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persistent class %Dictionary.CompiledQueryMethod extends %Library.Persistent

SQL Table Name: %Dictionary.CompiledQueryMethod

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter SQLENABLED = 1;


property Abstract as %Boolean;
Specifies that this is an abstract method. An abstract method has no implementation and has no executable code generated for it. Abstract methods exist solely for the purpose of defining a method signature or interface that can be overridden and implemented within one or more subclasses.
Property methods: AbstractDisplayToLogical(), AbstractGet(), AbstractIsValid(), AbstractLogicalToDisplay(), AbstractNormalize()
property ClassMethod as %Boolean;
Specifies that the method is a class method. Instance methods can only be invoked via an instantiated object while class methods can be directly invoked without an object instance.
Property methods: ClassMethodDisplayToLogical(), ClassMethodGet(), ClassMethodIsValid(), ClassMethodLogicalToDisplay(), ClassMethodNormalize()
property ClientMethod as %Boolean;
If true this method is only available on the server, and is to be projected as a client method.
Property methods: ClientMethodDisplayToLogical(), ClientMethodGet(), ClientMethodIsValid(), ClientMethodLogicalToDisplay(), ClientMethodNormalize()
property ClientName as %RawString;
An alias used by client projections of this method.
Property methods: ClientNameGet(), ClientNameIsValid()
property CodeMode as %RawString;
Specifies how a given method is implemented: as a routine call, lines of code to be compiled, an expression, or a method that will generate the resulting method or object.
Property methods: CodeModeGet(), CodeModeIsValid()
property CompilerGenerated as %Boolean;
Property methods: CompilerGeneratedDisplayToLogical(), CompilerGeneratedGet(), CompilerGeneratedIsValid(), CompilerGeneratedLogicalToDisplay(), CompilerGeneratedNormalize(), CompilerGeneratedSet()
property DefaultArgs as %RawString;
Property methods: DefaultArgsGet(), DefaultArgsIsValid(), DefaultArgsSet()
property Deprecated as %Boolean;
True if this method is deprecated.
Property methods: DeprecatedDisplayToLogical(), DeprecatedGet(), DeprecatedIsValid(), DeprecatedLogicalToDisplay(), DeprecatedNormalize()
property Description as %RawString;
Specifies a description of the method.
Property methods: DescriptionGet(), DescriptionIsValid()
property ExternalProcName as %RawString;
Specifies the SQL procedure name in the foreign database.
Property methods: ExternalProcNameGet(), ExternalProcNameIsValid()
property Final as %Boolean;
Specifies that subclasses cannot override the implementation of the method.
Property methods: FinalDisplayToLogical(), FinalGet(), FinalIsValid(), FinalLogicalToDisplay(), FinalNormalize()
property ForceGenerate as %Boolean;
When true we always regenerate this method into each subclass even if normal rules would allow us to call the superclass implementation.
Property methods: ForceGenerateDisplayToLogical(), ForceGenerateGet(), ForceGenerateIsValid(), ForceGenerateLogicalToDisplay(), ForceGenerateNormalize()
property FormalSpec as %RawString;
Specifies the list of arguments. Each argument is of the format [&|*]<name>[:<type>][=<default>] where & means pass-by-reference and * means output-only.
Property methods: FormalSpecGet(), FormalSpecIsValid()
property FormalSpecParsed as %RawString;
Property methods: FormalSpecParsedGet(), FormalSpecParsedIsValid(), FormalSpecParsedSet()
property FormalType as %RawString;
Property methods: FormalTypeGet(), FormalTypeIsValid(), FormalTypeSet()
property GenerateAfter as %RawString;
In the case of a method generator method, specifies that the generator should be invoked after the listed methods are generated.
Property methods: GenerateAfterGet(), GenerateAfterIsValid()
property Hash as %RawString;
Property methods: HashGet(), HashIsValid()
property Id as %Integer;
Property methods: IdDisplayToLogical(), IdGet(), IdIsValid(), IdLogicalToDisplay(), IdNormalize(), IdSet()
property Implementation as %Stream.TmpCharacter;
The code that is executed when the method is invoked. In the case of an expression method, this is an expression. In the case of a call method, this is the name of an ObjectScript routine to call.
Property methods: ImplementationDelete(), ImplementationGet(), ImplementationGetObject(), ImplementationGetObjectId(), ImplementationGetSwizzled(), ImplementationIsValid(), ImplementationNewObject(), ImplementationOid(), ImplementationOpen(), ImplementationSet(), ImplementationSetObject(), ImplementationSetObjectId(), ImplementationUnSwizzle()
property InheritedId as %Boolean;
Property methods: InheritedIdDisplayToLogical(), InheritedIdGet(), InheritedIdIsValid(), InheritedIdLogicalToDisplay(), InheritedIdNormalize(), InheritedIdSet()
property Internal as %Boolean;
If true, then do not display this item in automatic documentation.
Property methods: InternalDisplayToLogical(), InternalGet(), InternalIsValid(), InternalLogicalToDisplay(), InternalNormalize()
property KeywordError as %Boolean;
Property methods: KeywordErrorDisplayToLogical(), KeywordErrorGet(), KeywordErrorIsValid(), KeywordErrorLogicalToDisplay(), KeywordErrorNormalize(), KeywordErrorSet()
property KeywordModified as %Boolean;
Property methods: KeywordModifiedDisplayToLogical(), KeywordModifiedGet(), KeywordModifiedIsValid(), KeywordModifiedLogicalToDisplay(), KeywordModifiedNormalize(), KeywordModifiedSet()
property Label as %RawString;
Property methods: LabelGet(), LabelIsValid(), LabelSet()
property Language as %RawString [ SqlFieldName = _Language ];
The language used to implement this method.
Property methods: LanguageGet(), LanguageIsValid()
property Name as %Dictionary.Identifier [ Required ];
The name of the method.
Property methods: NameGet(), NameIsValid()
property NoContext as %Boolean;
If true and in a datatype method, this prevents the * Set %val=..prop Set $this="" * that is added to the property method so you can override things like the Get/Set methods.
Property methods: NoContextDisplayToLogical(), NoContextGet(), NoContextIsValid(), NoContextLogicalToDisplay(), NoContextNormalize()
property NotForProperty as %Boolean;
Property methods: NotForPropertyDisplayToLogical(), NotForPropertyGet(), NotForPropertyIsValid(), NotForPropertyLogicalToDisplay(), NotForPropertyNormalize()
property NotInheritable as %Boolean;
Specifies that this method is not inherited in subclasses.
Property methods: NotInheritableDisplayToLogical(), NotInheritableGet(), NotInheritableIsValid(), NotInheritableLogicalToDisplay(), NotInheritableNormalize()
property OptimizedMAC as %RawString;
Property methods: OptimizedMACGet(), OptimizedMACIsValid(), OptimizedMACSet()
property OptimizedRun as %RawString;
Property methods: OptimizedRunGet(), OptimizedRunIsValid(), OptimizedRunSet()
property Origin as %RawString;
Property methods: OriginGet(), OriginIsValid(), OriginSet()
property OriginalName as %RawString;
Property methods: OriginalNameGet(), OriginalNameIsValid(), OriginalNameSet()
property PlaceAfter as %RawString;
Specifies that the class compiler should place this method after the listed methods in the routine it creates for the class.
Property methods: PlaceAfterGet(), PlaceAfterIsValid()
property Private as %Boolean;
Specifies that the method is private. Private methods can only be invoked by instance methods of this class or its subclasses.
Property methods: PrivateDisplayToLogical(), PrivateGet(), PrivateIsValid(), PrivateLogicalToDisplay(), PrivateNormalize()
property ProcedureBlock as %RawString;
Specifies that this method uses procedure block for method code.
Property methods: ProcedureBlockGet(), ProcedureBlockIsValid()
property PublicList as %RawString;
Specifies the public list. This keyword is used only if the ProcedureBlock keyword is set to true.
Property methods: PublicListGet(), PublicListIsValid()
property Requires as %RawString;
Comma separated string of resource constraints to run this method
Property methods: RequiresGet(), RequiresIsValid()
property ReturnResultsets as %Boolean;
If true this method may return zero, one, or more Resultsets in the %sqlcontext.
Property methods: ReturnResultsetsDisplayToLogical(), ReturnResultsetsGet(), ReturnResultsetsIsValid(), ReturnResultsetsLogicalToDisplay(), ReturnResultsetsNormalize()
property ReturnType as %Dictionary.Classname;
Specifies the data type of the value returned by a call to the method. Setting ReturnType to an empty string specifies that there is no return value.
Property methods: ReturnTypeGet(), ReturnTypeIsValid()
property ReturnTypeParams as %RawString;
A comma separated list of any parameters on the ReturnType keyword.
Property methods: ReturnTypeParamsGet(), ReturnTypeParamsIsValid()
property RtnLabel as %RawString;
Property methods: RtnLabelGet(), RtnLabelIsValid(), RtnLabelSet()
property Runnable as %Integer;
Property methods: RunnableDisplayToLogical(), RunnableGet(), RunnableIsValid(), RunnableLogicalToDisplay(), RunnableNormalize(), RunnableSet()
property RuntimeClient as %Boolean;
Property methods: RuntimeClientDisplayToLogical(), RuntimeClientGet(), RuntimeClientIsValid(), RuntimeClientLogicalToDisplay(), RuntimeClientNormalize(), RuntimeClientSet()
property RuntimeCodeMode as %RawString;
CodeMode to use for generated methods
Property methods: RuntimeCodeModeGet(), RuntimeCodeModeIsValid(), RuntimeCodeModeSet()
property RuntimeHash as %RawString;
Property methods: RuntimeHashGet(), RuntimeHashIsValid(), RuntimeHashSet()
property RuntimeLanguage as %RawString;
Property methods: RuntimeLanguageGet(), RuntimeLanguageIsValid(), RuntimeLanguageSet()
property SequenceNumber as %Integer;
Property methods: SequenceNumberDisplayToLogical(), SequenceNumberGet(), SequenceNumberIsValid(), SequenceNumberLogicalToDisplay(), SequenceNumberNormalize()
property ServerOnly as %RawString;
Specifies that a method will not be projected to a Java or C++ client.
Property methods: ServerOnlyGet(), ServerOnlyIsValid()
property SoapAction as %RawString;
Lets you specify the HTTP SOAP action that must be used when invoking this web service method as a web method. For SOAP 1.1, the SOAP action is obtained from the SOAPAction HTTP header. For SOAP 1.2, it is obtained from the Content-Type HTTP header.
Property methods: SoapActionGet(), SoapActionIsValid()
property SoapBindingStyle as %RawString;
Specifies what type of SOAP invocation is used for a web method. This keyword is ignored for non-web methods.
Property methods: SoapBindingStyleGet(), SoapBindingStyleIsValid()
property SoapBodyUse as %RawString;
Specifies what kind of SOAP encoding is used for the inputs and outputs of a web method. This keyword is ignored for non-web methods.
Property methods: SoapBodyUseGet(), SoapBodyUseIsValid()
property SoapMessageName as %RawString;
Specifies the name of the child element of the body of the response message for a web service method.
Property methods: SoapMessageNameGet(), SoapMessageNameIsValid()
property SoapNameSpace as %RawString;
Overrides the SOAPNAMESPACE class parameter for this web service or web service client.
Property methods: SoapNameSpaceGet(), SoapNameSpaceIsValid()
property SoapRequestMessage as %RawString;
This keyword will reflects the expected element name for top element of the SOAP body in the SOAP request. This element is needed to distinguish between multiple requests which have the same SoapAction but different top level body elements.
Property methods: SoapRequestMessageGet(), SoapRequestMessageIsValid()
property SoapTypeNameSpace as %RawString;
Overrides the SOAPTYPENAMESPACE class parameter for this web service or web service client.
Property methods: SoapTypeNameSpaceGet(), SoapTypeNameSpaceIsValid()
property SqlName as %RawString;
If this method is projected as an SQL stored procedure, then this name is used as the name of the stored procedure.
Property methods: SqlNameGet(), SqlNameIsValid()
property SqlProc as %Boolean;
Specifies that the method can be invoked as an SQL stored procedure. Only class methods can be called as SQL stored procedures.
Property methods: SqlProcDisplayToLogical(), SqlProcGet(), SqlProcIsValid(), SqlProcLogicalToDisplay(), SqlProcNormalize()
property SqlRoutine as %RawString;
If 'procedure' then this is equivalent to SqlProc keyword and means class method can be called as an SQL procedure. If 'function' then this class method can be called as an SQL function.
Property methods: SqlRoutineGet(), SqlRoutineIsValid()
property Stub as %RawString;
Property methods: StubGet(), StubIsValid(), StubSet()
property StubMember as %RawString;
Property methods: StubMemberGet(), StubMemberIsValid(), StubMemberSet()
property TagGenerator as %RawString;
Property methods: TagGeneratorGet(), TagGeneratorIsValid(), TagGeneratorSet()
property UserActualType as %RawString;
Property methods: UserActualTypeGet(), UserActualTypeIsValid(), UserActualTypeSet()
property WebMethod as %Boolean;
Specifies that a method can be invoked as a web method using the SOAP protocol.
Property methods: WebMethodDisplayToLogical(), WebMethodGet(), WebMethodIsValid(), WebMethodLogicalToDisplay(), WebMethodNormalize()
property ZenMethod as %Boolean;
Specifies that the method should be projected to the web client for use in the Zen framework.
Property methods: ZenMethodDisplayToLogical(), ZenMethodGet(), ZenMethodIsValid(), ZenMethodLogicalToDisplay(), ZenMethodNormalize()
relationship parent as %Dictionary.CompiledQuery [ Required , Inverse = Methods , Cardinality = parent ];
Pointer to the containing parent object
Property methods: parentGet(), parentGetObject(), parentGetObjectId(), parentGetSwizzled(), parentIsValid(), parentNewObject(), parentRClose(), parentRExec(), parentRFetch(), parentRelate(), parentSQLCompute(), parentSet(), parentSetObject(), parentSetObjectId(), parentUnRelate(), parentUnSwizzle()


classmethod %Exists(oid As %ObjectIdentity) as %Boolean
Inherited description: Checks to see if the object identified by the OID oid exists in the extent.

Returns %Boolean TRUE if it exists, FALSE if it does not.

classmethod %LockId(id As %String, shared As %Boolean = 0, timeout As %Integer) as %Status
Inherited description: Obtain an exclusive or shared lock on the object identified by id. The type of lock obtained is determined by shared. This method is normally generated by the storage class for persistent classes using %Storage.Persistent or %Storage.SQL.
classmethod %UnlockId(id As %String, shared As %Boolean = 0, immediate As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
Inherited description: Release an exclusive or shared lock on the object identified by id. The type of lock released is determined by shared. If this method is not overridden then the default implementation returns an error. This method is normally generated by the storage class for persistent classes using %Storage.Persistent or %Storage.SQL.
method AbstractIsDefined() as %Boolean
method AbstractReset()
method AbstractSet(value As %String = "") as %Status
method ClassMethodIsDefined() as %Boolean
method ClassMethodReset()
method ClassMethodSet(value As %String = "") as %Status
method ClientMethodIsDefined() as %Boolean
method ClientMethodReset()
method ClientMethodSet(value As %String = "") as %Status
method ClientNameIsDefined() as %Boolean
method ClientNameReset()
method ClientNameSet(value As %String = "") as %Status
method CodeModeIsDefined() as %Boolean
method CodeModeReset()
method CodeModeSet(value As %String = "") as %Status
method DeprecatedIsDefined() as %Boolean
method DeprecatedReset()
method DeprecatedSet(value As %String = "") as %Status
method DescriptionIsDefined() as %Boolean
method DescriptionReset()
method DescriptionSet(value As %String = "") as %Status
method ExternalProcNameIsDefined() as %Boolean
method ExternalProcNameReset()
method ExternalProcNameSet(value As %String = "") as %Status
method FinalIsDefined() as %Boolean
method FinalReset()
method FinalSet(value As %String = "") as %Status
method ForceGenerateIsDefined() as %Boolean
method ForceGenerateReset()
method ForceGenerateSet(value As %String = "") as %Status
method FormalSpecIsDefined() as %Boolean
method FormalSpecReset()
method FormalSpecSet(value As %String = "") as %Status
method GenerateAfterIsDefined() as %Boolean
method GenerateAfterReset()
method GenerateAfterSet(value As %String = "") as %Status
method HashIsDefined() as %Boolean
method HashReset()
method HashSet(value As %String = "") as %Status
method InternalIsDefined() as %Boolean
method InternalReset()
method InternalSet(value As %String = "") as %Status
method LanguageIsDefined() as %Boolean
method LanguageReset()
method LanguageSet(value As %String = "") as %Status
method NameIsDefined() as %Boolean
method NameReset()
method NameSet(value As %String = "") as %Status
method NoContextIsDefined() as %Boolean
method NoContextReset()
method NoContextSet(value As %String = "") as %Status
method NotForPropertyIsDefined() as %Boolean
method NotForPropertyReset()
method NotForPropertySet(value As %String = "") as %Status
method NotInheritableIsDefined() as %Boolean
method NotInheritableReset()
method NotInheritableSet(value As %String = "") as %Status
method PlaceAfterIsDefined() as %Boolean
method PlaceAfterReset()
method PlaceAfterSet(value As %String = "") as %Status
method PrivateIsDefined() as %Boolean
method PrivateReset()
method PrivateSet(value As %String = "") as %Status
method ProcedureBlockIsDefined() as %Boolean
method ProcedureBlockReset()
method ProcedureBlockSet(value As %String = "") as %Status
method PublicListIsDefined() as %Boolean
method PublicListReset()
method PublicListSet(value As %String = "") as %Status
method RequiresIsDefined() as %Boolean
method RequiresReset()
method RequiresSet(value As %String = "") as %Status
method ReturnResultsetsIsDefined() as %Boolean
method ReturnResultsetsReset()
method ReturnResultsetsSet(value As %String = "") as %Status
method ReturnTypeIsDefined() as %Boolean
method ReturnTypeParamsIsDefined() as %Boolean
method ReturnTypeParamsReset()
method ReturnTypeParamsSet(value As %String = "") as %Status
method ReturnTypeReset()
method ReturnTypeSet(value As %String = "") as %Status
method SequenceNumberIsDefined() as %Boolean
method SequenceNumberReset()
method SequenceNumberSet(value As %String = "") as %Status
method ServerOnlyIsDefined() as %Boolean
method ServerOnlyReset()
method ServerOnlySet(value As %String = "") as %Status
method SoapActionIsDefined() as %Boolean
method SoapActionReset()
method SoapActionSet(value As %String = "") as %Status
method SoapBindingStyleIsDefined() as %Boolean
method SoapBindingStyleReset()
method SoapBindingStyleSet(value As %String = "") as %Status
method SoapBodyUseIsDefined() as %Boolean
method SoapBodyUseReset()
method SoapBodyUseSet(value As %String = "") as %Status
method SoapMessageNameIsDefined() as %Boolean
method SoapMessageNameReset()
method SoapMessageNameSet(value As %String = "") as %Status
method SoapNameSpaceIsDefined() as %Boolean
method SoapNameSpaceReset()
method SoapNameSpaceSet(value As %String = "") as %Status
method SoapRequestMessageIsDefined() as %Boolean
method SoapRequestMessageReset()
method SoapRequestMessageSet(value As %String = "") as %Status
method SoapTypeNameSpaceIsDefined() as %Boolean
method SoapTypeNameSpaceReset()
method SoapTypeNameSpaceSet(value As %String = "") as %Status
method SqlNameIsDefined() as %Boolean
method SqlNameReset()
method SqlNameSet(value As %String = "") as %Status
method SqlProcIsDefined() as %Boolean
method SqlProcReset()
method SqlProcSet(value As %String = "") as %Status
method SqlRoutineIsDefined() as %Boolean
method SqlRoutineReset()
method SqlRoutineSet(value As %String = "") as %Status
method WebMethodIsDefined() as %Boolean
method WebMethodReset()
method WebMethodSet(value As %String = "") as %Status
method ZenMethodIsDefined() as %Boolean
method ZenMethodReset()
method ZenMethodSet(value As %String = "") as %Status
classmethod parentOnDelete(id As %String, concurrency As %Integer) as %Status


index (IDKEY on Name) [IdKey, Type = key];
Index methods: IDKEYCheck(), IDKEYDelete(), IDKEYExists(), IDKEYOpen(), IDKEYSQLCheckUnique(), IDKEYSQLExists(), IDKEYSQLFindPKeyByConstraint(), IDKEYSQLFindRowIDByConstraint()


trigger OnDelete (BEFORE event DELETE);
trigger OnInsertUpdate (BEFORE event INSERT/UPDATE);

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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