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persistent class %Dictionary.ParameterDefinition extends %Library.Persistent, %Dictionary.ParameterDefinitionQuery

SQL Table Name: %Dictionary.ParameterDefinition

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter SQLENABLED = 1;


property Abstract as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Specifies whether this is an abstract parameter.
Property methods: AbstractDisplayToLogical(), AbstractGet(), AbstractIsValid(), AbstractLogicalToDisplay(), AbstractNormalize()
property Constraint as %RawString [ SqlFieldName = _Constraint ];
Specifies a constraint value used by Studio to provide input validation for the parameter. Its value is not used nor enforced by the Class Compiler.
Property methods: ConstraintGet(), ConstraintIsValid()
property Default as %RawString [ SqlFieldName = _Default ];
Specifies a default value for the parameter assuming the Expression keyword is blank.
Property methods: DefaultGet(), DefaultIsValid()
property Deprecated as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
True if this parameter is deprecated.
Property methods: DeprecatedDisplayToLogical(), DeprecatedGet(), DeprecatedIsValid(), DeprecatedLogicalToDisplay(), DeprecatedNormalize()
property Description as %RawString;
Specifies a description of the parameter.
Property methods: DescriptionGet(), DescriptionIsValid()
property Encoded as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
If true then the parameter value is base64 encoded.
Property methods: EncodedDisplayToLogical(), EncodedGet(), EncodedIsValid(), EncodedLogicalToDisplay(), EncodedNormalize()
property Expression as %RawString;
An expression to seed parameter with evaluated at compile time, if specified this takes precedence over the Default keyword.
Property methods: ExpressionGet(), ExpressionIsValid()
property Final as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Specifies that subclasses cannot override the definition of the parameter.
Property methods: FinalDisplayToLogical(), FinalGet(), FinalIsValid(), FinalLogicalToDisplay(), FinalNormalize()
property Flags as %RawString;
Specifies any additional modifier flags for the parameter type.
Property methods: FlagsGet(), FlagsIsValid()
property Internal as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
If true, then do not display this item in automatic documentation.
Property methods: InternalDisplayToLogical(), InternalGet(), InternalIsValid(), InternalLogicalToDisplay(), InternalNormalize()
property Name as %Dictionary.Identifier [ Required ];
The name of the parameter.
Property methods: NameGet(), NameIsValid()
property SequenceNumber as %Integer [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Property methods: SequenceNumberDisplayToLogical(), SequenceNumberGet(), SequenceNumberIsValid(), SequenceNumberLogicalToDisplay(), SequenceNumberNormalize()
property Type as %RawString;
Specifies a type for the parameter. The type is used by Studio to provide input validation for the parameter.
Property methods: TypeGet(), TypeIsValid()
relationship parent as %Dictionary.ClassDefinition [ Required , Inverse = Parameters , Cardinality = parent ];
Pointer to the containing parent object
Property methods: parentGet(), parentGetObject(), parentGetObjectId(), parentGetSwizzled(), parentIsValid(), parentNewObject(), parentRClose(), parentRExec(), parentRFetch(), parentRelate(), parentSQLCompute(), parentSet(), parentSetObject(), parentSetObjectId(), parentUnRelate(), parentUnSwizzle()


classmethod %Exists(oid As %ObjectIdentity) as %Boolean
Inherited description: Checks to see if the object identified by the OID oid exists in the extent.

Returns %Boolean TRUE if it exists, FALSE if it does not.

classmethod %LockId(id As %String, shared As %Boolean = 0, timeout As %Integer) as %Status
Inherited description: Obtain an exclusive or shared lock on the object identified by id. The type of lock obtained is determined by shared. This method is normally generated by the storage class for persistent classes using %Storage.Persistent or %Storage.SQL.
classmethod %UnlockId(id As %String, shared As %Boolean = 0, immediate As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
Inherited description: Release an exclusive or shared lock on the object identified by id. The type of lock released is determined by shared. If this method is not overridden then the default implementation returns an error. This method is normally generated by the storage class for persistent classes using %Storage.Persistent or %Storage.SQL.
method AbstractIsDefined() as %Boolean
method AbstractReset()
method AbstractSet(value As %String = "") as %Status
method ConstraintIsDefined() as %Boolean
method ConstraintReset()
method ConstraintSet(value As %String = "") as %Status
method DefaultIsDefined() as %Boolean
method DefaultReset()
method DefaultSet(value As %String = "") as %Status
method DeprecatedIsDefined() as %Boolean
method DeprecatedReset()
method DeprecatedSet(value As %String = "") as %Status
method DescriptionIsDefined() as %Boolean
method DescriptionReset()
method DescriptionSet(value As %String = "") as %Status
method EncodedIsDefined() as %Boolean
method EncodedReset()
method EncodedSet(value As %String = "") as %Status
method ExpressionIsDefined() as %Boolean
method ExpressionReset()
method ExpressionSet(value As %String = "") as %Status
method FinalIsDefined() as %Boolean
method FinalReset()
method FinalSet(value As %String = "") as %Status
method FlagsIsDefined() as %Boolean
method FlagsReset()
method FlagsSet(value As %String = "") as %Status
method InternalIsDefined() as %Boolean
method InternalReset()
method InternalSet(value As %String = "") as %Status
method NameIsDefined() as %Boolean
method NameReset()
method NameSet(value As %String = "") as %Status
method SequenceNumberIsDefined() as %Boolean
method SequenceNumberReset()
method SequenceNumberSet(value As %String = "") as %Status
method TypeIsDefined() as %Boolean
method TypeReset()
method TypeSet(value As %String = "") as %Status
classmethod parentOnDelete(id As %String, concurrency As %Integer) as %Status


index (IDKEY on Name) [IdKey, Type = key];
Index methods: IDKEYCheck(), IDKEYDelete(), IDKEYExists(), IDKEYOpen(), IDKEYSQLCheckUnique(), IDKEYSQLExists(), IDKEYSQLFindPKeyByConstraint(), IDKEYSQLFindRowIDByConstraint()


trigger OnDelete (AFTER event DELETE);
trigger OnInsertUpdate (BEFORE event INSERT/UPDATE);

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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