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class EnsLib.UDDI.FindService extends EnsLib.UDDI.Finder

This class is used to locate a list of Service entries which match a given set of criteria

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property BusinessKey as EnsLib.UDDI.uddi.businessKey;
The BusinessKey property contains a UUID that is used to specify a particular BusinessEntity instance to search for.
Property methods: BusinessKeyDisplayToLogical(), BusinessKeyGet(), BusinessKeyIsValid(), BusinessKeyLogicalToDisplay(), BusinessKeyLogicalToOdbc(), BusinessKeyNormalize(), BusinessKeySet()
property CategoryBag as EnsLib.UDDI.uddi.categoryBag;
By default, if the CategoryBag property of a FindService object is non-empty, the Send method of the findservice object retrieves only those serviceInfo objects that match all of the category references. You can specify that the serviceInfo objects can match any of the category references by including the OrAllKeys field in the FindQualifiers property.
Property methods: CategoryBagGet(), CategoryBagGetSwizzled(), CategoryBagIsValid(), CategoryBagNewObject(), CategoryBagSet()
property FindTModel as EnsLib.UDDI.uddi.findtModel;
Contains a FindTModel object
Property methods: FindTModelGet(), FindTModelGetSwizzled(), FindTModelIsValid(), FindTModelNewObject(), FindTModelSet()
property Name as list of;
Contains a list of business names to match. The percent (%) character is a wildcard character, matching any number of characters.
Property methods: NameBuildValueArray(), NameCollectionToDisplay(), NameCollectionToOdbc(), NameDisplayToCollection(), NameGet(), NameGetObject(), NameGetObjectId(), NameGetSwizzled(), NameIsValid(), NameOdbcToCollection(), NameSet(), NameSetObject(), NameSetObjectId()
property TModelBag as EnsLib.UDDI.uddi.tModelBag;
Contains a collection of UUIDs that is assigned to the tModels that are used to locate an appropriate service
Property methods: TModelBagGet(), TModelBagGetSwizzled(), TModelBagIsValid(), TModelBagNewObject(), TModelBagSet()


method AddCategory(pTModelKey As EnsLib.UDDI.uddi.tModelKey, pKeyName As %String, pKeyValue As %String) as %Status
Helper method to add a category
method AddName(pName As %String, pLang As %String = ..#Language) as %Status
Helper method to add a name
method AddTModelKey(pKey As EnsLib.UDDI.uddi.tModelKey) as %Status
Helper method to add a key (e.g. uuid:8609C81E-EE1F-4D5A-B202-3EB13AD01823)
method Send(pConnection As EnsLib.UDDI.Connection, pListHead As %Integer = 0, Output pListDescription As EnsLib.UDDI.uddi.listDescription, Output pServiceInfos As %ListOfObjects(ELEMENTTYPE="EnsLib.UDDI.uddi.serviceInfo"), Output pTruncated As %Boolean) as %Status
Sends the FindService Request to the UDDI Server. Returns as output a list of ServiceInfo objects matching the request criteria. Many UDDI servers restrict the number of matching ServiceInfos that they return for a find request. If your find request exceeds the number set by a UDDI server, the result is truncated. The pTruncated output parameter will be set to TRUE (1)
classmethod Test(pConnection As EnsLib.UDDI.Connection, pServiceName As as %Status

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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