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Raises MultiValue dynamic array delimiters to next level.




Argument Description
dynarray Any valid MultiValue dynamic array.


The $MVRAISE function returns a MultiValue dynamic array with its delimiters converted to the next higher-level delimiters. For example, @SM subvalue mark delimiters become @VM value mark delimiters. When a delimiter cannot be raised any further, it is returned unchanged.

The available levels, in ascending order, are: CHAR(250); @TM (CHAR(251)); @SM (CHAR(252)); @VM (CHAR(253)); @FM (CHAR(254)); and @IM (CHAR(255)).

The ObjectScript $MVRAISE function corresponds to the Cache MultiValue Basic RAISE function. The $MVLOWER function performs the opposite operation, lowering the level of dynamic array delimiters to the next lower level.


The following example uses the $MVRAISE function to convert dynamic array delimiters to the next higher level. It then uses the $MVLOWER function to reverse this operation:

  SET numvm="123"_$CHAR(253)_"456"_$CHAR(253)_"789"
  ZZDUMP numvm       /* Returns 123v456v789 */
  SET numraise=$MVRAISE(numvm)
  ZZDUMP numraise    /* Returns 123f456f789 */
  SET numlower=$MVLOWER(numraise)
  ZZDUMP numlower    /* Returns 123v456v789 */

See Also

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