Inherited description: Fetch the next row of data from the query.
qHandle is query-defined data and is typically updated by Fetch.
The Fetch method should set Row to be a $List of
values corresponding to the columns of the query. If we are past the end of the data
and no row is returned, Row should be set to null string ("").
If the non-empty row being returned is the last one, AtEnd could be
optionally set to 1, indicating that an additional call to Fetch may be avoided.
Row may also be subscripted. If any of the columns in the row are stream orefs
then the oref type information is lost in the Row $list encoded value. To retain
the oref type, place the oref into Row(columnNumber). %Library.ResultSet recognizes
this form and will extract the column value as the subscripted value.
FetchRows returns the next FetchCount rows in the query
Updates handle for subsequent operations
Returns $list for row or "" if no more rows
classmethod GetInfo(ByRef colinfo As %List, ByRef parminfo As %List, ByRef idinfo As %List, ByRef %qHandle As %Binary, extoption As %Integer = 0, extinfo As %List) as %Status
GetInfo() returns information about columns in the query result,
parameters in the query formal list, and whether or not the result
contains enough information to form an ID value.
This information is return in three pass-by-reference parmeters:
colinfo - contains one list element for each column declared
in ROWSPEC. The form is name:exttype:caption
parminfo - contains one list element for each formal paramter
of the query in the form name:exttype
idinfo - Integer indicating the posistion of the ID value, zero if
not included.
The information is not constructed until the first invocation of
GetInfo(). Once the information is compiled the first time, it is
stored in the ^oddMAC global and is retrieved on subsequent calls
to GetInfo()