opens in your default Web browser.Del
Without entering any information for User or Pwd click Login. The Web browser displays the home page:
The authentication mechanism has cascaded from Caché Login to Unauthenticated. We have accessed SecurityTutorial.HomePage using Unauthenticated access through the UnknownUser account.