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class EnsLib.UDDI.Connection extends %Library.RegisteredObject

Represents a connection to a UDDI server

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property AdminURL as %String [ ReadOnly ];
Property methods: AdminURLDisplayToLogical(), AdminURLIsValid(), AdminURLLogicalToDisplay(), AdminURLLogicalToOdbc(), AdminURLNormalize()
property AuthInfo as %String;
This is the authentication token needed for publishing
Property methods: AuthInfoDisplayToLogical(), AuthInfoGet(), AuthInfoIsValid(), AuthInfoLogicalToDisplay(), AuthInfoLogicalToOdbc(), AuthInfoNormalize(), AuthInfoSet()
property CustodyURL as %String [ ReadOnly ];
Property methods: CustodyURLDisplayToLogical(), CustodyURLIsValid(), CustodyURLLogicalToDisplay(), CustodyURLLogicalToOdbc(), CustodyURLNormalize()
property InquiryURL as %String [ ReadOnly ];
Property methods: InquiryURLDisplayToLogical(), InquiryURLIsValid(), InquiryURLLogicalToDisplay(), InquiryURLLogicalToOdbc(), InquiryURLNormalize()
property Password as %String;
This contains the password to be used for this connection. It is only used if the AuthenticationMode property contains UddiAuthentication and ignored for all other values of the AuthenticationMode property. This property is only used for publishing operations and is not used for inquiry operations.
Property methods: PasswordDisplayToLogical(), PasswordGet(), PasswordIsValid(), PasswordLogicalToDisplay(), PasswordLogicalToOdbc(), PasswordNormalize(), PasswordSet()
property PublicationURL as %String [ ReadOnly ];
Property methods: PublicationURLDisplayToLogical(), PublicationURLIsValid(), PublicationURLLogicalToDisplay(), PublicationURLLogicalToOdbc(), PublicationURLNormalize()
property ReplicationURL as %String [ ReadOnly ];
Property methods: ReplicationURLDisplayToLogical(), ReplicationURLIsValid(), ReplicationURLLogicalToDisplay(), ReplicationURLLogicalToOdbc(), ReplicationURLNormalize()
property SecurityURL as %String [ ReadOnly ];
Property methods: SecurityURLDisplayToLogical(), SecurityURLIsValid(), SecurityURLLogicalToDisplay(), SecurityURLLogicalToOdbc(), SecurityURLNormalize()
property SubscriptionURL as %String [ ReadOnly ];
Property methods: SubscriptionURLDisplayToLogical(), SubscriptionURLIsValid(), SubscriptionURLLogicalToDisplay(), SubscriptionURLLogicalToOdbc(), SubscriptionURLNormalize()
property URLResolutionPolicy as %ObjectHandle;
This is the instance of the URLResolution Policy used to determine the inquiry,publication and security endpoints
Property methods: URLResolutionPolicyGet(), URLResolutionPolicyIsValid(), URLResolutionPolicySet()
property UserName as %String;
This contains the user name to be used for this connection. It is only used if the AuthenticationMode property contains UddiAuthentication and ignored for all other values of the AuthenticationMode property. This property is only used for publishing operations and is not used for inquiry operations.
Property methods: UserNameDisplayToLogical(), UserNameGet(), UserNameIsValid(), UserNameLogicalToDisplay(), UserNameLogicalToOdbc(), UserNameNormalize(), UserNameSet()


method AcquireAuthorization(pUserName As %String, pPassword As %String) as %Status
method AdminURLGet() as %String
Accessor for the AdminURL property
method CustodyURLGet() as %String
Accessof for the CustodyURL property
method DiscardAuthorization() as %Status
method InquiryURLGet() as %String
Accessof for the InquiryURL property
method PublicationURLGet() as %String
Accessor for the PublicationURL property
method ReplicationURLGet() as %String
Accessor for the ReplicationURL property
method SecurityURLGet() as %String
Accessor for the SecurityURL property
method SubscriptionURLGet() as %String
Accessor for the SubscriptionURL property

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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