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abstract class EnsLib.UDDI.Saver extends EnsLib.UDDI.Base

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter Host = localhost;
Host of OpenUDDI Server
parameter Password = admin;
This is the password required for publishing to a UDDI registry. You will need to provide the password corresponding to the UserName above
parameter Port = 8080;
Port of OpenUDDI Server
parameter UserName = admin;
This is the username required for publishing to a UDDI registry. You will need to provide a legitimate username for the server referenced above.


property Connection as Connection;
Property methods: ConnectionGet(), ConnectionGetSwizzled(), ConnectionIsValid(), ConnectionNewObject(), ConnectionSet()


method Connect(pHost As %String = ..#Host, pPort As %String = ..#Port, pUserName As %String = ..#UserName, pPassword As %String = ..#Password) as %Status

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods


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