Executing the .NET Examples
The .NET example files, ObjectAccess.cs and RelationalAccess, contain the example code for the .NET Access section of the tutorial. The code is organized into a set of NUnit tests methods. NUnit can be downloaded from hereOpens in a new tab. Here are the steps for executing the examples:
If you have not already done so, use MVIMPORT to import the sample Universe account. Read Migrating a MultiValue Application for instructions.
If you have not already done so, run PROTCLASS on the PERSON file. For instructions, see Running PROTOCLASS.
Import MVExample.Search and GETVALUE.mvb into the MyAccount namespace. Both the class and the routine are stored in MVExample.xml. For instructions on importing a Caché class from a local XML file, see Importing and Exporting Caché Documents Locally in the Introduction to Using Studio. In Studio, compile GETVALUE.mvb.
Create a Visual Studio .NET solution. Create two projects within the solution. Add ObjectAccess.cs to one of the projects and RelationalAccess.cs to the other.
In both projects add references to InterSystems.Data.CacheClient.dll and nunit.framework.dll as well as the following .NET Framework dlls: System, System.Data, System.XML. The System.XML reference is only required for relational access using DataSets.
In both ObjectAccess.cs and RelationalAccess.cs update all connection string information so that it is correct for your system.
For the project containing ObjectAccess.cs generate .NET proxy classes for MVFILE.PERSON and MVExample.Search. Generate source files and add them to the project.
Compile the projects and execute the individual tests.
All of the files (.cs and .xml) mentioned above are in <cachesys>\Dev\tutorials\mv .