An Insert
The following method inserts a row into the Contact table. It uses CacheCommand and two CacheParameter instances: one representing Name and the other ContactType.
public void InsertContact(string name, string type)
string sql = "Insert into Provider.Contact(Name,ContactType) Values(?,?)";
CacheCommand command= new CacheCommand(sql, cnCache);
CacheParameter name_param = new CacheParameter();
name_param.CacheDbType = CacheDbType.NVarChar;
name_param.ParameterName = "Name";
name_param.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
name_param.Value = name;
CacheParameter type_param = new CacheParameter();
type_param.CacheDbType = CacheDbType.NVarChar;
type_param.ParameterName = "ContactType";
type_param.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
type_param.Value = type;
int rows = command.ExecuteNonQuery();
Console.WriteLine("{0} rows updated", rows);
catch(CacheException e){}
Note that cnCache represents an open CacheConnection object.