abstract class %Dictionary.LegacyQuery
This class contains SQL queries to replace old queries in %Library.ClassDefinition et al. classes.Queries
query CompiledIndexInfo(pClassName As %String)
Selects Name As %String, Attributes As %String, Type As %String, PrimaryKey As %Integer, Unique As %Integer
SQL Query:
SELECT Name, Properties AS Attributes, CASE WHEN IdKey = 1 THEN 'idkey' WHEN Extent = 1 THEN 'extent' ELSE Type END AS Type, PrimaryKey, _Unique FROM %Dictionary.CompiledIndex WHERE parent = :pClassName
SELECT Name, Properties AS Attributes, CASE WHEN IdKey = 1 THEN 'idkey' WHEN Extent = 1 THEN 'extent' ELSE Type END AS Type, PrimaryKey, _Unique FROM %Dictionary.CompiledIndex WHERE parent = :pClassName
This query is to supersede query %Library.CompiledClass:IndexInfo
query CompiledPropertyInfo(pClassName As %String)
SQL Query:
SELECT CompiledProperty.Name AS PropertyName, CASE WHEN TypeClass.ClassType = 'datatype' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS Datatype, CompiledProperty.Type, CompiledProperty.Collection, coalesce(%Dictionary.GetParameterValue(CompiledProperty.Parameters, 'CAPTION'), CompiledProperty.Name) AS Caption, CASE WHEN TypeClass.ClassType = 'serial' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS Serial, CASE WHEN CompiledProperty.Calculated = 0 THEN 1 WHEN ( SetMethod.Runnable <> 0 OR SetMethod.Stub IS NOT NULL ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS Editable, %Dictionary.GetParameterValue(CompiledProperty.Parameters, 'MAXLEN') AS MaxLen, CompiledProperty.Required, CASE WHEN TypeClass.ClassType = 'stream' THEN TypeClass.ClientDataType ELSE NULL END AS Stream FROM %Dictionary.CompiledProperty AS CompiledProperty LEFT OUTER JOIN %Dictionary.CompiledMethod AS SetMethod ON CompiledProperty.Parent = SetMethod.Parent AND SetMethod.Name = ( CompiledProperty.Name || 'Set' ) LEFT OUTER JOIN %Dictionary.CompiledClass AS TypeClass ON CompiledProperty.Type = TypeClass.Name WHERE CompiledProperty.parent = :pClassName AND CompiledProperty.Private = 0
SELECT CompiledProperty.Name AS PropertyName, CASE WHEN TypeClass.ClassType = 'datatype' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS Datatype, CompiledProperty.Type, CompiledProperty.Collection, coalesce(%Dictionary.GetParameterValue(CompiledProperty.Parameters, 'CAPTION'), CompiledProperty.Name) AS Caption, CASE WHEN TypeClass.ClassType = 'serial' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS Serial, CASE WHEN CompiledProperty.Calculated = 0 THEN 1 WHEN ( SetMethod.Runnable <> 0 OR SetMethod.Stub IS NOT NULL ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS Editable, %Dictionary.GetParameterValue(CompiledProperty.Parameters, 'MAXLEN') AS MaxLen, CompiledProperty.Required, CASE WHEN TypeClass.ClassType = 'stream' THEN TypeClass.ClientDataType ELSE NULL END AS Stream FROM %Dictionary.CompiledProperty AS CompiledProperty LEFT OUTER JOIN %Dictionary.CompiledMethod AS SetMethod ON CompiledProperty.Parent = SetMethod.Parent AND SetMethod.Name = ( CompiledProperty.Name || 'Set' ) LEFT OUTER JOIN %Dictionary.CompiledClass AS TypeClass ON CompiledProperty.Type = TypeClass.Name WHERE CompiledProperty.parent = :pClassName AND CompiledProperty.Private = 0
This query is to supersede query %Library.CompiledProperty:PropertyInfo
query CompiledQueryInfo(pClassName As %String)