CacheDataReader: Update
The following code executes an SQL UPDATE on a row of the MVFILE.PERSON table. In more detail, the code does the following:
Creates a connection to Caché using the CMP CacheConnection class.
Opens the database connection.
Creates and executes the UPDATE using the CMP CacheCommand and CacheDataReader classes.
Displays the number of affected rows.
Closes the connection.
//Create the connection
string cacheString =
"Server=localhost;Port=1972; Log File=c:\\MVTutorial.log;Namespace=MYACCOUNT;"
+ "Password=SYS;User ID=_system;";
cnCache = new CacheConnection(cacheString);
//Open the connection
//Create and execute the update
" ('41','111-111-1111,222-222-2222') WHERE NAME='IDLE,JIM'";
CacheCommand command = new CacheCommand(sql, cnCache);
int rows = command.ExecuteNonQuery();
//Display the number of affected rows
Console.WriteLine("rows {0}", rows);
//Close the connection
The above code is contained in RelationalAccess.cs. The file is in <cachesys>\Dev\tutorials\mv. Executing the .NET Examples contains step-by-step instructions for executing this code.