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persistent class %Dictionary.PackageDefinition extends %Library.Persistent, %Dictionary.PackageDefinitionQuery

SQL Table Name: %Dictionary.PackageDefinition

This class represents a specific package description contained within the Class Dictionary.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property ClientName as %RawString;
A string containing the client name for the package.
Property methods: ClientNameGet(), ClientNameIsValid(), ClientNameSet()
property Description as %RawString;
A string containing the description of the package.
Property methods: DescriptionGet(), DescriptionIsValid(), DescriptionSet()
property GlobalPrefix as %RawString;
A string containing the global prefix of the package, used for data, id, and index locations.
Property methods: GlobalPrefixGet(), GlobalPrefixIsValid(), GlobalPrefixSet()
property Name as %RawString;
A string containing the name of the package.
Property methods: NameGet(), NameIsValid(), NameSet()
property OwnerName as %RawString;
A string containing the Owner's name of the package.
Property methods: OwnerNameGet(), OwnerNameIsValid(), OwnerNameSet()
property RtnPrefix as %RawString;
A string containing the routine prefix of the package.
Property methods: RtnPrefixGet(), RtnPrefixIsValid(), RtnPrefixSet()
property SQLName as %RawString;
A string containing the SQL name of the package.
Property methods: SQLNameGet(), SQLNameIsValid(), SQLNameSet()
property list as %ListOfDataTypes [ Transient ];
Property methods: listGet(), listGetObject(), listGetObjectId(), listGetSwizzled(), listIsEmpty(), listIsValid(), listNewObject(), listSet(), listSetObject(), listSetObjectId(), listUnSwizzle()


classmethod GetPackageList() as %ListOfDataTypes


index (IDKEY on ) [IdKey, Type = key];
Index methods: IDKEYCheck(), IDKEYDelete(), IDKEYExists(), IDKEYOpen(), IDKEYSQLCheckUnique(), IDKEYSQLExists(), IDKEYSQLFindPKeyByConstraint(), IDKEYSQLFindRowIDByConstraint()

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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