PROC Commands
- + – Adds an integer to a field in the input buffer.
- - – Subtracts an integer from a field in the input buffer.
- ( – Transfers execution to another PROC, no return.
- [ – Transfers execution to another PROC, then returns.
- A – Copies a field from the input buffer to the output buffer.
- B – Moves the input buffer pointer backwards.
- BO – Moves the output buffer pointer backwards.
- C – Specifies a single-line comment.
- D – Displays a field from the input buffer.
- F – Moves the input buffer pointer forward.
- FB, FBU – Opens a file and reads a record into the fast file buffer.
- F-CLEAR – Clears the file buffer.
- F-DELETE – Deletes the file buffer oref.
- F-FREE – Frees the lock on a specified item in the file buffer.
- F-KLOSE – Closes the file buffer.
- F-OPEN – Opens a file and assigns it to a file buffer.
- F-READ – Reads a record into a file buffer.
- F-UREAD – Reads a record into a file buffer and applies an update lock.
- F-WRITE – Writes a record from the file buffer to the file.
- GO – Go to a label.
- GOSUB – Go to a label with option to return.
- H – Adds a string to the output buffer.
- IF, IFN – Conditionally executes a command.
- IH, IBH – Inserts a string into the active input buffer.
- IN, IBN – Reads input from the user terminal into the SIB.
- IP, IBP – Reads input from the user terminal into a specified buffer or select list.
- IS, IBS – Prompts for input.
- M – Marks a location in the PROC.
- MV – Moves a value into a buffer or select list.
- MVA – Adds an element to a dynamic array.
- MVD – Deletes an element from a buffer.
- O – Outputs to the terminal.
- P, PH, PP, PW, PX – Executes a command from the primary output buffer.
- Q – Quits PROC execution.
- RI – Reinitializes the input buffers.
- RO – Reinitializes the output buffers.
- RSUB – Returns to the GOSUB statement.
- S – Sets a pointer in the active input buffer.
- SP – Activates the primary input buffer.
- SS – Activates the secondary input buffer.
- STOFF – Deactivates secondary output buffer (the stack).
- STON – Activates secondary output buffer (the stack).
- T – Displays to the Terminal.
- TR – Activates trace processing for PROC debugging.
- U – (Not recommended) Branches to a user exit.
- X – Exits on error and returns to the calling environment.