class %ZEN.Report.Display.Chart.lineChart extends %ZEN.Report.Display.Chart.chart
Renders a line chart.Property Inventory
Method Inventory
Default value for plotToEdge property.
property chartFilled as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Specifies whether the area under the line is filled (as
in an area chart) or not filled (as in a line chart).
Property methods: chartFilledDisplayToLogical(), chartFilledGet(), chartFilledIsValid(), chartFilledLogicalToDisplay(), chartFilledLogicalToOdbc(), chartFilledLogicalToXSD(), chartFilledNormalize(), chartFilledSet(), chartFilledXSDToLogical()
property chartPivot as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
If true, pivot this chart: display categories vertically
and values horizontally.
Property methods: chartPivotDisplayToLogical(), chartPivotGet(), chartPivotIsValid(), chartPivotLogicalToDisplay(), chartPivotLogicalToOdbc(), chartPivotLogicalToXSD(), chartPivotNormalize(), chartPivotSet(), chartPivotXSDToLogical()
property chartStacked as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
If true, this is a stacked line chart. That is,
data series are plotted above one another.
Note that negative values are ignored in stacked charts.
Note that negative values are ignored in stacked charts.
Property methods: chartStackedDisplayToLogical(), chartStackedGet(), chartStackedIsValid(), chartStackedLogicalToDisplay(), chartStackedLogicalToOdbc(), chartStackedLogicalToXSD(), chartStackedNormalize(), chartStackedSet(), chartStackedXSDToLogical()
method getXAxisType() as %String
Return the type of x axis (category or value) used by
this chart.
method getYAxisType() as %String
Return the type of y axis (category or value) used by
this chart.
method renderMarkers(ByRef context As %String, ByRef XSL As %GlobalCharacterStream, ByRef delay As %GlobalCharacterStream, pDataFields As %String, pI As %Integer)
method renderSeries(ByRef context As %String, ByRef XSL As %GlobalCharacterStream, ByRef delay As %GlobalCharacterStream) as %Status
Inherited description: Draw data series for this chart.
This is implemented by subclasses.
group is the SVG container for the chart components.
method renderSeriesLine(ByRef context As %String, ByRef XSL As %GlobalCharacterStream, ByRef delay As %GlobalCharacterStream, pDataFields As %String, i As %Integer) as %Status
Inherited Members
Inherited Properties
- applyLevel
- axisTitleStyle
- backgroundStyle
- bandLower
- bandLowerStyle
- bandUpper
- bandUpperStyle
- blockContainerProperty
- caption
- children
- class
- colcount
- colspan
- composite
- crosstabDataGroup
- crosstabFooterDataField
- crosstabFooterFormatNumber
- crosstabFooterGroup
- crosstabHeaderDataField
- crosstabHeaderGroup
- crosstabHeaderGroupLabels
- crosstabHeaderGroupTooLongText
- crosstabHeaderLabelDataField
- crosstabHeaderMatchField
- crosstabRowGroup
- crosstabTruncationHeight
- crosstabTruncationWidth
- dataFields
- dataGroup
- field
- foblock
- gridStyle
- group
- grouppath
- hasFooter
- hasHeader
- height
- htmlstyle
- id
- ifexpression
- ifxpath
- includeBlockContainer
- includeColIfExpression
- includeColIfXPath
- includeColUnlessExpression
- includeColUnlessXPath
- labelStyle
- labelsVisible
- legendAutoPosition
- legendHeight
- legendLabelStyle
- legendStyle
- legendVisible
- legendWidth
- legendX
- legendY
- level
- linefeedTreatment
- marginBottom
- marginLeft
- marginRight
- marginTop
- markerScale
- markerShapes
- markerStyle
- markersVisible
- ongetLabelX
- ongetLabelY
- plot
- plotAreaStyle
- plotStyle
- plotToEdge
- removeEmpty
- rowspan
- selectstylecond
- selectstylelist
- seriesColors
- seriesCount
- seriesGroup
- seriesNames
- seriesSize
- style
- stylecall
- styleparamNames
- styleparams
- tag
- template
- title
- titleStyle
- titleX
- titleY
- tooLongText
- truncate
- truncationHeight
- truncationWidth
- unlessexpression
- width
- withinSmallmultiple
- xAxis
- xmlnamespace
- xmlnamespaceprefix
- xpath
- xslfostyle
- yAxis
Inherited Methods
- %AddToSaveSet()
- %ApplyClass()
- %ApplyLevelParameters()
- %BeginGroup()
- %BeginGroupNoInc()
- %ClassIsLatestVersion()
- %ClassName()
- %ConstructClone()
- %DeclareLevelParameters()
- %DispatchClassMethod()
- %DispatchGetModified()
- %DispatchGetProperty()
- %DispatchMethod()
- %DispatchSetModified()
- %DispatchSetMultidimProperty()
- %DispatchSetProperty()
- %DrawCellFO()
- %DrawCellFO1()
- %DrawCellToHTML()
- %DrawCellToHTML1()
- %DrawFooterFO()
- %DrawFooterToAnnotatedXML()
- %DrawFooterToHTML()
- %DrawHeaderFO()
- %DrawHeaderToHTML()
- %DrawSort()
- %DrawStyleToHTML()
- %DrawToAnnotatedXML()
- %DrawToHTML()
- %DrawToXSLFO()
- %EndGroup()
- %EndLevel()
- %Extends()
- %FooterWidth()
- %GetAbsoluteURL()
- %GetParameter()
- %HeaderWidth()
- %IncLevel()
- %IsA()
- %IsModified()
- %New()
- %NormalizeObject()
- %ObjectModified()
- %OldWidth()
- %OriginalNamespace()
- %PackageName()
- %QuoteValue()
- %QuoteValueEmbedded()
- %QuoteValueL10N()
- %RemoveFromSaveSet()
- %SerializeObject()
- %SetModified()
- %StyleHTML()
- %StyleXSLFO()
- %ValidateObject()
- %Width()
- ApplyClass()
- CSPLinkToFileLink()
- CountSpaces()
- DoDocForHTML()
- GetDocForXSLFO()
- HTMLStyle()
- OnSVGAttribution()
- OutputId()
- SvgPrefix()
- XMLExport()
- XMLExportToStream()
- XMLExportToString()
- XMLNew()
- XMLSchema()
- XMLSchemaNamespace()
- XMLSchemaType()
- XSLFOStyle()
- calcLegendArea()
- getColorCount()
- getSeriesColor()
- getXAxis()
- getYAxis()
- hasAxes()
- hasFooterGet()
- hasHeaderGet()
- insertAxis()
- isCSPLink()
- needsURL()
- parent()
- processExclamationPoint()
- qualify()
- render()
- renderAxes()
- renderBands()
- renderLegend()
- renderPlotArea()
- renderSeriesGroup()
- renderSeriesGroupLabels()
- renderSeriesLabels()
- renderTitle()
- renderXLabels()
- renderYLabels()
- tagGet()
- useSumForRange()
- writeLoadParams()
- writeLoadParamsNoBase()
- writeWithParams()
- writeWithParamsNoBase()