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abstract class %Dictionary.ClassDefinitionQuery

Method Inventory


classmethod ClassIndexClose(QHandle As %Binary) as %Status
classmethod ClassIndexExecute(ByRef QHandle As %Binary) as %Status
classmethod ClassIndexFetch(ByRef QHandle As %Binary, ByRef Row As %List, ByRef AtEnd As %Integer = 0) as %Status
Fetch returns the next row in the query.
classmethod ClassIndexFetchRows(ByRef QHandle As %Binary, FetchCount As %Integer = 0, ByRef RowSet As %List, ByRef ReturnCount As %Integer, ByRef AtEnd As %Integer) as %Status
RoutineListFetchRows returns the next FetchCount rows in the query.
classmethod FormWizardClose(QHandle As %Binary) as %Status
classmethod FormWizardExecute(ByRef QHandle As %Binary, classtype As %String = "") as %Status
classmethod FormWizardFetch(ByRef QHandle As %Binary, ByRef Row As %List, ByRef AtEnd As %Integer = 0) as %Status
Fetch returns the next row in the query.
classmethod FormWizardFetchRows(ByRef QHandle As %Binary, FetchCount As %Integer = 0, ByRef RowSet As %List, ByRef ReturnCount As %Integer, ByRef AtEnd As %Integer) as %Status
RoutineListFetchRows returns the next FetchCount rows in the query.
classmethod MemberSummaryClose(QHandle As %Binary) as %Status
classmethod MemberSummaryExecute(ByRef QHandle As %Binary, classname As %String, kind As %String) as %Status
classmethod MemberSummaryFetch(ByRef QHandle As %Binary, ByRef Row As %List, ByRef AtEnd As %Integer = 0) as %Status
classmethod SubclassOfClose(QHandle As %Binary) as %Status
classmethod SubclassOfExecute(ByRef QHandle As %Binary, super As %String, initval As %String = "") as %Status
classmethod SubclassOfFetch(ByRef QHandle As %Binary, ByRef Row As %List, ByRef AtEnd As %Integer = 0) as %Status
Fetch returns the next row in the query.
classmethod SubclassOfFetchRows(ByRef QHandle As %Binary, FetchCount As %Integer = 0, ByRef RowSet As %List, ByRef ReturnCount As %Integer, ByRef AtEnd As %Integer) as %Status
SubclassOfFetchRows returns the next FetchCount rows in the query.
classmethod SummaryClose(QHandle As %Binary) as %Status
classmethod SummaryExecute(ByRef QHandle As %Binary) as %Status
classmethod SummaryFetch(ByRef QHandle As %Binary, ByRef Row As %List, ByRef AtEnd As %Integer = 0) as %Status
Fetch returns the next row in the query.
classmethod SummaryFetchRows(ByRef QHandle As %Binary, FetchCount As %Integer = 0, ByRef RowSet As %List, ByRef ReturnCount As %Integer, ByRef AtEnd As %Integer) as %Status
RoutineListFetchRows returns the next FetchCount rows in the query.
classmethod SuperclassOfClose(QHandle As %Binary) as %Status
classmethod SuperclassOfExecute(ByRef QHandle As %Binary, sub As %String, initval As %String = "") as %Status
classmethod SuperclassOfFetch(ByRef QHandle As %Binary, ByRef Row As %List, ByRef AtEnd As %Integer = 0) as %Status
Fetch returns the next row in the query.
classmethod SuperclassOfFetchRows(ByRef QHandle As %Binary, FetchCount As %Integer = 0, ByRef RowSet As %List, ByRef ReturnCount As %Integer, ByRef AtEnd As %Integer) as %Status
SuperclassOfFetchRows returns the next FetchCount rows in the query.


query ClassIndex()
Selects TimeChanged As %String, ClassName As %String, System As %Integer, Hidden As %Boolean, ClassType As %String, Size As %Integer, Super As %String, SqlTableName As %String, Final As %Boolean, Generated As %Boolean, Abstract As %Boolean, Hash1 As %String, Hash2 As %String, Import As %String, ClientName As %String
The ClassIndex query provides a summary of information about classes contained in the Class Index
query FormWizard(classtype As %String = "")
Selects Name As %String(MAXLEN=256)
The FormWizard query provides a list of persistent system classes and all others along with just their name
query MemberSummary(classname As %String, kind As %String)
Selects Name As %String(MAXLEN=256)
Return a list of members of this specific kind which is one of the following:
  • a - Property
  • f - Foreign key
  • i - Index
  • j - Projection
  • m - Method
  • n - Constraint
  • o - System method
  • p - Parameter
  • q - Query
  • s - Storage defintion
  • t - Trigger
  • u - Comment text block
  • x - XData
query SubclassOf(super As %String, initval As %String = "")
Selects Name As %String(MAXLEN=256) As ClassName
The SubclassOf query produces a list of classes that are subclasses of the super class starting the search at initval. For example this allows you to find all the subclasses of %CSP.Page very easily.
query Summary()
Selects Name As %String(MAXLEN=256) As ClassName, Super As %String(MAXLEN=256), Hidden As %Boolean, Datatype As %Boolean, System As %Integer, Final As %Boolean, Persistent As %Boolean, Serial As %Boolean, TimeChanged, SqlTableName As %String(MAXLEN=256), Abstract As %Boolean
The Summary query provides a summary of information about classes contained in the Class Dictionary.
query SuperclassOf(sub As %String, initval As %String = "")
Selects Name As %String(MAXLEN=256) As ClassName
The SuperclassOf query produces a list of classes that are superclasses of the sub class starting the search at initval.


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